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  1. I am so glad to hear that others feel the same way about LOF. We just breezed through Fractions in less than a week. Just doesn't seem like any substance. I read somewhere that it was recommended by gifted sites because there is no repetition. My son wants to read the book because he loves the story. So I agree it can be good as a reward after math has been learned. The review said the calculus book was equivalent to 2 years of calculus, which surprised me. I am working on using multiple math sources to ensure that he doesn't miss anything. Sometimes the abbreviations are hard to understand, but I am learning.
  2. I do not use a math curriculum. I have worksheets from different sources and use Khan Academy to fill in the missing pieces and because my son loves it. I have been altering my approach and putting "fun" into math. I broke down and spent my first $ on hs last month (in order to get free shipping on another purchase). Less than $30 for an edward Zaccaro and 2 Cleo Borac books. These books teach strategy on solving more difficult problems and are so well written as fun. I give daily puzzles, mind twisters, tricky problems. There is so much out out there for math worksheets and you tube videos. I suggest you try it without curriculum. Worst case you have to buy it later on.
  3. Thanks for the threads. I just bought Borac and Zaccaro books and have completed one lesson each. I think I will just stick with them for now.
  4. Has anyone used Hard Math for Elemetary? I came across this article and am curious about it. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2013/hard-math-glenn-ellison.html
  5. am glad he isn't any further ahead than he is. I just asked ds's his perspective, and he also says he is glad he isn't further ahead. I asked him why and he said.....his ability to deal with pressure for the classes and workload, ability to relate to peers in class (he is currently physics 367 and 303 and the kids in his classes range in age from 19 - 28 and he also has multiple math credits) and it impacts the way his age peers relate to him. He says it puts you in no man's land with a difficulty for anyone to relate to you. If he were younger, he feels like socially it would be harder. He thinks being older and more mature has made him be able to adapt to the situations where he wouldn't have been able to when he was younger. He says he is really glad we spent more time spreading wide, Age and maturity is child dependent My 19 yo is taking 600 level physics classes and is fitting in great in college. He is tutoring and an RA. He was always more mature than his peers, friends with kids older than him.
  6. 8yo answering a science question about if man evolved. He says "I need to know what religion the writer believes in before he can answer it.
  7. I hid my chocolate after I caught my DH eating it. My 19 yo is gifted and doing great-a lot of hard fought battles with schools. Now my 8yo I am sure is gifted and I feel I am forced to homeschool against my desires because of lack of school rigor. I don't want to do battle this time around. I feel I spend way too much time looking for materials to satisfy him. This semester I decided to skip all traditional schoolwork and am doing Big History and computer programing, sccratch code.org etc. When I feel I need alone time, I make him do Khan Academy math online. He has read so many books that I have to track on excel. The library has been a godsend. I want him to return to school but can't see a scenario that he won't be so far ahead of his peers. I hate teaching writing and language and am lucky he seems to naturally get it. I want to brag about him and yet I hate that he is gifted. I am forced to learn beside him and at times I love it. It is just so exhausting mentally. There is so few that can relate to locally.
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