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Everything posted by hsingscrapper

  1. Texting with my sister found me a solution to the magnet letter tiles and board issue. We are going to be using OPGTTR for Mr. Picky Pants when the time comes. I feel silly for not seeing that on my own. We bought it last year. It will work. Right??
  2. Is making them an option? It would help to know what you want on them. My son made a t-shirt in a free camp put on by the library. They handed him the shirt and let him go to town with colored Sharpies and then sprayed it thoroughly with rubbing alcohol and let dry in the sunshine. The color bleeds and looks like airbrush/tie dye depending on the child's ability and inclination. They used sunshine as they didn't have a dryer handy. Dry first to set the color. And I second the name warning.
  3. Fury just started WWS is not (yet) intimidated by it. Dragon will most likely end up using it. I don't know if that makes a difference.
  4. I just checked some of the videos. I need to order the rods from Rainbow Resource. Help me decide which set to get, please?
  5. I have some pattern blocks but not a whole set. I have some unifex cubes but not a whole set. I am contemplating cuisenaire rods and perhaps something else. What is your most-grade friendly non-consumable math manipulative?
  6. If your grill has a cover, you can use it as an oven. Dh says to use indirect grilling. Turn on one half of your grill and let it go with the lid down for like you would an oven. Then put your dish on the unheated side and put the lid down. Medium heat would be similar to a 350 oven. Hope this helps! You may have to adjust your times. An easier method is buy a toaster oven. It could be handy when your kiddos start cooking. ETA: wrapping fish in banana leaves or using cedar planks for your fish could help it to not stick
  7. I did shush him. I do understand that little ones are impulsive. However, I have instilled in my boys that anything less than acting like a gentleman in public has consequences. I start this training early before I even start potty training. I was expected as a child to act like a young lady in a restaurant or social gatherings. There was a time to be rambunctious and public events was *not* it.
  8. What about soy cheese? I've seen shreds at our local co-op.
  9. My nieces have gluten issues. The oldest was recently found to have IBS. They had to dig deeper as the gf diet wasn't helping as much. My point is to have your doc thoroughly check the girls for the full extent of issues.
  10. We are currently using FLL 3 for Dragon (9yo) and will be ordering FLL 4 from Rainbow Resource. I am debating on different writing programs. WWE, Writing Strands, or ____The Deck. I am open to other ideas so long as I can order it from Rainbow. Did I mention FLL 3 is easy for him? Laughing at Mom easy?
  11. I can share what works here. I only have 3 boys. First, we hope for naptime. If we get it, we're golden. Assuming we are all awake, I set the youngest up with cheerios in his seat. Both boys start their math. Fury fares okay solo and interjects a question if he's stuck. I work with Dragon on his math. Dragon starts FLL before Fury finishes math. We do the lesson and then he is off to read. Then I work with Fury on his writing. In short, start your bigs on their most independent subjects while you work with your littles. Be available for the bigs and save their tough stuff for when your littles finish their work. Perhaps making Friday your art and science day would help?
  12. I have a position of a different understanding. Please forgive me if this seems harsh. I am a recovering addict. I also have a mom who won't let me forget the bad times. Stop enabling her. Stop letting her rent space in your head. Send her birthday and holiday cards if that is your desire. Put the ball in her court. You have paid your dues. If she calls, be civil with her and celebrate good things. If she gets undesirable with you then it's time to hang up. Perhaps stick to written communication (texts, email, snail mail) for a while. You said she's bipolar? Definitely keep a copy whenever possible. I have a bipolar cousin. Sometimes they need "reminding" of what was said. Written proof whenever possible. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'll be praying for you. Keep us posted, sweetie.
  13. I'm lucky to have pro-homeschooling doctors. It makes scheduling less of a nightmare.
  14. Dragon watched the 4yo do the hitting. He wasn't loud but he didn't whisper, either. The gma didn't hear him. You should have seen how wide his eyes got!
  15. In Dragon's defense: I have instilled in my boys, as has my dh, that hitting any female, except in self-defense, is absolutely unacceptable behavior. He, semi-unfortunately, has zero filter when it comes to witnessing wrong doing. We are working on that. Ironically, he's got a short temper when it comes to his older brother.
  16. The boy was 4. I said he was cute (before he hit her) and asked how old. He tried to fib 5 and she corrected him. After my initial post, he hit her again, chewed on her coat, and pinched her and she then tried to get the parents to do something. Don't even get me started on the failed attempt at bribery the dad attempted to use.
  17. And she didn't say anything to him nor did his parents do anything. They just let him ask a complete stranger for a piece of gum! I am on the bus with Dragon and he is floored by this! He actually said "At least I know not to hit a lady." And he wasn't exactly whispering. It never ceases to amaze me how some people can let their children act like this.
  18. I know it's late but what about a tiara for her and a crown for him? Even just a simple gold color band around his head would work.
  19. :grouphug: BTDT You have my happy thoughts and prayers, sweetie.
  20. But all I have to spend is a hardship donation with them.
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