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Everything posted by hsingscrapper

  1. He has started batting at his diaper when he pees and, um, aggressively(?), sits down when he has to poo. I've been watching this behavior for about two weeks and just now figured it out. Now I just need him to say something *before* he pees instead of batting his diaper *after* the fact! :lol: And he's figured out how to take the diaper off. Just stands there with his stuff hanging out and a huge grin on his face!! :lol:
  2. Thank you. I answered what I could briefly and he seems close. I'll have to look again after school.
  3. I threw out the potty chair when my 9yo trained. Wasn't expecting another. So what are your favorite seats or chairs for boys? There are so many it makes my head spin!!
  4. I'm not sure if this is on the right board so bear with me. My little guy just turned 2. He knows his letters for the most part and is learning his numbers. He pronounces "w" as double-m-m even though we try to correct him. His vocabulary is still limited. He also says "m" for "n". He hunts for letters, too. "Where's the F?" or "Where's the O?" We keep PBS on the tv almost always or we have leap frog dvds going. So how do you tell gifted from mimic?
  5. I love Tupperware for food storage but don't have the budget for it. And it's not big enough for the 20+ pound bags I'd like to buy. I had thought about the liners and buckets idea I saw in an emergency preparedness catalog but dislike the idea of ordering online. I prefer to buy local whenever possible to save local jobs. I would like to know what you all use for bulk storage of staples like rice, flours, sugar, and the like.
  6. Sugar-free chocolates http://www.debrand.com/shop/sugar-free-chocolates.cfm Not sure of your budget but I can honestly say their regular chocolates are out of this world!! I've gotten them for gifts. They ship world-wide.
  7. Pray for me to resist the urge to call Rainbow Resource about my hardship application. Pray for me to have patience with my children as I am beginning to feel under the weather. My throat feels a bit raw when I swallow. Pray for me to power through when I just want to hide and not be bothered by anybody. What do you all do on days like this?
  8. Turn the polos that are stained into shopping bags. There's an Instructable for that . . . As for shopping with my boys, I don't do it. The clothes just get bought and they deal.
  9. What if you did a search for diabetic-friendly cookies? It might just be a matter of subbing in Splenda (etc) for the sugar or you might get other ideas for suitable sweets. Good luck! Let us know what you end up doing! And don't forget to write down the recipe for her so she knows what's in them.
  10. Make sure to look for the cookbooks written to go with the main book.
  11. Not everyone was mean to me so I would be going to see them. It's the ones that were mean to me that may or may not be in jeopardy. I went to K-12 school and put up with it for 13 years. Our class numbered 30 in Kindergarten and we were only 17 by our senior year. Every time my parents spoke up, things only got worse. :glare:
  12. :iagree: I didn't have the best experience in high school. He would be there for *their* protection.
  13. They have other models on their site but I was looking at the walmart one.
  14. I hadn't thought about psoriasis. I actually love the smell of tea tree oil. I just don't like the price tag. My guys are fine with the $1-$2 a bottle stuff from walmart so I feel bad about wanting to get it. They would want to use it, too. Is it possible to make a tea tree (or something equally astringent, maybe ginger?) from scratch without breaking the bank?
  15. :grouphug::grouphug: Know that you are not alone. My 13yo and 9yo boys do the same thing. The 2yo looks at them both like they're crazy and I end up falling off my chair laughing as the little guy goes "not nice" in his toddler voice. They either end up in the corner, cleaning the kitchen, or scrubbing the toilet!! :lol: :lol:
  16. I rinse and cook like rice. I used it once in place of noodles with beef and gravy. Soooo good!! You could also use it in place of couscous if you need a gluten-free replacement.
  17. Are you at least having an antibiotic being called in for you? If so, your dentist may be waiting for that to do it's work. Some dentists won't do anything until an infection is cleared up to prevent the possibility of it hitting your bloodstream.
  18. It's very embarrassing but I'm 38 and instead of flaking off, it sticks to my head. Tea tree shampoo and conditioner have helped in the past but is really pricey to get the good stuff and not just the scented stuff with no real power to it. I have noticed that some of you make your own. Is that the way to go? Are there any newbie-friendly recipes? If not, what would you do instead? So embarrassing . . . :blushing:
  19. Splenda is sooooo not my friend!! My dh thinks I'm crazy for even entertaining the idea of a soda stream. He says we can just use sparkling water and mix with juice. :confused: I think he's just looking at the initial price tag and and not the long term benefits. I wish he would rethink things.
  20. I have the set of math books from Rainbow, too. Where do you find the workbooks? What are they called? They might be helpful to go with the books.
  21. I do love potatoes! That being said, my guys aren't as enamoured of them as I am. I often fix frozen mixed veggies like a carribean or riviera blend, not your typical mire poix style mix.
  22. Do any of you own one of these? I'm wondering if they are worth it? Do you notice any savings? My other wondering is that I came across a recipe for homemade ginger ale that calls for 4 cups of "soda stream seltzer". Kroger has a generic for both seltzer and carbonated water. Is there a difference between the two? I've used the carbonated water with. Liquid juice concentrates from Schwan's before and it's yummy! (Discovered it as a soda alternative when I was prego with ds3 and getting harped at about soda intake. The. Bubbles worked wonders for morning sickness.) On another note, do you think the crystal light style drink mixes would work with either the seltzer or the carbonated water?
  23. Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Another thing that's helped me is the Serenity prayer. I'll share it on request.
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