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Everything posted by hsingscrapper

  1. :lurk5: I grew up in the sticks. My grandmother had a good sized garden and my great-aunt had dairy cows. I would love to move to the country. I'll be watching. Keep us posted.
  2. Prayers on the way. As for "calm down"? I would be dragging my dh by his ear or hair or "jewels" if necessary. I've learned just reaching for them with urgency gets me results!!
  3. I tell mine if he won't go for himself, then do it for the boys and myself. If that doesn't work, his mom (super nurse, just shy of a masters in nursing) gets called and she *will* drag him to the car and the hospital. Did I mention she's former military? I just threaten him with a call to his parents . . . :lol: :lol:
  4. Thank you! I've often wondered if you get grounds in your cup with one of these.
  5. Do share the details. I've had to replace our coffee pot 3 times in the last year because someone (oldest ds) broke the carafe or it stopped working. We are *not* fans of instant coffee at all.
  6. He's not working atm. He's been looking but not everyday. We went from $25K to nothing. I figure when he's not job hunting, he could be helping. Right? I know it's disheartening for him to put himself out there and come back empty-handed. I thought, perhaps mistakenly, that sharing what he knows and what he's good at would be helpful for his ego.
  7. I would work through at least the first half of OPGTR and then we used MCP Spelling Workout.
  8. Thank you. That is a lot of reading. Does it cost for testing?
  9. I know we have some guys here on the boards. I really would appreciate your point of view on this. My beloved is on board with the idea of homeschooling. He and I are of different view points on approach. I'm a 3 R's and haven't had the attention span to do as much as. I would like. He is very drill baby drill. Here is my problem. I need help, from him, getting history, science, and art done. He is the history buff and visual artist. (I prefer more tactile art like scrapbooking and jewelry-making.) He's said he would help but when I ask him when, I get procrastination. He doesn't hesitate to imply that I'm slacking because I don't teach the way he thinks I should and has offered that as his excuse for not helping me. Is there something I'm missing in my approach?
  10. I posted a few days ago and was pointed to a quick "test" to help me determine if our youngest is gifted. The results were inconclusive. On a whim, I did it for the older two and our 9yo came up as potentially gifted. I always wondered why he is the way he is and why he tests my patience. Sometimes his intuitiveness amazes me and other times, it's nowhere to be found. Help!!
  11. I'm a cobbler of sorts. I have a mainstay frying pan that's about 12 inches with a lid, a 10-inch Orgreenic for eggs and small saute jobs, a cast-iron grill/griddle that covers two burners, and a 3-qt Princess House "chef's pan" (sauce pan) that is my pasta/rice workhorse. I would love to own a full decent set and am personally torn between Le Crueset, Lodge (cast iron, hoo-ahh), and All-Clad. I'll second the pp who said to check America's Test Kitchen for reviews. Good luck and let us know what you pick. Black Friday may be a good day to get cookware dirt cheap.
  12. We don't have much scheduled other than youth group for Fury once a month. Once school is done, their time is their own. Great motivator to do their work and not dilly dally is they get screen time. When we instituted that, it was like someone lit a fire under them!!
  13. Kinda makes you wish FLL went past Level 4, doesn't it?
  14. Grade for grade which would you pick? What criteria would you base it on?
  15. :iagree: This. A thousand times this. If you want a little more of a good scent on your carpets, then I would look at Dollar General or Family Dollar or even a dollar store and get one of the scented carpet deodorizers. At most, maybe $3? You don't have to actually burn a candle. Buy the scented votives, tarts, or tea lights and leave them around the house. The good ones will give of their scent just sitting. Just make sure they're out of reach of tots and critters.
  16. My oldest has since, um, filled out. When he was younger, my mil would buy him "slims" from jcpenney or sears. He was really skinny for his height and is still skinny but not needing slim pants anymore.
  17. If there is anyone in Fort Wayne or within driving distance willing to meet for coffee, please speak up. I could really use an hour or two with like-minded people face-to-face. Anybody interested?
  18. I understand wanting a curriculum to work for everybody. We have that problem with mathin our house. The boys can use the same thing for everything else but math. Fury gets distracted (yes still at 13) by pictures on his math pages. If there are pictures, they have to have something to do with the task at hand. So he needs a plain-jane approach to math. Dragon gets distracted during math if there aren't pictures so he needs something more colorful than his brother. As a mom, I still prefer relevant pictures on the page. I'm curious as to what kind of learner my youngest will be. So far, he reminds me more of Dragon than Fury. But I would try tweaking what you have before buying new.
  19. Do you have your dc do them? I assigned a paragraph yesterday. Told them I wanted: 1) The name of the book, 2) The author's name, 3) Tell who the main characters are, 4) What did you like about the book? And 5) What did you dislike about the book? (If anything) Fury handed me a paragraph :) and Dragon handed me a list. :glare: I was too miserable and sleepy to redirect Dragon and sent him towards Dh.
  20. I'm going to echo and summarize what some of the pps have said: eat a variety of foods, stick to serving sizes, and don't deny yourself. I heard somewhere that a 1 ounce piece of dark chocolate per day can help with cravings for sweets. Above all else, talk to your doctor and have your thyroid and blood sugar checked. Hypothyroid can present as diabetes in terms of weight issues and constant thirst. Good luck and keep us posted!!
  21. :lurk5: My 9yo ds is this way. He wants to please everyone and feels horrible if even one little thing is off.
  22. I had a friend in job corps who had a form of epilepsy with seizures similar to that. Her face would go blank *and* ghost white. She wouldn't flop around but acted more like a misdirected windup toy. Prior to seeing her first seizure, I asked her the best way to care for her if I had to. I would check with a neurologist to see if it may be a teen-onset epilepsy.
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