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Everything posted by hsingscrapper

  1. I applied for the hardship donation. Hoping we get it! Times like this can be very disheartening. :(
  2. Still waiting for a call from Rainbow Resource. The waiting is driving me nutzoid!! Just had to share. *sigh*
  3. Lion King 1 1/2! "Hey Pumba!" "Yes, Timone?" "What do you call a hyena with half a brain?" "Gee, I don't know, Timone. What *do* you call a hyena with half a brain?" Timone laughing, "Gifted!!" I love that joke!!
  4. Let's pretend you were just starting out and needed to outfit your kitchen . . . What would you put into it? Please share brands if you have a preference. I'm also looking for organizational ideas as I don't have a pantry and our kitchen is only 8x9 and that is wall to wall. My drawers are too skinny for traditional flatware holders.
  5. I was thinking of keeping expensive/sentimental/stoneware and "simplifying" the rest of it. I have thought about doing the same to my clothes as most are too small and/or falling apart.
  6. Prior to him starting the diagramming part of the lesson (in CGE), I showed him the models and when to use them. The first three skeletons were drawn for him and they were all the same (compound subject and verb). I was called away to deal with Mr. Picky Pants and he continued working. He had used the exact same skeleton for every sentence and became very upset with me when I came back and corrected him. And I, being frustrated with prior lessons and his behavior, screamed at him. I feel like I gave in to something easier. It's not a good feeling.
  7. Would you, in a fit of disgust, pitch everything in your kitchen and start over? Keep the stoneware and certain cookware pieces and just pitch the rest? I'm just overwhelmed with pieces missing and lots of other little things. But would you?
  8. But physics is only one lab science. (The most fun for me as a teen) I'm gonna have to suck it up, aren't I?
  9. Still waiting to hear on a blessing and still thinking ahead I am not a fan of experiments, or rather the accompanying mess, and would like a science program where he doesn't *have* to do experiments to understand the concept. It's not just the mess but the cost of supplies. Any ideas? (I know. I'm a sissy.)
  10. How important is it that a 9yo be able to draw a skeleton? Dragon prefers FLL to CGE as FLL3 has the skeletons already in place. He had a very discouraging day with CGE and kept trying to draw the same skeleton for every sentence even if it just needed a simple subject-verb skeleton. He's been exceptionally challenging lately and I *know* he can do the work. He shows off all the time in practical application but balks at written work. He even typed out the opening sequence from Batman Arkham Asylum from memory!! (He wants to write some fan fiction based on it.) He has lots of mechanics errors in the document but that's another story. I don't think I could take another session like yesterday of him crying and me screaming in frustration. Our troubles extend similarly to math. I know he can do it.
  11. :iagree: I was never sheltered as a child from these things. When my grandma was diagnosed, it was very plainly stated we might lose her. I was 8. I watched her fight for 2 years and it was a losing battle. She passed when I was 10. My mom got a phone call and ten minutes later informed my sister and I that she was gone. You have my prayers. Children are often stronger than we give them credit for.
  12. I would prefer a pencil and paper approach for two reasons: 1) we have a tendency to have computers fail us 2) our only internet is on my smartphone (which my mom pays the bill on) That and if the power goes out, they can't get out of school. ;)
  13. Unless you were trying to have a quicker cooking pie overall. Raw taters take way longer to cook than frozen veggies.
  14. So then what would be up to standards and still easy for me to teach? As in something that doesn't require a computer or a lot of know how. I don't want to mess them up. It was my thinking that it would be, if not considered complete by the Hive, then at least a warm-up for them and a refresher for me. I. Am. Terrified. Of. Higher. Math.
  15. I might consider par-cooking them depending on the rest of the recipe and the crust.
  16. I'm waiting to hear on a blessing and thinking ahead. Have any of you used the Key To series for math for your high schooler? What was your experience? If you don't think it's a good idea then what would you suggest? I'm not the brightest bulb beyond algebra and would prefer it not be on the computer.
  17. I'll reiterate my point. Your dc, if attending ps, would not start directly after eating breakfast. There would be a delay for traveling there. I get much less fidgety kids when I give them a half hour or hour after breakfast to play. Any more than that, and I lose them.
  18. When they hit pre-algebra, most books are automatically plain jane, yes?
  19. Here's my problem and I hope the Hive is able to help me find a solution. My boys are as different as night and day in what works for math. Fury needs plain jane and only relevant pictures (=MCP Math or Abeka). Dragon hates plain pages and thrives on color (think Horizons or BJU). This might be a pipe dream but is there a happy medium?
  20. I feel for you. My boys fidgeted at that age. Drove me nuts!! One thing that helped was to let them play for 30-45 minutes between breakfast and school starting. Another option is to take him for a walk. Our grocery store is about 6 blocks one way. Very handy! I think it's impossible for boys that age to sit still but hopefully that helps!!
  21. I feel bad for my assumptions now. I just want to cry. I do believe he's depressed although he would NEVER admit to it. So I know this is changing the thread but how do I help him get out of his funk?
  22. Totally the dad should know! She was getting paid to watch them and waved you off 8without* your info?!?! I have to second the cookies idea and the prompt to get Dad to ask how you met his kiddos.
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