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Everything posted by hsingscrapper

  1. Oh happy day!! Dragon loves to dig and found a math book I forgot I bought for Fury when we pulled him out of the 4th grade. I just need the TE and we are golden!! And some liquid paper/white out as it was an erasable pen period for Fury.
  2. That may be the way to go for Dragon. I am thinking c-rods as we have some other things around the house. I've looked into MEP and just could not find my flow with it.
  3. I saw a soybean "peanut butter" at walmart. I don't remember the name of it, though. Would that help?
  4. English: Saxon or BJU (not sure what I would use after Saxon) Science: I don't know for middle and high school. We are set for elementary science. History: Not sure, really. The boys seem to like workbooks or dvd's.
  5. Fury's math was a blessing. It's Dragon I have to worry about. Fury needs science, history, and (eventually) 8th grade English/grammar. Dragon needs 4th grade grammar and history. He's working at a 3rd grade level in math but we'll need 4th grade. We have science for him. Mr. Picky Pants is good with life but I plan on ordering the magnet board set to go with OPGTTR as he is shaping up to be another early reader like Dragon.
  6. My current budget is $260 after ordering WWS for Fury. Still thinking of 4th grade math for Dragon. We didn't have Fury at home for that year of math. I have a fifth grade abeka math I can erase for him. I am contemplating some cuisenaire rods (especially with the fractions) as a general teaching tool since we still have Mr. Picky Pants coming up through the ranks. I could start a brand new thread on that.
  7. I was reminded of the CK12 Flexbooks and may have them read off the screen until things improve. I can download them with my phone and transfer them to my laptop.
  8. :banghead: Why didn't I think about that? Reading off the screen is not preferable but is better than nothing. :banghead:
  9. I'm looking through Rainbow as we have a credit (hardship donation) to spend with them and no budget to shop elsewhere. Whatever money we get goes for diapers and other paper goods ATM.
  10. I have a middle school chemistry book PDF and a PDF of a physics book but no way to print them. I've tried the reading-off-the-screen routine and it doesn't work for the boys.
  11. How do you do it? I am looking through Rainbow Resource and I am just not seeing it.
  12. I currently have an early Apologia General Science and have been putting it off for lack of supplies. I figured I'd continue it but cost of lab supplies are a factor for us. I almost wish we had the funds to enroll him in a class at the local community college. I feel so overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused.
  13. Pardon the exaggeration as it keeps language "clean". There are a million and one cheap options for elementary subjects. Why? Why? Why does everything (especially science) seem to skyrocket when you hit 7th grade??? Not trying to sound like a whiner but I *need* to understand. It almost sounds like highway robbery right up there with baby stuff because you have to have it. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  14. I know my boys need lab science. I was looking through Rainbow Resource's catalog and thinking ahead. Is $60 the normal range or is there something less expensive that would still fit the bill? OR Is $60 the low end and I need to get comfy with the idea? I am *not* a science-oriented person so will need teaching support or have it written to my son.
  15. Mine wants to earn money by helping the neighbors. Helping the neighbors?!?! Why not help me???
  16. Totally their ideas. We've had games that needed profiles and those are their gamer names. Mr. Picky Pants is because of his food habits. Food "A" is yummy today and soooo *not* happening tomorrow.
  17. Yes. In the chip aisle. I will have to look the next time I'm on the north side of town. I love plain bacon, too!! BLT's are awesome!!
  18. Try seltzer water or other plain carbonated water with fruit juice concentrate. It helped me when I was prego to lay off the soda, mostly.
  19. There was an episode of Dinner:Impossible where Michael Symon did just that. Got the piggie strips good and crispy and then dipped them in chocolate.
  20. I just discovered Parmesan & Garlic ripple chips at Meijer today. Yes indeedy. I found a new fun food! I also want to try chocolate-covered bacon. Yum!! What's yours?
  21. We do have a lot of Spanish speakers as opposed to French. He also cited my cooking habits. I cook a lot of Mexican because it's cheap and gets my spazlings to eat more veggies. I told him French food was expensive and he said something colorful that equated to "rubbish" regarding the price of ingredients for French dishes. :001_huh:
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