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Everything posted by Hyacinth

  1. Thanks for the responses. This is a middle-aged male, concerned not about the efficacy of the shot (seems they all do what they’re supposed to do) but about the feeling cruddy for days and, to a lesser extent because he doesn’t think it’s likely to happen to him, the heart issues. Thanks for the hydration tip, Corraleno!
  2. Or is it one of those individual things? ETA: Would the one-dose J&J be a better option for someone with BIG concerns about side effects?
  3. I don’t get political content from FB, but I am getting a lot of “use this makeup for your tired, aging eyes” and “use this girdle-like thing for your lumpy, large body” and “use this hair styling tool for your mousy, boring hair.”
  4. Isn’t this considered a political (aka not allowed here) conversation? Or did COVID relax that rule?
  5. I’m trying to think of a pop culture reference (movie, tv show) to help describe the word catalyst (not necessarily in the chemical reaction sense, the more general “change agent” meaning). Anyone have anything?
  6. This. I know it's stressful, but it's totally normal for applicants to juggle applications, interviews, and offers. People on the other side of the hiring desk know and expect this. You can say something like, "I appreciate the offer and I'd like to make a decision by Wednesday [or whatever]. Will you please email me a job offer letter so I'm certain about the specifics?"
  7. I suspect it's more about the necessity. For many people, the vaccine is seen as protecting against a future possibility; the treatment is for right now when I obviously need it.
  8. People have very different ideas of what constitutes "fun."
  9. I don't know if it's on the lists, but my son has found those over-the-door hook thingies very handy. One for shower towels and another for a jacket.
  10. Is it true that viruses become weaker as they mutate, or is that one of those “it depends” kind of statements?
  11. If he's just texting, sure. But with lots of non-negotiable rules in place (mom gets to check whenever she wants; no phone in the bedroom; whatever you see fit). The problems, IMHO, come with the next steps: Instagram, Snapchat, Tik-Tok, mindless web surfing. . .
  12. I haven't heard of that one, but I did just have a conversation with someone who became a "distributor" for something she has found very helpful (two weeks in 🙄). I told her I was happy she found something she likes and is seeing results, but that I was not interested in buying, selling, or even trying it. I'm happy with my current habits and products. She didn't push and the conversation moved to another topic easily. Hoping the same for you!
  13. YES! I was telling my boys that I’m sure that my death bed memories will be of “couch time” and the three of us snuggled under a blanket with a stack of picture books and chapter books and giggles and snuggles. Then I started listing the books. Papa Piccolo, Frog and Toad, The Turnip... I’m getting all weepy at the memories. But them? Blank looks. Finally, one says he remembers that after reading, I used to let them watch a few episodes of Kid History on YouTube. Then they started quoting them. “Fact!” “Oceanology!” “Do you get it now?”* This they remember. Hours upon hours sharing classic, beautiful literature? Eh, not so much. *If you know, you know
  14. I think this is going to be an ongoing question for everyone, just as it has been for the past year and a half. Some people will have a higher tolerance for risk than others. Some people will prioritize physical/mental/social/emotional needs differently than others. Some people will be more obnoxious about their choices than others. There is no single right answer that guarantees health and well-being for any one individual nor any community nor the world at large. And that's frustrating, I know.
  15. I think she wants to be able to hide the account. This option would not allow for that.
  16. Yes, you can add cash for free at some retailers. I think Walmart has a Bluebird Visa debit card that allows for this option. There's probably a bunch more but that's one I'm vaguely familiar with. I'm not sure about other fees; that's something for her to research. Bluebird
  17. I think it’s part of the appeal of conspiracy theories. I have “special” knowledge that “they” are trying to keep from us. But I dig deeper and find alternate sources for the REAL truth.
  18. “I’ve done the research and I don’t believe that. So let’s change the subject. Have you tried the potato salad?” (Q folks love the “do your own research” line.)
  19. I completely agree that there are plenty of self-serving and unhelpful people promoting this view. That doesn't make it a completely invalid concern.
  20. And this is why people push back against mandates here. The fear of authoritative overreach is real, and they think, "If we give them an inch, they'll take a mile." So they resist. If the powers-that-be could speak to this concern--clearly, compellingly, unitedly--we might get somewhere. (I don't know exactly how that happens or what it looks like. Just helping identify one of the problems from where I observe.) ETA: Should've put this in the Vaccine Divide thread.
  21. Behavioral interview questions are very popular. “Tell me about a time when you...” types of things. So think about the qualities they’re looking for in an ideal candidate and prepare some stories that illustrate how you fit those qualities. Ask a Manager has some great Interview content. (She has great content on a bunch of employment-related issues and is just a fun read if anyone is looking for a good Twitter follow.)
  22. Many of the Fox personalities have been pro-vaccine from the beginning. As per usual in all environments, the loudest or most controversial voices don’t necessarily represent the whole.
  23. The availability of Novavax, too, could cause a bump. People who are leery of mRNA for whatever reason might see the value of immunization from a more familiar technology.
  24. I don't know. That's a good question. My (granted limited) interactions with people who have chosen not to vaccinate suggests risk assessment plays a significant role. Example: married couple, mid-30s, no kids. Both work from home. Neither hangs out in bars or eats inside restaurants. Neither is overweight. Neither has a current or past habit of smoking or vaping. Given what they understand about risk factors for developing symptomatic COVID, let alone being hospitalized or killed by it, the vaccine seems like a bigger risk in terms of side effects and lost time at work than the disease does. As I said, I have only a few of these kinds of examples as I don't spend a lot of time (outside of the Hive) talking about this topic, so maybe there's more at play than personal risk assessment.
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