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Posts posted by IfIOnly

  1. 11 hours ago, Nm. said:

    I really like campfire… I haven’t bought a unit yet- but for unit studies that would be my choice as well.  We did the samples of one and really like the No worksheet emphasis.

    Yes! I'm seeing critical thinking, layers to history, and challenging, open-ended discussion questions. The activities are great (just enough, not too many, meaningful, supply list included), and the optional core connections that makes it a multi subject unit are good. While it's not rigorous, the content is fabulous. I think if we did at least 7-10 or so rather than just a few during the school year, I would be happy with the amount of learning and growing that would result.

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/10/2023 at 9:22 AM, HomeAgain said:

    After reading this thread, what draws you to it?

    I was planning on trying unit studies from various publishers to see what we like and dislike. After purchasing, printing, and looking through our first Campfire unit, I'm fairly certain we've found what we're looking for and then some. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/2/2022 at 11:23 AM, HomeschoolingHearts&Minds said:

    I've been very quiet here lately, but I've been lurking here for years. I have no ax to grind with GR. We use the units here and there and I will probably continue to purchase from them.

    Yes, they are traveling, speaking at conventions, and purchased an RV. They were scouting property with an eye towards opening a US location (they are based in Canada). I don't know if they are still doing that.

    Yes, year 3 (which was supposed to be complete in May) is still incomplete. There were supposed to be 9 units (only 6 have been released) and 6 mini units (only 2 have been released and one of those is seasonal and only available seasonally).

    Yes, she ran their annual sale and sold whole year packages, including selling year 3, which is still incomplete, and presales of year 4 (with 8 main units and 6 mini units planned). 

    Yes, she did an online convention during their annual sale week. And she did make comments saying people were not being understanding or giving grace.

    Yes, their FB group has a reputation for deleting and censoring posts/comments, to the point where someone started an "uncensored" group (which has been remarkably tame and just about sharing resources, not bashing GR). Obviously, I don't know if the pp got censored, but it would not surprise me if she had.

    We have purchased GR units here and there, but I've used it intermixed with other stuff, so I've never been "all in" on it. I would never buy a whole year on presale, though (even before the current issues) because it's too risky. I've been burned previously by another curriculum writer who didn't live up to presale promises and learned my lesson. 

    I get the distinct impression that Rebecca is in over her head. I would recommend only purchasing already published units.



    Would you share the uncensored group name? We're looking into GR for this school year. 

  4. Meal plan. I plan 6 meals weekly: chicken, pork, beef, Asian, Mexican, Pizza. Sunday is potluck.

    No dressers. Clothes in closets. Shirts and pants hung up. I don't fold anything really but towels, I think. Washcloths get thrown in a basket in the linen closet. I don't fold underwear either.

    All of my guys wear the same size socks now. I buy a boatload of Costco socks, one winter and one summer kind, wash, dry, put them in a large laundry basket on top the dryer for people to grab when needed.

    Edit: I do not have laundry days but mostly each day wash all of the laundry from the day before. Exception is delicates. I wait til there's a load to do.






    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, bolt. said:

    Getting a job will be a positive step for you. (Be sure to set up your pay into an account of your own.)

    Yes, thank you. I won't be using my pay for bills or anything. Saving generally for now or possibly for Christian school tuition for the kids. At least for the high schoolers. I'm putting my work availability from 2 pm on for now. Weekends are more flexible. DH works from home and can do the afternoon, evening shift 

    • Like 2
  6. I applied for a job today. I haven't worked outside the home in 20 years.

    I haven't known what to say. DH seems to have taken to heart the counsel and has stopped the abusive language. He's really never had people call him in stuff and seems to be responding. I just don't know what to make if it and am just waiting and watching.  There's still the narcissism though and mental illness and it sucks and is hard. It's really hard to be in a relationship with someone who is incapable. Hopefully working will give me space and a break from the crazy and then I can go from there with what I want and am able to do. Did I say it's hard? It's exhausting.


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  7. Just visited our Del Taco today, and they have a sign saying they are only open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. now. I asked about it in the Drive-Thru and they said they can't get any workers. It's really sad for the businesses who were struggling due to covid and now continue to struggle due to covid relief checks. 😞

    • Sad 2
  8. We were there until 12:30 last night and I was up with a puking kid the night before. I'm so very tired, physically and emotionally. It went really well. They showed a lot of love, care, and support for our family, yet didn't tiptoe around things that were harming our family. His abusive behavior to us was confronted but not his delusions/mental health.

    I'm still processing it all. Too tired to think about a next step right now, but I feel safe as I consider it.

    • Like 27
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  9. 25 minutes ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

    Also your avatar pic could possibly be recognized by someone who knows you. 

    ((Hugs)) I hope you get the help you need. 

    Thank you. I changed it.

    • Like 4
  10. We just moved and I have no idea where documents are. I have a car. Will work on gathering stuff just in case. I really don't know what to expect tonight. This could go many ways.

    Edit: I really do not think my husband would physically hurt us though. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, twovetteslater said:

    Do you have access to a vehicle and are you packing a gun?

    I agree with bolt. about gathering up important documents, etc. tonight. I do believe that you and your children are in extreme danger. You stated that your friends witnessing his behavior has given you courage. I'm sure he's noticed. Please be very careful.

    We do not have guns.  Thank you.

  12. 1 hour ago, hjffkj said:

    Don't worry about imposing.  Just tell your friends what you need and see what they are able to offer. As for your oldest kids who you fear will stay, do they understand that their dad is mentally ill?  And that that illness could result in him being a physical danger to others, especially as you take steps to distance yourself from it?  They are old enough to know the truth about their father without it having to be about you pinning them against him.  They need to know just as much as you need to know what to do if things go bad.

    My oldest believes I am the problem. It's a very narcissist thing that happens with kids. My husband has said he is bringing him... because he wants a witness against me, I truly believe. I'm glad the things I've been communicating to him will also be heard by him from others tonight.

    • Sad 4
  13. 5 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

    And unless this is an unusual church...the leadership likely does not have the professional knowledge or plans to deal with someone this mentally ill. 
    Abuse stemming from this sort of mental illness(and there is a big difference between something like paranoid schizophrenia w/ delusions of grandeur and an a$$ who won’t manage his temper and abuses women and children) is a completely different ball game. 

    This really is not a matter for a church leadership other than supporting the victims and assisting them however possible. 

    I understand. They are trying though. I'm grateful for their reaching out the best they can.

    • Like 3
  14. 8 minutes ago, R828 said:

    This is good news, but still please be careful what you say. If you aren't in danger right now, it's probably not a good idea to talk about leaving. Try not to say anything till you have a solid plan in place. It may further antagonize your husband and just make life more difficult for you, to no end. It might also turn the church elders against you - I hope this isn't true but you never know. 

    Thank you. I don't think it would be wise to mention leaving either, especially considering the subject matter. 

    • Like 4
  15. I just got a call from our church leadership. I guess my son called one of them after my husband told him he wasn't saved. I found out his meeting is coming from them and not my husband. This is not a counseling meeting or confront IfIOnly meeting. They are confronting his abusive behavior. They have been waiting for a time to do this, I was told. I'm so, so grateful to have their support. And that I put my foot down to churches that were harming us instead of helping us.

    Edit: they asked me to come but did not insist. I am going.

    • Like 20
  16. 5 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

    He is delusional, and I would bet a large amount of money either bipolar or schizophrenic. This is way way way beyond normal abuse. 

    Do you have a place/person you can go to if you leave?

    I agree with either of those. His family has alluded to schizophrenia but never outright said anything.

    I haven't asked anyone about housing. We have a big family. I don't want to impose. Probably only my youngest two would go with me though. Oldest boys would probably want to stay with their dad. 😥 I wish their dad would leave, hit I doubt it. It's something I'm going to bring up tonight.

  17. 2 hours ago, IfIOnly said:

    I called the local DV hotline and got voicemail. Left a message. I called about a year ago but didn't get far and chickened out. They were really great though. I'm pretty sure they offer counseling. I think that's the best place to start and hopefully a plan and some clarification in my thoughts can start. I think this is a good step and it gives me some hope and calm. Ty.

    So it wasn't that helpful. They will have a counselor call but there's a wait-list but not many resources unless I file for divorce. Housing is not really available either. Our conversation was cut short, so maybe there's more options she didn't get to. 

    • Sad 6
  18. 1 minute ago, Ottakee said:

    The book Is It Me? Speaks to these very things.

    If you send me a message with a safe name and address I will gladly order you a book and have it shipped to a friend or somewhere safe for you.  It talks all about this type of behavior.


    Okay, I will message you. Thank you very much ♥️

    • Like 5
  19. Just now, Seasider too said:

    Ok so you will have witnesses. I still think it is dangerous, and foolhardy of the elders, unless they actually plan to have an intervention and confront your husband rather than you. In that case you really need to be sure that you don’t have to go home with him after the meeting, because he may be unstable. 

    I don't know what they're thinking. 

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