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Riverfront Headmistress

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Posts posted by Riverfront Headmistress

  1. I have a sun on my right leg and the solar system on my left leg (they represent my spacey years) - a vine around my belly button (bad choice) - tribal on my lower back (tramp stamp) and I just had a hibiscus and tiger lily added onto two weeks ago - a superwoman logo on my left shoulder (this gets the most comments, lol) - and my name is the 5 languages of past exchange students going down my neck. Ready for more!

  2. I took my three girls (and myself) clothes shopping last night. After I had selected 12 articles to try on I asked the young man working at the store for a fitting room. He looked at my clothes and asked, "Are you planning on buying any of them or will I just have to hang them all back up?"


    Sarcastically I replied, "Would you like to see my bank account before I try them on?"


    He snickered and said no. Now keep in mind, he still has not made any steps to unlock the dressing room. Then, he continues, "There is a maximum of six items in the fitting room and if you're not going by any then I don't want to have to rehang the clothes; they all have to be put back out on the racks a certain way and it makes me job hard." <insert fumes from me>


    At that point, I was done in the store. My children had already picked out 10 items to buy, and I was about to add to that number (if I liked anything I tried on). We had a nice-size pile at the register.


    I told the young man that his tone and comments were rude and uncalled for. He just shot himself in the foot because we were four customers shopping. I put all my things down and told the girls it was time to go. :auto:

  3. Have we done a thread on what you are getting the kids? Here is my list:


    Dd 8[/b]

    Something you want: Lyv dolls

    Something you need: house robe

    Something to read: mermaid book (can't remember the title)


    Dd 12:

    Something you want: rollerblades

    Something you need: bed light

    Something to read: journal of animal researchers on the field (can't remember the title)


    Hungarian exchange student:

    Something you want: Starbucks gift card

    Something you need: pajamas

    Something to read: The Notebook

  4. It looks like you have a 7.5 and 4 yo. Realistically, you will be the one caring for the dog. Do YOU want a dog??? If not, I don't think it will bring the joy you are hoping for in the long run.


    I agree. When children are that young, of course they want a dog (and a pony). Perhaps a dog isn't in your future; the children will not be scarred if they don't get a dog (or a pony).


    We've adopted from a rescue shelter before and had to sign papers that the dogs will only live inside. If you are interested in adopting from a shelter, I suggest you find out their policy first.

  5. What career would your child like to pursue versus what career would you like your child to pursue?




    12 year old dd wants to be in the fashion industry. I would like her to pursue music. She has been playing for 9 years and plays multiple instruments (well) and I would love for her to use this gift as a career.


    8 year old dd wants to be a make-up artist. I think she has a fantastic idea because she has been into my make-up since the time she could walk.

  6. Soph,


    Do you think there is a huge difference between Feli-away and a generic brand? I'm currently using Feli-away and need a refill and noticed that my local pet store contains a generic brand of Feli-away for less.

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