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  • Biography
    Blessed wife +24yrs, Mother of 4 boys
  • Location
    Snellville, GA
  • Interests
    Reading, running
  • Occupation
    Home Educator
  1. We used it for English and loved it, but now we are doing Essentials in CC.
  2. My dS did very well, 90-96 percentile in everything, except for 3 areas where he was 60 - 65 percentile. Advance for the most part, some average, and one below average. But after looking at how low the national percentile is, I feel like advance doesn't really mean advance, just advance when compared to LOW nationals. Am I right in this thinking?????
  3. I use to be a drooler, but two years ago I took the plunge and let me tell you I am just as excited and in love with it as at the beginning. Next year we will be doing CtC and MtM. Welcome aboard Hoddie!:) Adrienne
  4. We have found a cozy place at HOD! Last year my then 10ds & 8ds adventure began with Preparing, which was awesome. 10ds did extensions. It was a bit of a challenge for my 8ds, and not enough for my 10ds. This year I put my current 9ds in Bigger( plus extensions) with my 7ds. Because I knew the workload expected from 9ds in Preparing, I was able to keep this up in Bigger. I wanted to give him one more year before starting CTC. I am so glad I did this, for he has flourished so much and is ready for it now. My 11ds is doing the new RevToRev and OM how he LOVES it. WalkerMamaof4: I agree with Chelli about giving Preparing a try. It is so beautiful and would greatly prepare your dc for CtC. Both Grandpa's box and CHOW History spines would work very well for a 7yr old to listen to. Make sure you keep up with skills required in Beyond or Bigger. May the Lord bless you in your search.
  5. Thanks! I thought they came laminated for some reason. I think I will pass on the timeline. I also thought it might not be necessary because they are on the student sheets. Blessings!
  6. Hi, We use BSGFAA. I need to purchase more student pages and was thinking about buying the wall timeline with the label packets. Do any of you use it, if so what is your experience with it? Is it time consuming? Does it enhance your child's ability to grasp a "time" view of the people & events? Is it worth the cost? TIA, Adrienne
  7. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (I would have put more images, but we are only allowed 8).
  8. Sell it! ...sounds like TOG is your style. We tried MFW CtG last year, it was OK. We stuck with it the whole year and by the end I just kept turning the pages to see how much longer before I am done. This year we have been doing HOD Preparing Hearts for His Glory and we love it! We only have 7 weeks left and I don't want it to be over.
  9. Thank you everyone for your response. I see the order is not an issue for anyone, which I was hoping to hear. I do think I would like the element of surprise studying OT, NT, OT... Heather - yes, you are right the value of review is too important to change the order of BSGFAA, not to mention who can afford all 4 units at one time. I just can't seem to decide between God's great covenant OT by Classical Academic Press or BSGFAA. I wish someone would compare the two I just don't think many people have used GGC. BTW, I always enjoy reading your answers they are so detailed and informative. Blessings, Adrienne
  10. I am considering purchasing this curriculum, but I am not sure that I like the order of study. I think I might prefer a chronological order of study. Have you been able to appreciate the order? What are your thoughts on this? Specifically... Year one you study 1. Early life of Jesus and 1st year of ministry 2. Jesus' last week Year two you study 3. Jesus' crucifixion, burial, resurrection & ascension Year three you study 4. Jesus' 2nd year of ministry Year four you study 5. Jesus' 3rd year of ministry TIA, Adrienne
  11. Here is a link to Ambleside Online. http://www.amblesideonline.org/index2.shtml It has a weekly schedule for year 1 forward, but not for Year 0. They have some awesome picks. Click on Booklist for Kindergaten and scroll down to the list for whatever types of books you are looking for. Blessings
  12. MY BIBLE. I have had it since 1990 and I could never replace the notes or the visual image I have of the pages. I am good at knowing where to go in my Bible, but bad at remembering the reference to passages. My laptop A recipe book, created for me by a spiritual mother as a wedding gift.
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