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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Have you been an administrator before? I was curious if they were teachers or just HS moms? I had to stay all day because the younger kids had morning test and the 7th -9th had pm test. It was a good chance to socialize while the kids tested though :D
  2. I have his eval results and I don't really understand it all, but he is to get 120 minutes per week and he starts next Monday. I plan to sit down and have her explain things better to me at his first visit. Our plan was for him to have OT for a few months then start the VT so I am happy he is starting down the path. He has been getting ST still and they started, what the professor calls, reading therapy last week too. The University's audiologist is off now until fall so I can't get a CAPD eval done there, but there is a lady who runs her own clinic not to far from here. I am probably going to go ahead and have him evaluated there just so I can have an answer before the University's audiologist returns. I am feeling very disjointed about everything. I have all these evals and their recomendations, but I still don't have a clearer picture of what I am dealing with and it's confusing. I am praying that just going forth with each recommendation will work towards the goal of helping him, but I can't help feel like I am still missing something. Also, we will be seeing the local neuro next week and the pediatric/developmental neuro in May to adjust his meds as needed.
  3. We just moved to Arkansas last April. In Maine and NH, our previous states, we could chose either testing or portfolios and we chose portfolios.
  4. Right now none and it does bug me LOL
  5. Thanks for helping me think it through. I am going to get the grinder. Now to save for a DLX :D
  6. The price went for $22 to $37 in just a few months. I am lucky that I can email my order to the co-op lady and pick up is not far from my house. Thanks for the replies and I'd love the recipe!
  7. is it still worth it to buy a grain grinder? I was borrowing one from a friend, but she needed it back and so I have been buying bread, white for them and organic whole wheat for me and DH. I have another friend selling a barely used Nutrimill at a decent price, but with wheat at $37/50# bag I don't know if it's worth it or not. I do prefer to make our own as I feel the wheat is better for us all and I couldn't afford to buy organic whole wheat bread for my family :eek: With the warmer weather will will be eating more sandwiches and using more buns for burgers and such. What do you think? I hate spending so much $ when times are tight, but we plan to use our stimulus check for the purchase, if that matters LOL. Thanks! :)
  8. My 10th grader will be doing the following: Saxon Alg 2 BJU Chemistry BJU Writing & Grammar 10 IEW SWI C Vocab for the High School Student Notgrass Exploring World History & Literature Henle latin III SOS Spanish II Extra curricular: CAP and basketball
  9. for the first time and everyone of my kids said it was way easier than they thought it would be. Now I hope their scores match those feelings LOL. It does feel good to get it over with.
  10. I posted a few weeks ago that my DD might have broken her nose and it turned out it was. She ended up having surgery to repair it ( The day after my ds had his seizure and I never posted @ it cause I figured everyone would think I was a troll lol) I'd have it looked at to make sure it's stright and doesn't need to be set.
  11. There are certain things that are definitely worth it to me. Right now I can get a box of 15 dozen eggs for @ $22, butter is $6.80 something for 4#s, 50# sugar is $17 and some change. There are other things too, like spices, fruits/veggies etc. I have a list of certain items we buy regularaly and avoid the rest of the store like the plague LOL.
  12. I briefly used to work at the WM jewerly store and there were certain brands we were not allowed to change batteries. I believe citizen was one.
  13. I am struggling with this right now, but I highly recommend a schedule and a check list. The check off the items as they finish and then the day is done. Of course you have to actually look at the list and make sure it's checked. Can you tell where I am lacking? :D
  14. My DH held 2 paper routes while in college and he made decent money! We have been considering this too.
  15. I clean regular weekly houses and I also clean empty new construction and rentals. The weekly regular houses I charge by the hour and the new construction I charge by the square foot.
  16. My upcoming 7th grader's schedule: Bible: Rod & Staff 5 with family Math: BJU Pre-Algebra Science: BJU Life Science History/geography/writing/literature: TOG year 1 redesign English: BJU Writing & Grammar 7 Spelling: Rod & Staff 5 Latin: LFC A Logic: The Fallacy Detective Music: Music Ace Art: Atelier level 6
  17. Thanks everyone. I did plan on buying each a workbook until I saw they were $21 each LOL. I will plan on buying them still, just had sticker shock :D I do think it will make my life easier for them to each have their own book.
  18. Would it be feasible to use one workbook and make copies or should I plan to purchase a workbook for each child? I am leaning towards puchasing the workbooks, but they are expensive and I'd need 3.
  19. I was thinking about this very thing today and I think that's the real problem, I don't have time or do anything just for ME. I run and give give give all day every day and at the end all I want is to be left aone and do what I want kwim? We have alot of other stress going on and yes, Ds's new diagnosis and theraphies are part of the run around stuff. Thanks everyone for the replies and understanding! Just posting here helped some as I don't have anyone IRL to vent too.
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