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Posts posted by Quiver0f10

  1. and had a headache, how long did the headache last? I am going on a week tomorrow and am at the end of my rope. I finally saw the doctor today who prescribed me Rx strength sudafed. I am using nasonex too. I am wondering if I have a sinus infection that needs antibiotics?

  2. I started taking it @ Thanksgving, I think, for OCD. I noticed a definite difference within a few days. I stopped taking it for a while and felt my symptoms return. I started it back up and again felt a difference within days. I take 600mg in the morning and 600 mg in the PM. I take amulti-vitamin, Vit C, Vit D3 and fish oil. I have noticed some gastrointestinal upset, but not enough to stop taking it. The benefits definitely outweigh the side effects to me.

  3. It is funny... now that the tree is back up. I called my ds 30 and told him he had to come over right away because the tree had fallen over. I was sort of stuck underneath it trying to help the other kids hold it up. My oldest told me he thought it was the dead tree by the house, so it was anticlimactic for him. He brought his chainsaw and it was tempting to have him dispose of the Christmas tree!


    You have to have the right tree stand for these big trees! Off to vacuum up the needles and broken ornaments and redecorate.


    Ok, this is hilarious!

  4. For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. - 1 John 3:20


    Well AMEN FOR THAT is all I can say.


    My heart has been condemning me lately. I'm not 'enough'. Not a good enough child of God. Not a patient enough wife. Not a devoted enough mother. Not a good enough housekeeper. You get the idea. I'm a failure, a loser. Really, how could the Lord love me anyway? I'm a filthy wretch of failures.


    And yet.


    God is GREATER than my heart, and HE knoweth all things.


    Just thought maybe someone else needed to remember that, too. :)



    Amen! I needed this today.

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