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Posts posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My 4th grader does:



    Bible/with family-10-20 min

    Read aloud with family-30 min

    Read Quiety-30 min

    Piano-30 min



    CLE math- 1 lesson @ 30 min-40 min

    CLE grammar-1 lesson @ 20 min

    LOE cursive-10min

    LOE spelling-20 min

    IEW SWI A -works on 1 lesson over the week



    SOTW-1 chp. each day with map and narration

    T/TH-Apologia Flying Creatures-20 min


    GREAT BOOKS (History, Literature, Philosophy, etc.) – Moderns Year

    Study Guides for the Moderns Year (1st Semester)

    Study Guides for the Moderns Year (2nd Semester)

    The Great Conversation by Dr. Mortimer J. Adler – 9B2GC

    An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume

    Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant

    Democracy in America – De Tocqueville

    Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume

    Emma by Jane Austin

    Essay Concerning Human Knowledge by John Locke

    Gulliver’s Travels – Jonathan Swift

    Hamlet - William Shakespeare

    King Lear – William Shakespeare

    Letter on Toleration by John Locke

    MacBeth – William Shakespeare

    On the Origin of Inequality – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Othello – William Shakespeare

    Phaedra by Racine

    Representative Government by J.S, Mill

    Romeo & Juliet – William Shakespeare

    Second Essay on Civil Government – John Locke

    Tartuffe – Moliere

    The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    The Tempest – William Shakespeare

    Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume

    Sourcebook for U.S. Documents


    I copied this from the website.. :) It sounds great!


    Thank you! I looked everywhere ( so I thought) and couldn't find this!

  3. I am trying to decide which chemistry course to use next year. I will have two students who will be doing chemistry. One is very math and science oriented and the other is not at all. We have always used Apologia and the Mathy/science oriented one would probably do well with it, but I don't know about my other son. He is struggling this year with Conceptual Physics.


    If you have experience with these courses I'd love your opinions.

  4. I got the flu a bit more than 3 weeks ago. I was pretty sick for about the first week and a half to two weeks, but started a cough probably around week 1. At first it was a dry cough but it became wet and productive. I feel great now but I am still coughing a lot. I don't think I am wheezing but it hurts when I breathe in and my back hurts below my right shoulder blade. I don't have a fever. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday for something else. Can I just wait until then or do I need to go to the doctor before then?

  5. Howdy!


    I'm participating in the 52 Weeks 52 Books Challenge this year and my New Year's Resolution is to read what are popularly considered 20th Century Classics. I would like to add Christian authors too. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is the next on my list. What are some deep, serious, meaty books similar to that that I should add to my list? Any authors to zero in on?





    If you want meaty look for anything by A.W. Tozer.

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