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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I gotta figure out where to put the litter box etc. I might see if I can section off an area in the living room. 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe camouflage it.
  2. Met one of my duplex neighbors. Super sweet. Here's a quick video. The door in hallway has a stackable washer/dryer. The door inside kitchen is a pantry. Notice the Christmas tree box on the floor ha The kitchen counter edges and surface are a bit jagged but overall I’m super happy with it. https://youtu.be/fpWUusbzZ0M?si=nHFxzHC1chWctrzj
  3. I took them around it the other day. 😊 We met a couple future co-workers.
  4. Ohh forgot to mention - xh said that the kids having a half day Dec 19 officially marks their winter break and that trumps the “Friday before Christmas” verbiage in our visitation. I’ll just go with that. I need to see if I work that day or not. And if I’m allowed to have the kids in the library for periods of time during my shift so possibly they could be dropped off there while I finish my shift. So I’ll have the kids Dec 19-late afternoon of Dec 25.
  5. I packed the artificial Christmas tree this car trip 🤣
  6. Bank was open. Got the cashiers checks for deposit & first month rent. Heading to NOLA now to trade money for key. Paid off debt to xh — kids’ recent medical bills including ds’ eye dr visit. 🥳 Thanks to you all 😊
  7. He edited the lease and I don’t owe the pet fee unless there’s significant damage when I move out. Yay. Since the elec transfer won’t process til Monday and I can’t get the key til payment is delivered, I’m gonna see if the bank is open Friday, get a cashiers check instead and hand deliver that then empty a carload of items into the home. Mattress and a few other items. According to the current visitation agreement I get the kids the Friday before Christmas until 6 pm Christmas Day on odd years. Well that isn’t as many days as I thought I’d have the kids (Dec 22-25) but it’ll be ok. I know the library is closed Sundays and Christmas Day so at least I’ll have Dec 24-25 home. I can’t open the document with the rest of the Dec schedule because it requires a log in I wasn’t given yet (Microsoft) so I don’t know what days I’m scheduled during their visit. I’ll have plenty of time to get my home ready for the kids. I’m excited to have my own kitchen & laundry. The kitchen has space for my dining table so I’m relieved about that. I won’t bring the cat to the house til I actually sleep in it. My friend that has the cat at her place said no problem and isn’t rushing me. My dad, aunt and I ate at our old neighbors’ home today. I’m welcome at Christmas too but I don’t plan to come. I’ll provide a meal at my home but my dad and aunt are welcome to join if they want. We didn’t do anything special for my dad’s birthday the other day — and he always says he doesn’t like to make a big fuss over birthdays. I just gave him a humorous card and it made him laugh. We did acknowledge his bday today at the neighbors’ and sang to him, though. I left a bunch of my curtains at my old home (they requested and didn’t charge me rent the end of my stay) and the new landlord said I can keep the ones in there now if I want. I’ll do that for now at least. One less hassle!
  8. I appreciate your input. I was hesitant to date as I knew I’d probably be moving. He said we could make it work. I thought how on earth once I started having more car problems, his main car didn’t get fixed (he thought it needed one thing but that wasn’t the answer) and other vehicle isn’t in the best shape, and other curveballs. So I said should we break up and he went with it but neither of us were gung ho about it. So there are still feelings but messy circumstances. My future landlord has been editing the lease but soon I’ll sign and move. I was going to start taking stuff this weekend but not sure I’ll bother and I can’t get water on til Monday and only if I get to the water department before work. There are a lot of unknowns now like will I meet dd halfway on my visits or drive all the way to her. If I drive all the way to her I’d do my visit at my dad’s - a few min away from xh’s home and my recent ex. Pros and cons of course. But right now I know it’s gonna take time to figure out my comings & goings, final budget, etc. Realistically there’s no rush to date. But maybe we can find a happy medium of staying in touch. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an HSP, hopeless romantic or what but I seem to get crushed easily.
  9. Because I had it drilled into me that actions speak louder than words and the action of less communication or not offering a day makes everything else sound like lip service. I am going to try to believe them as it’s probably just a hectic time and no harm meant. My anxiety is the worst sometimes.
  10. It is. I just got a lot of mixed signals! He called me 2 days in a row just to chat. Then didn’t return a text for a long (compared to our norm) time. Kept saying he wanted to see me, said if he didn’t have work he’d help me move even though I said I don’t want to disrupt your kids’ Thanksgiving break — to which he insisted they would see him plenty and it was ok. For me lots of confusing messages. 😵‍💫 I need to pin him down for a day/time to meet but his work can always call him in. Just today he said he did want to see me. We probably just need to talk in person lol
  11. Just hit the lease. Gonna have to ask them to tweak it. Doesn’t say you’re off the hook if you break lease early… even though he says he wouldn’t pursue legal action I need the contact to match. And they added a pet fee not previously mentioned… so I’m asking about that.
  12. The comment section lol https://www.facebook.com/share/r/GsL6kYYCaEJpYkwA/?mibextid=roAVj8
  13. Just got my car back — barely! They called and left no voice message. I called later and no one answered. Turns out they closed at 2:30 today (not posted on their door; no one told me either). But I recognized an employee we saw outside and we talked to him. He said he’d come by for another customer to grab something and he rang us up and I was able to leave in my car. I asked them if they used high mileage oil but never got a straight answer. The printout doesn’t specify. Oh well the oil change etc is done. I’ll probably drive around on this car while I set aside money for car notes.
  14. Yes and I’m relieved I can have my kids stay with me over part of winter break in my own place!!
  15. I can already tell a couple coworkers will be pleasant. They liked dd’s new anime shirt and one joked about stealing it lol my gf said I can sleep in her cottage Sun night!
  16. I was approved. I need to look for an email with lease to sign and send the deposit. Can’t get water on this week. Earliest is Monday… so I’m hoping my gf outside of NOLA can let me crash at her place Sun night. The power is currently on but I need to switch it to my name. The washer/dryer unit is a former tenant’s but the landlord said he turned it on and it works. I’ll just use that set though mine is nicer imo. I can’t bring mine… they don’t stack. The space is very tight.
  17. Well we spoke today (via text) but I will call him later when I have more time/privacy. I think we cleared the air somewhat. He said he was backing off because he knew I was with my kids and figured I’d reach out when I was free (I didn’t attempt to meet up or anything). Yeah I dunno if that’s totally true but the texts were positive. For some context - we are old friends. We hung out when he was a teen and I was in my early 20s. He’s not a random guy I met on tinder last month. The first time we reconnected in person he called out my name in Walmart (we had exchanged a couple texts prior to that but had no communication for years) and I met 2 of his kids and we chatted a bit. We hung out all night a couple times before he asked me to be his gf. I’ve met the kids a couple times informally. I never met the kids of anyone else. He came on super enthusiastic about us even knowing I was likely moving to a job out of state. He is an optimist so I’m sure didn’t mean to string me along about us working long distance. I try to somewhat match the texting energy — we were both texting/calling more before. But in general I lose hope/interest if a guy doesn’t keep communication. Even if that communication is a good morning or good night text. Or a funny meme. Just something.
  18. I’m not usually attracted to them lol and so many guys seem to have physical issues. I’m looking for someone into fitness and not strictly a homebody.
  19. We couldn’t even find the door to the second home 🤣 the numbers on the street made no sense. The home with 3 lock boxes just had the boxes hanging on a storm door that opened. But the actual door was locked via key. We don’t know if that was the home or not. But the neighborhood was unsavory so we all just left. The first home was in a nice neighborhood, the street appeared to be newly paved concrete and we met the landlord. He’s running my info for approval. I hope I get approved! He said he was going to contact my references so I gave them all a heads up. I said ideally I’d like a key to the place Friday if I’m approved. He said the other side of the duplex is a couple that are college students. Landlord won’t need the deposit money til he and his wife make a decision. After all that we went to the library and wandered around. I asked a couple employees some questions like what system they use. It’s not the one I used but looks very user-friendly. I looked up a book for dd. She was interested in graphic novels and we met an employee that showed off their collection (large imo!). My shifts will typically be 8 hrs with a 1 hr lunch. So only “on the clock” 7 hrs. I know some of my training days will be longer and take place at another location. I think it will mostly be a chill place to work.
  20. Well it may depend if you’ve been talk a few days vs weeks vs months. But daily texts fir months then you drop off 3 days?? Not ok. Unless you are literally unable to update your s/o I think it’s quite rude.
  21. He was doing fine texting though phone calls are better if he’s driving. The day after we broke up we saw each other in traffic, waved/smiled and when I pulled over I saw a text from him that it was a pleasant surprise. Soooo he is totally capable of non urgent texting.
  22. We spoke pretty much daily and you can tell when a text is read on the app we used. he had not even clicked on it. He vanished. In today’s world, many women will write you off after 1 day… say you’ve ghosted them. I’ve been ghosted and it felt like that.
  23. I told them how I felt in a text yesterday around noon and it was never acknowledged. Yes things have changed quite a bit. A couple weeks ago I got a text like, “I’m so sorry I didn’t text sooner” after several hours had passed. We’re not together so things are different. I mean there can other factors at play but I don’t think we’ll see each other before I move unless he makes some plan. I’m not trying anymore. Every guy I talk to changes their communication after weeks or months. It’s exhausting. One guy disappeared on me 3 days solid after being exclusive a few months. It’s gonna be really hard to earn my texting trust.
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