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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Please don't put things in the dishwasher for protection. http://lifehacker.com/a-dishwasher-will-not-keep-your-valuables-safe-in-a-hur-1802720505?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_twitter&utm_source=lifehacker_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow You don't know what will become of appliances. We were greeted by our new fridge in front of our house after a hurricane.
  2. In my case it would have been double, but I don't know how often that is the case.
  3. I caught dh leaving a comment on facebook addressing someone that knows him from campus using a term like that. I was a bit miffed. I said first of all, I thought that term was only used in our household. Second of all, that is unprofessional to me. He justified it saying that he picked up these things from living/working here so long. I was like so? It doesn't mean you have to adopt them yourself. I realize not everyone sees these things the same way. I agree that it depends who is saying it/context as to whether or not it's bothersome. I am pretty sure some of those terms were tossed around at one of my jobs with no second thoughts. Like one of my bosses might have said it to me before, but he was more like a grandfather figure.
  4. I don't really know what that means. How do you get to an area with cell phone towers when you can't even get around because of all the debris?
  5. I would charge all portable cell phone chargers. I had no cell phone service or the worst imaginable when it worked after Katrina. It wasn't just about having a charged battery, but that definitely was an issue for many of us.
  6. I read a suggestion we never tried, but for some might be helpful. Fill a washing machine up with ice and store drinks in it. Not sure though if people want that much ice, or to have to bend down to get drinks out when it's low.
  7. Always use the shop link when possible. I've got 440 swagbucks pending for our dishwasher. I wish I had actually used swagbucks link to the gift card shop! I could have earned 2% back from Home Depot instead of 1% that way. I could have purchased the HD gift card and then paid for the dishwasher with the gc and have 880 SB on their way. Dh tells me that SB is just a data hog so he doesn't like me running it on my phone to get the SB points. I don't do it as much anymore that way because it does take a while to get just 2 and that's 2 cents since 100 SB is $1. I looked through the gift cards in the redeem section and saw which ones were on sale. Sam's Club had one 12% off so I could earn a $25 Sam's Card for 2200 points instead of needing 2500 points. I just redeemed it. Perfect timing, too. Dh usually grocery shops on Fridays and was bemoaning the fact that I spent part of our grocery budget last night when I stocked up on roll back fruit items at Walmart. I had coupons, too. I think I did pretty well. We can't use the coupons at Sam's and they don't have all the same things (these were like jello/fruit cups and large containers of fruit). Now where did the coupons come from? Mostly from the swagbucks coupon page! Supposedly when you redeem them you will get 10SB per coupon in 4-6 weeks. Do not hold your breath for that, but I figure if I get them that's a nice perk. The coupons are identical to stuff found on coupons dot com. The browsing feature is better on the real coupon site so if you want to search by brand on one site first that might help you find it easier on SB. The past couple weeks they ran specials that you got points just for printing. This might be shady but I "printed" some for points that I didn't really print. As soon as I send them to the print it says I have printed them even though on my machine it waits to print til after I accept the print preview. If I didn't really want the coupons I didn't go through with the print job. TopCashBack offers more cash back for a lot of places than ebates. I'm on both now. With TCB you don't have to meet a minimum to redeem the check. I need to read the details again on both pages to see if my points will expire. I am no where near $5 or any reasonable amount lol. I shop through whatever link gives me the most back... swagbucks, ebates, topcashback or my cc site if they have a promo with a special link.
  8. Some it could be that whole "fake it til you make it" thing. You can be nervous on the inside but try to put on a good front. I get anxious about certain things but if the end goal is worth it, it helps push me to do something. I hate confrontation. I was at the check out yesterday and a line was forming behind me. The cashier was refusing my coupons and I was explaining there should not be a problem. Her confidence may have outshined mine for a minute as she was trying to tell me I could not use them. I was confident that I was not misusing them and they should be taken. I basically wasn't taking no for an answer so she left the line to talk to a manager. I turned to the ladies behind me and apologized for holding up the line stating that the cashier didn't quite understand the coupons and needed confirmation but that I knew I could use them. They all nodded their heads in agreement with me and one offered her recent coupon story. When the cashier returned I felt less anxious and she scanned them and I left. I did feel a little badly about the confrontation but I was not leaving without my discounts LOL
  9. I just bought a Spanish app for ds but he said it got glitchy on level 3 :( I don't know what he's currently into but the Minecraft pocket edition was really big for him. Lol that sounds like something I would try
  10. Just to clarify, I didn't mean to sound completely dismissive of feelings or data. Just saying we never know. And I didn't mean to seem insensitive talking about NT in an example where this thread is really about a mutation which I'm sure after further thought probably has its own set of data for likelihood.
  11. Pssh. There's no telling. I don't think ds is neurotypical and I had him in my 20s. We think dd is neurotypical and I had her in my 30s. I learned from someone recently there is a term "neuro diverse"? or something some people prefer to use but I have only heard that once so far.
  12. Do you have blinds? I couldn't afford curtains for my whole house. There are too many windows. The kids' room (I use the term loosely since dd doesn't spend a lot of time in there) has blinds so we just hung up sheers we already owned. They are just white. Dd sleeps in our room and has gone in there and tugged on the curtains before. The rods could fall down so ideally you'd get the kind you can bolt in the wall better. Like ours in that room are white rods with the L shape corners that can hook on, but if you jiggle it, it could potentially come loose. So I wouldn't advise those lol. She did manage to jiggle a rod in the living room as well, since the rod was able to slide. So be careful about that, too if the curtains hang low. We didn't paint the room. It's just a neutral color. The kids have stuff on the walls, though.
  13. I was mainly responding to people that are in NC stocking up. I'm thinking well I guess I can see why they might not trust the projections. As for vegan food not being purchased, I was talking about this image floating around: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6xg16q/even_in_a_disaster_no_one_wants_the_vegan_food/
  14. After looking at the projection of Katrina 4 days out from the storm it's becoming more clear to me why people are getting ready even if they aren't in the projected path. The path was way off. Can't tell much too many days in advance. There's a meme circulating saying that even in a disaster people don't want the vegan food. There's a section of the grocery store untouched. I don't know if the image is real.
  15. Wow Glad you have explanations for some of the other things. Stinks it took so much to get answers.
  16. Well they are in the circle on the graph so guess they are nervous about losing power even though they are on the outskirts. That seems a bit extreme. We always buy bottled water each week so it's our norm. We are running low. We just don't drink the local water. I have thought about getting a filter for the faucet, but sometimes when I turn on the bath it's a yellow color. Obviously I do use it for some things like washing dishes. I just keep an eye on the color. If we have family come we will need to buy extra water, but I don't know if anything like that will happen.
  17. I think those in my neighborhood that stayed only did so because they knew there was no flooding to their homes during Camille. Our home had never had any flooding prior to that storm, either. That was one of the questions my parents asked before buying.
  18. I laughed out loud when I clicked the link. But if it makes you feel any better, I thought my Muzinos were ugly (crazy color scheme) and bought them because I was desperate for proper footwear. They have grown on me and I've even had a few compliments. I need to replace them as they have worn out and I'd consider a similar pair again. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SPl6HvX6nh8/maxresdefault.jpg
  19. I think you're taking the whole hurricane party too literally. It's just a thing people joke about, because they're hunkered down together in a house with supplies and work/school is canceled. I'm talking more about storms where little damage is done and you may not even lose power. I've always spent storms with family and it's usually not a party vibe. In my experience you kinda gotta judge if you're gonna need to leave town before an official statement is made. If you wait for someone to tell you to evacuate, you might have waited too long to get on the road. I honestly don't remember if we were told we had to evacuate during Katrina. I had neighbors that stayed! I thought they were crazy!! One of them said they had hung onto a tree during Camile (don't ask me what they were doing outside) so I guess they figured it wouldn't get that bad. None of us thought it was get as bad as it did. Let's say my area was not told to evacuate... we still did the right thing in our sitatuion. I'm agreeing that unless it's severe people shouldn't all clog the roads. But I'm also saying use common sense. Our house was a block from the Mississippi Sound.
  20. Did you have to pay for stuff already? We actually have family there right now (well maybe not Disney, but they sent us pics from Universal) and we're wondering when they are heading home. If the storm gets bad they'll come stay by us because they live on the Miss. gulf coast.
  21. I can understand this. In my experience, unless it is really severe, people seem pretty content to stay home. Hence, "hurricane party!"
  22. I think many people fit this fixer personality. I've heard this about men, in particular, but I don't know how accurate that is. My sisters can sometimes be like this. I think I can be like this at times. Dh views me as taking everyone else's side if I ask/point out certain things. You know it can be as small as, "the bagger was a jerk" and me saying, "oh yeah? Hm. Did you have a lot of items that had be be bagged separately?" or whatever. Then I'm the bad guy. I guess I want a bigger picture of what happened, even if the guy was a jerk lol. And we don't usually shop where there are baggers, I was just throwing out an example. One sibling is very much, "well my friends/I know people that deal with XYZ. At least you don't have to worry about that" or "they deal with it and it's not that big of an issue." lol.
  23. on my facebook feed people are reporting shortages of water in their local stores. Mobile, AL and Mississippi gulf coast.
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