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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Yes, we lock the door. Our kids are older now and would never just barge in, but I need the door locked anyway. Our youngest daughter was determined to get in our room one Sunday afternoon when she was about four. When she couldn't get through the locked door, she went outside to our private deck and our sliding glass door. We almost died when we saw her standing out there. Her comment: "I've never seen you do THAT!" I hope she's forgotten. :blush:
  2. Sending up prayers for you, and hugs your way. :grouphug:
  3. How exciting! I'm rearranging my sunroom, which is also our dining room and schoolroom next week, so I'm planning a trip too!
  4. Praying hard! I lost one twin at 25 weeks with my first pregnancy. My heart goes out to her.
  5. Many :grouphug: and prayers. I am so sorry.
  6. I'm Tammy from Western North Carolina. I have six dc, two dil, one grandbaby, and one on the way. I started homeschooling 18 years ago for academic reasons, but quickly realized the multitude of other benefits for our family. I have graduated three, and have three to go. I was a lurker on the old board and decided to come out of lurking with the new board. I hope this even makes sense. :001_smile: I have been at my son's house helping out the last few days while his wife is in the field (military), and I am so tired. I am definitely out of practice getting up in the night with a baby. It is worth it to get all the cuddling, though!
  7. I am praying for you, Joanne. :grouphug: It is definitely your turn to catch a break.
  8. :grouphug: I am praying for Jule and her family.
  9. :grouphug: That has to be difficult. I'm sorry.
  10. I am so very sad to hear this. Praying for peace and comfort for Shane, Julie, and their family. :grouphug:
  11. The teachers for Apologia General and Physical at our co-op allow students to use the 1st Edition if that is what they have. They do not find enough difference to matter. You might want to ask your co-op teacher and see what she has to say.
  12. So glad it wasn't more serious. Thanks for letting us know.
  13. Yes. I had to do the heimlich on my oldest when he was about 5. We had gone to a nice restaurant with my in-laws, and he was sitting on the other side and the other end of the table from me. My mil was sitting beside him, and just kept saying "are you okay" the whole time, while I was running around the table as fast as I could. I did the heimlich and a piece of chicken flew across the restaurant. It scared me silly.
  14. You know I'll be praying for you, Faithe. :grouphug:
  15. I have a 12yo dd who is a Level 10 competitive gymnast. She trains about 24 hours a week right now, but in the fall it is going to ramp up as she gets ready to go Elite. She is the youngest child, and I am in the process of trying to figure out how we are going to do this. This level of participation in something non-academic is new territory for me. She is definitely not as academically inclined as her siblings, which is how I am bent, so cutting anything out of her school day (which we will have to do, at least to some degree next year) is giving me a lot of angst. She is a gifted gymnast, though. I feel like I have to let her see how far this talent will take her. Up until now, she has done school from 7:00-12:00, gone to gym, and then finished up schoolwork after dinner. I have never had to remind her and beg her to do her schoolwork. She has an incredible work ethic. I am going to give her our regular 7th grade work next year, but if it is just too much, I am aware I may have to cut something. As long as she keeps up in math and science, can write well, and reads a lot she will be fine. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway. :001_smile:
  16. :iagree: What a surprise for your dh.
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