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Everything posted by Joules

  1. I don't know much myself, but we do have a former vet tech on the forums Katie, username "ktgrok" She might have some insight.
  2. Data Science/Analytics might be a good career choice. Some universities are starting to offer degrees in Analytics, often in the business colleges. Part-time, consulting or WAH are definite possibilities depending on interest. It's the direction that I'm heading now that I'm retiring from homeschooling, so let me know if I can answer specific questions.
  3. My mother started a tradition where she gave ornaments to each of the grandchildren each year for 21 years. She lovingly picked out something that would appeal to that grandchild each year, so they were all different and meaningful. She passed when the last grandchild was 14 (my ds) and the oldest was 34. Those ornaments are ds's most prized possession and the one thing that he owns that is in the "emergency evacuation" stash (with photos and documents and such.)
  4. I had other health problems, but my solution was schooling year round. If I only have to get in 180 out of 365, I felt less guilty when I HAD to have the day off and leave ds to his own devices (TV, computer, grandma, or whatever.)
  5. Common Sense Media is great for that, if you don't mind spoilers.
  6. I wanted to say Thanks!! again for all of the great, helpful responses. Right now I'm trying Benadryl three times a day and Zantac morning and night. I've switched from Dulera to Symbicort. I'm using the albuterol nebulizer morning, noon and night. I do OK, except for the shakes and high pulse, after the breathing treatment, but I start to feel like I'm breathing through a coffee stirrer instead of a soda straw about the time it is due. I'm starting to be dependent on it, I think. As far as the nasal antihistamines, they do tend to make me irritable, too, maybe because too much goes down my throat. In my current situation, I don't have the classic runny nose allergy symptoms, just closed up airways. I can try and see if they help that, but it didn't seem to be as connected to me. ETA: I'm so sorry that so many of you share this problem!
  7. As a totally different idea, I think it might be a circulation problem confounding the pulse-ox results. When you are still, the blood is not circulating sufficiently depriving the extremities. So you might have a fine oxygen level in your blood overall, but not enough blood in your extremities to measure it. Do you happen to have Reynauds? Nurses usually warm up areas (like rubbing the hands) before they test with a pulse oximeter to make sure there is sufficient blood flow to test. (Here's a little information http://www.rtmagazine.com/2007/02/pulse-oximetry-and-low-perfusion/ ) I can't remember if you have lung or breathing problems. In my experience having an actual pulse-ox of 89% would likely cause symptoms...shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, chest pain, headache, fogginess. Definitely see the doctor because depriving the brain and heart of oxygen causes lots of damage. On the other hand, if it is a circulation issue, depriving the extremities of blood and oxygen can also cause problems (just less lethal), and needs to be addressed.
  8. Good morning :grouphug: I don't have personal experience, but wanted to share some thoughts (and thought you needed a hug). I can't imagine continue to live under the same roof with my abuser, but it's hard to get a sense of the degree from your short description. Maybe it is situational and not a life-long pattern? Is your counselor OK with him staying? I've known one (and only one) couple that managed to get past that dynamic with intensive counseling for both. I guess I'm thinking if your husband is just going through a mid-life crisis and taking it out on you, this might work. Maybe, if you choose to do this, codify it with a lawyer and the counselors? Find some way to protect yourself. Maybe money could be put in escrow (six months expense, say), if he does not hold up to his decent-human-being end of the deal? That way you'd be protected if you have to throw him out all of sudden. I'd also make sure that him leaving if things don't work is in writing. Be sure you are being completely honest about the situation with your counselor (sometimes we apologize for their behavior). If you don't already, have your own counselor-someone he hasn't had a chance to sweet-talk. If your counselor says this is an insane idea, don't do it. I hope you get more BTDT advice, but just wanted to give you a hug and share some quick thoughts :grouphug:
  9. Thanks for the update, you have often been in my thoughts :grouphug:
  10. I'm so glad I asked you guys, I'm hopeful that maybe I'll find something that will help. Does anyone else worry about the potential connection between Benadryl and dementia that keeps hitting the news? On all these meds, my brain barely works as it is.
  11. They are 10 and 14 yo standards. We use most of the precautions, but now ds is off at college, I do much more of the pet care. I do all of the allergy basics like bed covers, hepa filters, washing all bedding every week, washing my hair before bed, and wearing a mask when I clean or go outside. I hadn't thought about the Zantac in a long time. I remember that being recommended before.
  12. Just looked it up. It is Semprex in the U.S. I've never heard of it, but will ask the doc next time.
  13. If it helps trigger some advice, right now I am on Dulera (though he gave me a sample of Symbicort to try next) and I'm using the albuterol nebulizer 3 times a day, plus the albuterol inhaler as needed. I'm on a oral steroid burst, though they didn't give me a shot this time. Chest X-ray is negative. I've had a chronic cough since 2012, but it and the asthma are so much worse and not responding this time.
  14. Thanks for sharing...so far I have one vote each for six different things. I went into anaphylaxis from allergy shots, so I'm not eager to try that again. I may go back for testing again, hoping that I've developed a new allergy to something I can avoid (please don't let it be the poodles!!) I'm pretty good at eliminating foods at this point, so that would be a plus.
  15. This is me. It doesn't do any good to have me allergy free if they have to put me away. That's what I've been doing, but I need something round the clock now. The doctor isn't fond of Benedryl except on occasion for emergency control. He thinks it causes thickening of mucus and may be contributing to recurring pneumonia.
  16. I've gotten to the point where they all seem to cause mood disorders. After a few days, I can't stand the agitation and anxiety and I quit. But the asthma is out of control and I've got to stick with one for a few weeks. Since I don't see any difference, could y'all share which one you or yours finally settled on?
  17. Mine is doing well on limited ingredient turkey food: Dry from Zignature, and wet from Nature's Fresh (FreshPet). The more obscure protein options did a number on her stomach. The Zignature bag say to feed puppies two times as much as the adult amount, if that helps.
  18. Our case was an individual private scholarship and not on the CB list. The organization didn't want scores coming separate from the "application package." They wanted everything in one big envelope, so we had to get official transcripts in sealed envelopes and same with test scores. I thought the OP had the same problem.
  19. I've had a rough week so I'm still plugging away on the Dresden book , Proven Guilty. Ds says it is his favorite, but either I've not gotten to the good part, or I'm just "in a mood." I may pick something else up this week and save that one.
  20. We had to have an official hard copy for a scholarship. You can get this for SAT and ACT, but I don't know about AP. I was in application fog so I don't remember much, but here is a chunk of the email I sent to a friend whose dd was applying for the same scholarship: To have ACT scores sent directly to you, go to the website and enter 7000 for the college code. Don’t open the envelope or it magically loses its officialness. To get SAT scores sent directly to you, call 866-756-7346 and spend lots of time on hold with a call center that knows the words “paper mail†but doesn’t seem to understand the concept. Again don’t open the envelope when it arrives ;-) The key is not to open the envelope when they arrive, though someone told me after that the SAT is in two envelopes so I could have opened the outer one.
  21. I loved the Incarnations of Immortality and enjoyed Xanth (but at some point had enough of the repetition). I encouraged ds to read them as a young teen without re-reading. He read a few and enjoyed the mythology of Incarnations, but told me the books were very misogynistic and didn't read any more. I couldn't believe it and had to re-read to see what he was talking about. It really was a whole different world for women way back when...it all seemed perfectly normal to me then.
  22. Thanks for reminding me of that one! I enjoyed the memoirs of Felicia Day and Trevor Noah so much, I've been wanting another to mix in with my fiction.
  23. When ds was applying to colleges one of the essays was to recommend a book for the first year read (where all freshman read the same book and it can be discussed in classes.) He wrote on The Wee Free Men.
  24. I have started several books since I was enthusiastic January 1. I'm working on Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher right now and I think that is the one I will finish this week. I've started Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman but that will be a longer term one. Also, in progress but not abandoned yet: 1632 by Eric Flint and The Dragons of Dorcastle by Jack Campbell.
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