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City Mouse

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  1. I have had really good luck with the Dell outlet.
  2. My DD was not diagnosed until she was well into adulthood. Like 27 yrs old I think even though I always knew she had many AU characteristics. She did “ok” in school as in she had no trouble passing her classes as long as she liked the teacher. However, she did have social issues. College was rough, and she did not finish. She struggled through several years of low wage jobs. Once she got the official diagnosis, she was able to get assistance from DVR which increased her opportunity to be independent from her parents. Looking back now, she could have benefited from work on social skills and emotional regulation. She see that now too, and asked me to help find her a therapist with experience working with autistic adults. When she was 16-17, we had no idea that adulting would be so difficult for her. I do think the last 10 years might have been easier on her if supports had been put into place much earlier. A related problem that we came across is that it is much harder to find a provider who will diagnose adults, and there was only 1 person in our state who does adults and takes Medicaid. It was a 2 yrs wait and then a 3 1/2 hour drive each way with a hotel stay to get her diagnosed.
  3. I’d just change traditions and go away to a nice hotel for Thanksgiving 🤪 Or go camping instead which is how my DH and I handled Thanksgiving for about 15years until we moved 12 hours away
  4. Maybe I used to go to Costco when I lived in the big city. At the time, it had more high end, organic type products than Sam’s. I thought that Sams had better prices on basic staples. When I moved to the edge of nowhere, I thought I would miss those big warehouse stores, but really it was much better on our budget to not use them. It was too easy to over buy in the big quantities. I order most of my basic items -trash bags, toilet paper, paper plates, zipper storage bags, from Amazon now. Cutting out the impulse purchases was better for us than getting the cheapest price in a store.
  5. I just waited it out, or I’m waiting (been 77 days so far and hope I’m done). It was really bad for about two years. I keep supplies everywhere - in both cars, my purse, the bags I take to school, etc.
  6. I don’t know anything about them except that they are very heavy. However, if you live anywhere near Tyler Tx, I have a very lightly used one I would give you. I think it does need a new battery though.
  7. Can’t she just put the pads back in herself? I tried to look, but I can’t find anything that meets all your criteria.
  8. For my mom the complaining was just part of her process. I guess she complained to get attention. One year I tried to help by hosting the family dinner. I thought the dinner went well, but as she was getting ready to leave she started complaining about all the things she needed to prepare at her home that we didn’t have to eat at my house, and that we weren’t going to her house to eat.
  9. I hope I’m not causing more pain, but with Ting Tang’s post about her father passing, I can really see the big glaring issue. She is supposed to bend over backwards to do everything that DH and DH’s family wants, but she had to go to. Chicago all alone for her father’s passing. It doesn’t even sound like her DH offered to go with her, or that any of those other family members stepped up to take care of things at home so that he could go with her. No wonder she doesn’t want to live with those people. I would be running for the hills. I will leave off any further opinions as I would be not nice.
  10. I’ve thought of getting something like this. https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/couples-split-bedding?utm_source=google surfaces&utm_medium=organic&flow_country=USA&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0syqBhBxEiwAeNx9N72JKK_2OAoKw59hERSwOW3mDNiVunSc8os_yiT31B_Pi6ksD_NGbBoCgRkQAvD_BwE
  11. This is one of the reasons why it is important to have advanced directives in place. When my parents were no longer able to make their own medical decisions, I felt comforted by knowing I was following what they had said they wanted back when they could make those decisions. Here is a concrete example. My dad had an out-of-hospital DNR and wanted to make sure everyone knew it. My sister and I made sure to honor that. My mom did not have a DNR. When my mother first moved into her nursing home, the social worker informally evaluated her and determined that she was able to make some of her own decisions. My mother still refused a DNR. I made it clear to the NH that as long as my mom was able to make her own decisions, I would not fight her, but the moment she could not, then I intended to follow her advance directive from 20+ years ago that indicated she would not want that. That is exactly what happened. As my mother’s medical and mental condition continued to decline, I had her put on hospice and signed a DNR for her. (I had POA). While I realize that she may have live another few weeks if I had wanted her in the hospital on an IV and dialysis, I do not have any regrets about the decisions I made in those last couple of weeks. What I regret is how she treated me, my siblings, and my father her last couple of years so that all we felt when she died was relief.
  12. Vent away! My last couple of years were full of similar issues. I am still angry about the mess my mother created.
  13. Just a thought on the leaking. My DS was a late bedwetter. When his pull-ups would start leaking, that usually meant he needed to go up a size even when the his weight was within the current size.
  14. When my DD was still living with us we charged her $50 per week. When she wasn’t employed and applying for benefits, she did put that amount down as her rent, but she didn’t pay us when she didn’t have money. Officially, she owed us back rent, but we never attempted to collect. However, she has never applied for SSDI, just SNAP and Medicaid.
  15. The only other thing I can think of at this point is inpatient treatment, but even if you can find a place to take him, since he is 18 he has to agree to go or it has to be court ordered.
  16. While Vocational Rehabilitation did not work for a poster above, I just wanted to pop in and say that it does help for some. It has been very good for my adult DD. DVR gave her a paid internship when she was not able to find a job in a field she wanted. (She wanted to get an office/secretarial type job instead of all the retail-cashier or housekeeping jobs that have been all she has been able to get for the last several years). DVR gave her a stipend to get appropriate clothing for her internship. DD attended a local job fair and got hired at a title company. She does have some issues at this new job, so DVR is going to keep her case open longer that normal to continue providing some support. DVR even paid for repairs (with certain stipulations) of her car so that she could continue to get to work. Although DD is not planning to obtain additional education at this time, she did discuss that with her DVR counselor. She was told that DVR would pay for educational expenses after any federal, state, or local financial aid as been used. However, the biggest hurdle to DVR services is the slow pace that things move and the willingness of the client to jump through all the required hoops. There were times in the past were DD would have expected immediate results and would not have been willing to do all the things required of her. What has helped me more than any of DVR services was getting her into our local public housing. Since it is income based, when she wasn’t working at all, she cannot get evicted. It also can connect residents with utility assistance if needed. Unfortunately, due to the rural nature of where we live our public housing much nicer than what might be expected in a more urban area. Also, it only took her 2 yrs to get a spot. Another FYI, once a person is 23, income of other family members is not taken into account even when living in the same home when applying for SNAP benefits. DD was able to get SNAP when living with us which gave her some independence in purchasing her own food. We absolutely would have provided for all her food needs, but this way she could contribute even when she didn’t have cash. She also continued to qualify for Medicaid while she lived with us, but that might have been pandemic supplemental stuff which as since expired. Now that she is working, she lost Medicaid and most of her SNAP benefits, but she was able to get insurance through the marketplace at no cost (tax rebates I think) due to her low income.
  17. Yep, these. I inherited some really large ones from my mom, but her’s are the blue cornflower pattern.
  18. My other suggestion would be to check thrift stores for vintage CorningWare dishes with the glass lids, but I really hate calling the CorningWare that I got new in the 1990’s vintage. I can’t possibly be old enough for that. My mom’s old CorningWare can be vintage. 😀
  19. Pampered chef has a coated metal pan with plastic lid. I’ve not used this product, so I don’t know how durable it is. https://www.pamperedchef.com/shop/Cookware+%26+Bakeware/Baking+Pans/9''+x+13''+(23-cm+x+33-cm)Pan+With+Lid/100667?queryID=5cc12b0fb9235ed34f5e8ed6b5c03435 There is also a stoneware baker that comes with a lid/tray, but I can’t tell from the description how much of a seal there is with the lid. I don’t have this piece either, but I really like the ones I do have. https://www.pamperedchef.com/shop/Cookware+%26+Bakeware/Stoneware/Stone+Rectangular+Baker+With+Tray/100736
  20. Yes! Your state will have a Commission for the Blind or similar named government agency that does this at no cost to you. They will come to the home and help make adaptations among other things.
  21. When we had a pig processed we had slabs of bacon cut but did not have it processed into bacon. We used that in pork belly recipes. It was fun for one year, but we decided that we would much rather have the cured bacon from the processor
  22. I had a cat who ate weird things including tinsel. Luckily he was not injured, but it did cause major issues coming out the other end. I will leave further description to the imagination.
  23. Thanks for posting! I have the recalled applesauce and used it to make some zucchini bread over the weekend. Thankfully there are no little kids at my house, but still the bread is going in the trash.
  24. So they each have one chore at meals, and it looks like you have a set cleaning day. That doesn’t sound unreasonable to me. I don’t count putting their own dirty clothes in hamper as a “chore” or doing own laundry. That’s just part of taking care of themselves such as brushing teeth.
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