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  1. There are a few Homeschool Curriculum Buy/Sell groups on Facebook that I have been successful with both buying and selling. I have saved so much money buy purchasing used!
  2. For that age- Oak Meadow. I am actually going to be using Oak Meadow for my 7th grader in the fall. I have it in hand and I am loving it. Memorial Press is a close second. It is not secular though, and we prefer a secular curriculum. Everything we have used from MP has been great though!
  3. I was wondering- do you have a link to the rolling catalog case you used while road schooling? We will be traveling full time in our RV soon, and I am trying to figure out what would be best to use to keep all of our homeschool books/supplies. Thank you!
  4. This is an interested thread...we are actually going to be heading out fulltiming in an RV soon, and I am deciding on what we are going to bring. It really does depend on the type of RV you have, where the weight is distributed, etc. Books are fine to bring. Would I bring a set of encyclopedias? No. We will have 3 kids, a dog, a cat, and sugar gliders- we need the space for other things. I will have a bookshelf dedicated to all of our homeschooling books, etc, so I need to choose wisely. Each of the kids will have tubs with their designated art and craft supplies, and things like that as well.
  5. I have tried a few different ways, but it seems my 1st grader does her best work in the morning. It ends up working out so that our afternoons are free for different things. I might try a different schedule after the new year though- still trying to work it out to see what might work best.
  6. My oldest (12 y/o) goes to a private school, and I homeschool my 6 y/o and also have a 3 y/o at home. It works well for us.
  7. My 1st grader is on the spectrum, SPD- and is in OT and Speech/Language Therapy. For math she ADORES McRuffy. We are still figuring out which language arts will work best, we have been through a few.. As far as computer etc- she loves going to Starfall (we ended up subscribing), and other learning websites. She will sit there forever playing learning games. She has an iPad BUT it has other games etc on it, so she does all kinds of things on there when she has iPad time. I would love to have an iPad dedicated to school/educational stuff. It would be great for on the go learning too. I think documentaries and educational movie/shows are great personally..I find that *I* learn from watching better than other ways since I'm more of a visual person. Following this thread for some ideas. Thanks for posting.
  8. I would LOVE to find an idiom of the day calendar- especially for my son. Following this.
  9. LOVE McRuffy. LOVE it. My daughter loves their math especially!
  10. Ok, I'm not sure about that first one, but I've heard of the second link posted. lol. Lucy- I have that Pride & Prejudice also and it's super cute!
  11. I agree, I would never buy used workbook. Well, if it were only a couple lessons then I would. Not any more than that though. Singapore isn't very expensive to buy new, so honestly I would save for that, or find a deal on it used with unused workbooks.
  12. I would not go into too much detail to be honest. I think a short answer would work in this situation, and if you have any tips on where she can go for tutoring/help then offer that up.
  13. We ended up getting a multipurpose children's table from Rooms To Go. It actually has a dry erase top, which is super fun when we are doing math or learning to write new letters, words, etc. The table seems to work best for my 3 and 6 year olds for now. I figure when they get older we will move to actual desks. I have a small desk in the homeschool room, and sometimes my 6 year old will sit there to do her work while the 3 year old is at the table.
  14. I agree with the previous posters. I would let them know that you just cannot take on anymore at this time. Do you have anyone you could refer her to that might be helpful?
  15. Can I just say this thread has made me feel a lot better about things? We are only on our second year homeschooling and I am beginning to have a little "collection" as well. I tried OPG also and it's very boring for both myself and my daughter..I keep wondering why I don't sell it, but I just hold onto it for some reason!
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