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Everything posted by stephinsocal

  1. The Teaching Co has a course I've had my eye on called "Sacred Texts of the World." No personal experience here, but it gets good reviews.
  2. Have you looked at MIT's open courseware? ocw.mit.edu
  3. Do you know justserve.org? They match projects with volunteers. You might check to see if they have anything in your area.
  4. My ds16 has taken English Language (Mrs Inspektor) and Chemistry. Both have been fantastic.
  5. Alex Fillipenko's astronomy course! He's our idol.
  6. Startalk, federally subsidized foreign language programs hosted at universities around the US. Ds16 wants to attend their Arabic program at BYU this next summer--I'll post about it afterward.
  7. This may not be what you're looking for, but the Teaching Co. course "How to Listen to and Understand Great Music" has been a huge hit at our house. Beef it up with some extra recordings, discussion/essay questions and suggested readings from the course guidebook, and you have a nice semester-long course.
  8. Dangit, I was looking at the Illustrated Guide myself. I guess I'm on the same quest, then.
  9. So we've finished a four-year history/lit cycle, and I've waffled about what to do this fall. Today's idea is to follow the Big History Project through human prehistory, and then switch to the Teaching Co. series History of the Ancient World: a Global Perspective and Understanding Greek and Roman Technology. As always, I'd require note-taking and a few papers to round out the lectures. Once a week or so throughout, we'd work through Peter Kreeft's Socratic Logic, which I'm really loving right now. Your thoughts? Thanks!
  10. My 13yo son had a great time with the archaeology course from Brown U.
  11. Yes, this was a response to the "homeschooling inquiry" form I filled out on the website. Did you like your kit? I probably got a newbie customer service rep and just need to pursue it further. ETA: Sorry for the goofy format, I haven't mastered quoting on my phone.
  12. I clicked on the "homeschooling information" tab, requested contents lists for biology kits, and got a rude email (signed "kind regards"!) telling me I can't have a contents list unless I've bought a kit, and can't buy a kit unless I'm enrolled in a class that gives me a code. Would you run a business this way?
  13. So helpful, thanks! Our sole experience so far is Chem with Mr. Moskaluk: A+
  14. Just picked up a seriously glazed-over AP Chem finisher. Good luck to all! ETA: And top marks to Mr. Moskaluk at Chemadvantage. The class was fantastic, and ds was very well prepared.
  15. BYU has a decent list of a-g courses, and our charter pays for them.
  16. You can create a school ID card on the Homeschool Buyers Co-op website. They will mail you a plastic one, or you can print one out and laminate it. My ds used his for the chemistry SAT this morning.
  17. We've enjoyed Cambridge (through Level 3) but my ds would like to read more real texts. LNM looks great, and I'm wondering if anyone has experience making this switch.
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