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Everything posted by AmandaVT

  1. DH and I watched last night - I've read all the books and he has not. I think we both liked it, though I'm the type to prefer the book 99% of the time. DH did turn to me about 20 minutes in and said "so your favorite book series is basically p*rn" I told him that in the books, there are intimate relations for sure, but the TV show seems to be playing up that angle a good bit more than the books. Then I reminded him that he reads and watches Game of Thrones and that show is way more explicit than the first episode of Outlander! Love the scenery and costumes! I was overall pretty happy.
  2. My friend has done the 20/20 research panel and gotten a couple of $100 or so visa gift cards. I signed up for it and have gotten selected for a pre-research screening, but haven't met the criteria they were looking for yet. Here's the link: https://www.2020panel.com/
  3. When money was tighter here a couple of years ago - like $6 left the day before payday tight, I would have definitely written and down and planned every book I was going to buy. Things have loosened up a bit now, but we still make sure to have monthly budget meetings and I keep a daily eye on the accounts. I do the majority of the budgeting as I get less stressed about bills. :-) Two things that have helped us a lot is using mint.com for keeping an eye on the big picture and I have a google docs spreadsheet that keeps track of what day everything is due and what day they're paid. Maybe your DH would be willing to set up a (free) account with mint. Then you can see where your money is going as well. Good luck.
  4. Coffee in the mornings, iced tea in the afternoons during the warm months, hot tea when I'm sick or at night in the winter.
  5. I wouldn't sink $2k into a $400 car either. A payment on a $10K van won't be too bad. Our rule of thumb was to figure out how much we spent on the car over the year vs. a car payment. Then we realized that we were not able to drive down to see family as often as we liked because of the unreliable car. That's when we decided to take back on a car payment. It's been worth it. Good luck on your car hunt!
  6. I bought BA 3A and I'm hoping to use both MM and BA. Fingers crossed that it will work, like MotherofBoys' son, DS likes MM (and PCM which we use for fun extra stuff) and I'm worried he'll balk at BA.
  7. So I'm down about 2 lbs for July. I got my period yesterday and the scale is reading higher than I'd like at the moment. I'm holding at 2lbs right now. I did gain a pound while MIL was here, but lost it pretty quickly. Not the 4lbs I was aiming for, but better than staying the same or a gain, so I'll take it.
  8. I adore my macbook air, it's been my favorite computer by far. The battery life is about 12 hrs.
  9. We're in a similar spot as you and our kids are the same age too. I got advice here to use the chapter tests as pre-tests and it works well. I do make a point to do the puzzle corners and the word problems because I like them and thankfully so does DS. We went from 1A-2B last year in K and I'm thinking we'll still be accelerating at least for the start of this year in 3A.
  10. We're on Sunny Brook Rd. which is a very nice name for a street, so I'd keep it. If I had to rename it to more accurately reflect our street's personality, it would be something more like "this is a dead end dirt road, please don't drive 60mph street"
  11. 68 here at the moment. It's been a cooler than normal summer. Haven't even been swimming yet! We've had some days in the 80's, but we've been mostly in the 60's and 70's for highs and have had to close the windows some nights. Last night was in the mid 40's.
  12. Lots of dairy farms in VT. Maple syrup, apples, corn, hay and then we have a number of small/medium farms who offer CSA shares and a variety of fruits and veggies.
  13. I'm pretty good - I work part time at DH's company and he is a slower typer than me. So he'll frequently dictate e-mails or notes to me and I'll type them up for him.
  14. blondeviolin - I'll get the group FB page to you. Give me a few. :-) Arctic Mama - I know, it'll add up. We're doing a 50 state study this year and I'm excited to add this in. (if it actually works!)
  15. Basically, you send out 50 postcards to every other state (and DC) but your own state. Everyone else does the same. In theory, you receive postcards from all 50 states. The group admin has been talking about having the kids (or parents) write 1 fun fact about their state on the postcard. Send 5 postcards a month through the school year.
  16. I have joined a FB group that is doing a 50 state postcard swap and we're short on people from these states. If anyone here is in CT, MT or WY and is interested, let me know! Thanks! *also, there is a Utah shortage in a few other groups, if you're in Utah and interested, let me know and I can send you over!* Edited - Alaska is all set.
  17. This brings back memories of car trips with DS when he was younger. Sounds exactly like him. He hated the car - screamed every time we started driving for more than 5 minutes. It got a little better when we turned him around at 2, but now they want you to wait even longer than that. It was motion sickness that was affecting him. He's starting to grow out of it now, but we still keep our "puke emergency kit" in the car for any trip longer than 30 min just in case. I don't have any advice really, just sympathy! :-(
  18. I just checked old navy's size charts: size 14 slim waist is 24.5 inches and women's size 1 is 24 inches. So if the waist fits on a 14s, you'd probably be pretty safe going with a size 1 at Old Navy.
  19. You're probably not going to love my answer, but brain rest is what's needed after a concussion. So no work, no computer, no reading, no TV. :-( Everything I've heard is that as soon as your symptoms start coming back (headaches), stop what you're doing and rest. Sorry about your accident! Concussions are no fun!!
  20. I'd elope before having games at my wedding...
  21. I have an ice cream maker very similar to this (I think my model is slightly older) and love it. It's simple and makes great ice cream. It also doesn't take up that much space. http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-ICE-21-Frozen-Yogurt-Ice-Sorbet/dp/B003KYSLMW This was my pasta maker and it worked fine. I just didn't make pasta all that much and we have a few local companies that make great pasta. I finally gave it to a friend. http://www.amazon.com/Roma-Traditional-Style-Pasta-Machine/dp/B000ATUKBK/ref=sr_1_2?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1406379975&sr=1-2&keywords=manual+pasta+maker
  22. Another vote for Hydrofask. They are the best. I was looking for a new water bottle for DS and got this one. It is as good as advertised. I can put ice and water in it, take it to the beach, let it sit in the hot sun all day and it'll still be icy cold at dinner. So nice. I have another in my amazon cart for me when I place my next order. DH likes his water at room temperature, so he can use our old klean kanteens.
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