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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Now, there are lots of reasons to GET a dog, but my mind goes to the reasons to NOT get a dog.... Of course, I would do anything for my cat in a heartbeat so I'm sure I'd feel the same way about a dog. It's nice to be able to leave a cat home alone for hours or overnight, if needed. Not so with dogs...
  2. The first dog I had as a kid was a shepherd collie mix, and she was the best.
  3. Fun! A dog DNA test would be interesting with those dogs 😀
  4. This was a new mashup for me. I just learned that a German shepherd plus a labrador is called a sheprador. There's a 9 month old female sheprador in the shelter near me... 😍
  5. Whoa whoa whoa.... Separate naming thread needed! 😺
  6. Thank you for checking! She seems all right this morning... she ate her food with gusto which was nice to see! No bloody pee drips on the floor so far. She's been urinating OVER the end of the litterbox, so I'm not sure how to deal with that. It's a huge box (23 inches long) so she's got plenty of room. She just seems to walk in just enough so all four paws are in the box, and then pees with her backside over the end. They gave her a gabapentin at the vet for pain, and she was pretty zombie-cat all night last night. I wonder if I should give her another... it's hard to tell if she's in pain or not.
  7. Sending good vibes your way! Hope everything goes smoothly.
  8. I’ve been wondering about your kitty! It’s wonderful that she’s back to her old self! I remember how awful it was for you and her not long ago. It’s a bummer about needing to take two meds... but like you said, the main thing is she’s back to her normal self. It’s crazy that it wasn’t a UTI, not crystals, nothing... so strange! The vet today was like, Wellll... cats are finicky! True, but not particularly helpful either. Maggie is sleeping. They gave her gabapentin which always knocks her out. She lapped up two small bowls of turkey baby food plus water. She had subcutaneous fluids at the vet, and they gave her a cat laxative to help with constipation. I just feel so beside myself when she’s not well. I was thinking to myself today sitting in the car waiting, that this is probably an abnormally high level of anxiety over a somewhat minor problem. I probably need to do something about that for myself. Then I think, she’s 18... we must be on the downhill slope of her life which just makes me 😭. She’s been my constant companion for over 13 years. 💕
  9. Omg! Awesome! I saw a man in a kilt at the grocery store the other day and I accidentally held up the line trying to read the label on the kilt. Sure enough, it was the official company!
  10. Thank you! It's been a tough day. I'm glad it's not a UTI, but it's definitely bittersweet. It was eye-opening at the emergency vet though. There were some really difficult things happening for other pets! 😞
  11. She is at a painful stage, and it's so sad to see! She keeps trying to pee, but there's nothing to pee. Great idea about the wet food often with water. I'll go buy some baby food turkey, her favorite. Thanks for sharing your success story 🙂
  12. She does eat wet food, but also dry. I can switch to completely canned.
  13. ... suspecting a UTI, which she's had before and was horrible... only to get a diagnosis of "idiopathic feline cystitis." In other words, bladder irritation for no known reason. She's clearly uncomfortable but has no bacteria in her urine. We've got pain medication and a muscle relaxer. After the 6th hour, I remembered that this has happened before, a long time ago. It came and went and never returned. Until now I guess! Home now and eating all the things.
  14. Oh my. So much going on. (((hugs)))
  15. Oh, dear. I'm sorry. I can remember your excited posts about him starting school in Ireland.
  16. Ugh. DH was in a meeting yesterday and today someone that was there said they tested positive today. Nobody was masking because it was a lunch meeting. Fingers crossed...
  17. I have no helpful thoughts, but I'm sending good vibes your way! This all sounds so difficult and exhausting. It must be even more difficult to figure this out with someone who has difficulty expressing their thoughts. I imagine he must feel very stuck.
  18. Your house is so pretty! I love it. I'd go with some bushes/shrubs to hide the condenser.
  19. Ugh. Same. Yet they still need to de-mask to eat ... And where? Classroom? Teacher lounge?
  20. She can also get a celiac panel run on her own of the doc doesn't want to do it, or if she wants to hurry. I forget what the places are called that let you get blood work without a doc.
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