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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. I would be extremely sad about many of my neighbors moving. Sorry you're feeling sad 😥
  2. Love this! My mom would send me in the yard with a bucket to catch falling leaves. It did keep me busy for a while!
  3. I'm just learning that ADHD hyperfocus can include talking about special interests. My DH does this ALL the time. He also doesn't notice when other people are done with the topic, and gets offended if people don't want to listen.
  4. I can only speak for mine, but I was expecting something that felt like really thin wool. It IS very thin, definitely woven and not carpet-like at all. However, it's made from polyester or something and I dunno, something about the feel of it is uncomfortable for me. I have other super thin mats from another company in my kitchen, and I have trouble with those, too. I'm sure it's just a me problem 🙂 They also have different textures, so maybe I just don't like this particular one.
  5. I have one Ruggable rug and it looks good... but the texture eeks me out. I have to wear shoes walking on it. Not sure if other people have this problem or if I'm just weird!
  6. Aww. That's so great. What a relief to have such an amazing support person in your lives!
  7. I bet the psych will have some suggestions to make this easier.... like maybe he can take a reduced course load or something?
  8. Yes! The wool ones are way better than cotton.
  9. I wear either Darn Tough or Smartwool no-show socks. They are awesome and the wool is way better than cotton. Darn Tough: https://darntough.com/collections/womens-no-show I wouldn't wear them with the examples you gave because they would show. If they wouldn't show in your boots, get 'em! They're the best. 🙂
  10. You're welcome. I hope it made you feel a bit better. I'm sure you can make art for DD's walls! You already did an awesome job with the bench you created. This would probably be way easier.
  11. When I was about your DS's age, I was kind of rude about my mom's money, too. I knew we were poor, and I was embarrassed about it. I didn't want to shop at Goodwill for clothes, or live in an ugly little ranch house. I would always grab the free real estate books at the grocery store and try to find a house that she could buy. I really couldn't understand why she wasn't motivated to move (now I know it was because she had no money to move!). At the same time, I was really proud of her for working so hard and making ends meet. And now... I love shopping at Goodwill! LOL. Honestly, in many ways, I'm glad I grew up poor. It taught me responsibility, creativity, and to appreciate the things that I buy. I do wish it wasn't such a struggle for my mother, but there was definitely a silver lining to the situation.
  12. Ah. I can see that, but there's the flipside is that people with kids use other services, like public schools, food assistance, medical assistance, for kids. I think most families end up using a variety of services throughout their lifetimes.
  13. Ugh, that sounds so uncomfortable. Hopefully the Paxlovid starts working soon! 103 fevers (even 100-102 fevers!) make me so nervous. It's funny... my DH has been similarly cautious, but just like yours, my DH would probably do something more risky if he really, really wanted to do it. It's kind of like how we're less cautious around people we know well... like we think we're less likely to catch Covid from them for some reason. Seems to be the same with events you really, really want to go to.
  14. Huh. I never thought about that side of it. I agree with you, then.... declawing for the majority of cats, with exceptions for extenuating circumstances like the ones you listed.
  15. I've never understood how it would be selfish to not have children. Is the thinking that the people are so self-involved that they can't care about children, or something? Or they are too selfish to take on responsibility?
  16. No suggestions, but I love that you're doing this!
  17. We'll, I'm not from PA so I won't claim to be right... But I don't consider it the Midwest. It's the Northeast, but not New England. Hopefully that's not controversial 😀
  18. People in Pennsylvania do it too. The wood needs stacked. Drove me up a wall! Thankfully I have never heard it in the Northeast.
  19. Bummer. Poor little guy! I wish I had some useful suggestions.
  20. Hmm. Now that it's the school week, I wonder if that will continue - no peeing or eating at school, but doing both normally at home. I'm guessing he's not able to communicate about this at all?
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