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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Hi all, Zoro may have conjuntivities. He's got a watery eye, blinking and keeping it shut sometimes, and the third eyelid is visible a tiny bit. He doesn't seem to be in discomfort other than blinking the eye. He's running, playing, etc. He did have a cold for a long while, and I read that conjunctivitis can go along with that. Is this something that can wait? I already have an appointment for the other cat on the 27th. Have already been to the emergency vet three weeks ago for Miko! (She's fine.) Would rather not go again, but I will if I need to. Thanks!
  2. Sorry about your DH, and hope the rest of the family don't get it. If I was a guest, I'd be worried about the rest of you being pre-symptomatic, even if your DH has tested negative the day before. What are the chances that nobody else is about to test positive, too?
  3. I work with someone who can be over the top with grouchiness. It really bothered me for two years and then I decided to befriend this person. I worked my tail off to always say hi, purposefully engage in conversations EVERY time I saw them, etc. and I think it's working, because the person at least seems used to my presence now 🙂 And... surprise surprise, I like them now! (When they're not being outrageously grumpy.) Remember George's plan on Seinfeld?
  4. Ha, same. But I'd be really annoyed if a person who knows they're sick showed up to my party. Plus, a fever to me, low grade or not, indicates something maybe not just a cold. Once I went to an event where a family had just gotten over a stomach bug - and they made a bunch of food to bring and share. Guess who got the stomach bug next... ALL of us!
  5. I can't think of anyone I could visit for a whole week, even staying in a hotel. No no no. I don't think most people thrive with their schedules changed for an entire week, especially when you have to consider other people's needs, too. Growing up, my mom always had a strict two-night rule for visiting.
  6. Can you all remind me of options for using tech for writing math? This would be for a dysgraphic middle schooler. I know we've discussed it before...
  7. Also, it sounds like it's abusive for that poor dog. You've got to do something about that.
  8. Wow, I'm SO sorry. Noise things drive me right over the edge. I would be on the phone to my town office asking them what I could do.
  9. Thank you, everyone! I sincerely appreciate these thoughtful ideas. I'll ponder and get back to you! His parents are taking him to get a med check.
  10. Unfortunately not. Supported study hall is in the resource room. It's regular old gen ed science, social studies, ELA, with the one gen ed teacher that are causing the grief.
  11. Hi everyone, This is a student of mine. Medicated, but like @DawnM said, it just takes the edge off. He has an IEP in place for another reason. ASD is not a consideration for this kid. It's just really, really severe ADHD. Getting reminders every 30 seconds is just not gonna happen in 7th grade. He goes to a supported study hall, which is fine. It's the gen ed classes that are so hard for him. I've finally convinced the middle school staff that ADHD is a disability, not a choice. (Go me!) But they're lost as to how to help him, and I'm kind of lost, too! We have a pedal bike desk in the basement. I'll get that out and see if it helps. I need to call the parents and see if the medication is taken consistently, and if it's been tweaked recently.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm looking for ideas/advice about supporting a very distractible middle schooler who goes to public school. General ed for most of the day. Some supported study hall time during the week. Medication is in use, but tweaking it is always on the table. The biggest issues are constant talking, moving around the room, missing instruction due to distractibility, and lack of homework followthrough. My box of tricks isn't working as well as I'd like. Kid & teachers are frustrated! Thanks for any ideas or sharing your experiences. Please don't quote because I may delete. Thank you!
  13. This is why I hate having only one bathroom!
  14. I think you should just go for it and give gifts when you want to, unless the person specifically says please don't. I think most people appreciate the thought. The saying "it's the thought that counts" is hopefully still true!
  15. Well, that's me, too... but theoretically I could use one. I'm more apt to use an Amazon card than one for a specific place like Old Navy, because I almost never go there.
  16. She doesn't use gift cards? Who doesn't use gift cards? Maybe an Amazon one would be OK...I'd feel extremely awkward getting cash from a parent.
  17. I'm a teacher, and I hate getting gifts that just end up in the trash or going to Goodwill... I don't like parents spending their hard-earned money on something I'm just going to toss. However, that email was a bit much. I'm sure there could have been a better way to word it.
  18. I keep getting Facebook ads for the Quince $50 cashmere sweater...
  19. The whole thing is like that. I didn't realize it would be. I also have trouble remembering a lot of things from my childhood. I'm wondering if thinking about it will bring up some memories?
  20. I just bought this book. It seems great! https://www.amazon.com/Securely-Attached-Transform-Attachment-Relationships/dp/1632174898
  21. Have you tested for covid? Two people I know just had covid, and it started with vomiting followed by respiratory a few days later.
  22. Because I'm a direct communicator, I wonder if I just don't notice passive-aggressive behavior. Like, if someone didn't text me for a few days, I'd assume they were busy and/or forgot to text back. It probably wouldn't occur to me that they were upset. I'd like to think that with a romantic partner, I'd be able to say, Hey, if you don't text me at least once a day, I'll be sad and worried! My DH knows that when we're apart on work trips and whatnot, that we absolutely have to talk or text at least once a day.
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