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Posts posted by Redeemed7

  1. I really like the micro-cooker for steaming veggies like broccoli. I also have to second the positive reviews for the stoneware. I've been using my pizza stone for over 15 years. Oh, and the mix n' chop is great for breaking up hamburger really fine. It works great. I find it especially helpful if you like to freeze ground beef and it's not completely thawed before browning. I also really like the quick stir pitcher. I've had that one along time too. BTW, I don't sell Pampered Chef. lol I actually, have only been to a handful of shows over the years. I actually think some stuff is a bit over priced. I just think the things I mentioned a worth buying.

  2. As many pointed out many Jews did believe and founded the church. It was hard for the Jews and even the disciples at first to understand. The Jews saw the Mesiah as a conquering king and not as a suffering servant. Nor did they see him as God. Of course they were missing a lot of what the Old Testament was revealing to them. He will be a conquering king when He returns again. They thought He was going to over throw the Roman Empire and set up His kingdom the during His first coming. He is going to do that, but it will be His second coming. At that time they will see and realize he is God and Mesiah. It all part of the plan. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.

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