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Everything posted by Innisfree

  1. I'm so sorry, the whole experience sounds harrowing. Hope you'll be home soon and able to rest, and your mom more comfortable. Gentle hugs to both of you.
  2. Just to clarify, dd isn't going to transfer. She decided against that as soon as she seriously looked into it. She was just frustrated because if she had arrived on campus like any other freshman, without a bunch of gen ed classes already finished, she'd have spent the first semester assessing the place, then made a plan to transfer. Since she'd have been taking gen ed classes anyway, she could have taken the ones which allowed her to transfer. As it is, that would set her back almost two years, so it's better to just keep on where she is. I take @regentrude's point that there might still be more classes needed at the new school, though, in order to meet their standards and follow the proper sequences.
  3. Not yet at dd's school. Vaccinations and masks are mandated, fingers are crossed.
  4. Yes, if transferring had been part of the plan from the beginning, we'd have thought through this ahead of time. It's not an awful situation, just not ideal. The good part is that she's well ahead of the curve in her own department, and spending most of her time there pretty much from the beginning.
  5. Dd reports everyone is going home every weekend. Her school has taken Covid seriously, which, don't misunderstand, I appreciate. Last year almost everything was online, this year they require vaccinations and masks. Still, classes are back in person, so far at least. There's practically nothing happening on campus *except* classes, though. She says the school looked like a ghost town over the weekend. I'm not sure if this is new and different, or would have been the case regardless of the pandemic. She had specifically tried to find a school which had an active on-campus life, but either the information we got while visiting was wrong, or things have changed. I suppose it's probably the latter. If I were looking for a school for next year, I'd ask some probing questions about life there *now*, and also lean towards schools within an easy driving distance, fyi.
  6. Had anyone else encountered this? Apparently transferring to other state schools requires following a specific plan, including taking certain gen ed classes during the first two years. Dual enrollment credits don't count for that purpose, even though they do satisfy the gen ed requirements at the present school. So, stay at a school that isn't the best fit, or forfeit the advantage of coming in with lots of credits. Fortunately the present school isn't really bad, just not what had been hoped for. Something others might want to be aware of, though.
  7. I'm so sorry. That's a lot of difficult stuff to deal with. Sending lots of hugs.
  8. Ugh, it's so frustrating when preventable situations make life hard for everyone. I'm glad she's doing better.
  9. Yes, this. You have done due diligence. I'd send her to school, given the whole situation.
  10. Innisfree


    Could we let this thread die now, please?
  11. Innisfree


    You are so right! 😄
  12. Innisfree


    Okay guys, thank you. I appreciate the help. Deleting now.
  13. Innisfree


    I think this is exactly how dd feels. Thank you for spelling it out for me. Thank you, yes. You're right. And thank you so much for not quoting!
  14. Innisfree


    It's so sad. I feel awful for her at the same time I get mad because I'm feeling manipulated.
  15. Innisfree


    Auntie absolutely expects thanks. She is loving, but has a very rigid understanding of etiquette. There's never intentional hurtfulness, but a great deal of criticism of people who don't meet her expectations. This starts getting into why she can be difficult. I mean, obviously people should thank others for presents, but the criticism can be constant. Sometimes I think she loves to give presents mostly because it's the only way she can compel a relationship. Eta: However, I can absolutely send brief thanks myself.
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