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Posts posted by Tiphanya

  1. In case any of your college students-kids don't know what to do, we are looking for an au pair from 20-21july to 7 august (but it's possible to stay one more week just to enjoy the area in exchange of 2 half-day of work).


    Where : 30 minutes by local transport from Paris

    What : 25h/week to take care of my 20-months old daughter

    In exchange of a family to live with (private room, share bathroom, family meal) + 70€/week.


    We are French, I work as a french teacher for foreigner, my boyfriend is studying archeology, my daughter loves cats (there are some in the house) and spicy food.

    Except for my daughter we all speaks English. But my daughter don't speak at all for now.


    I was au pair before college in Amsterdam and in Luxembourg and I love it. One of the best thing I did to grow up. So send me a private message if you want to know more.

  2. My own experience

    In a family I worked, even if everubody knew English + another language, each adult has his/her own language. When the kids say something in the wrong language the answer is always "sorry I don't understand, can you repeat please ?" in the proper language. I was there as the French nanny. Hard at the beginning, but then after 2 weeks, the 5year old understood there were no other way.


    From a dear friend, american, married to a french man, lives in Paris, never find a way to make a son speak English even if she never speak French with him. They spend several weeks in the States, and he discovered that English was not a stupid idea from his mum and that other people speak it and only it. That's really help them.

  3. I am not sure I'm able to answer properly.

    It's strange that you see a huge leap as this 2 years (CP and CE1) are built together with the Grande section. The children starts from learning letter, learning reading to be able to read alone.


    In CP the main objectif is to be able to read and count.The children have to be able to read any word, even unknown word.

    "Au cours préparatoire, l'apprentissage de la lecture passe par le décodage et l'identification des mots, par l'acquisition progressive des connaissances et compétences nécessaires à la compréhension des textes." official texts


    You can have a look there too : programme officiel

  4. I thought while studying at university that I would be a teacher like any other, teaching french as a foreign language to all the japanese travelling in Paris.

    But now I am a mum, and I want to homeschool my daughter. So I read a lot, and I had to change some plans.


    I still want to be a teacher as I love to teach. But now I'm teaching online (on skype) and I prefer to teach to kids who are homeschool. I find it more challenging for myself and more links to the life I'm looking for.


    I'd be glad to help some of you through the bilingual area. But if you want real lessons, here are some infos : I use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (so with the same classification as the Alliance Française), and mainly with the book Tip top. All the lessons are built by myself to focus on the child interest (food, car, rugby, litterature....). I think that self-motivation is really important so each student choose amongst the activities to do, the one s/he'll do (like music or geography or linguistic) + 1 activity they must do.


    I already taught in Kirghizstan (6 to 16 years old), in Togo (12-16 years old) and to japanese living for a while in Paris. Among my actual student, there are a chinese student (20-something), two australian and homeschool kids (10 and 12) and a little girl (3 but it's not on skype but at her home, too hard otherwise).

  5. Hard to write a small introduction.


    I'm french, living near Paris, right now, mum of a 17month old girl. And we decided that she will be homeschool. But here it seems quite difficult so all the information I found are about how legal it is to do it, and how.

    A friend suggested this forum, I saw a bilingual area (I try to teach her (and me) japanese), so here I am.

  6. Dictée starts in CE1 and 1 dictée goes the whole week.

    For exemple :

    monday : the teacher reads and writes the word (only noun) and ask the students to write them in their notebook.

    tuesday : some students (the one who wants) go and write the nouns they learned

    wednesday : day off

    thursday : the real dictée of small sentences with all the new words inside

    friday : some teacher asks creativ written from the new words.


    the better the students are, the less preparation there is.


    In 3e (around 15years old), the school ends with a national test. And in French there is a dictée.

    As a teacher of French foreign language, a lot of school I worked for, ask to do a dictée every week.



    I hope it will help you.

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