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Posts posted by yellowperch

  1. How old are your children, Liberty? I might have some advice if your kids are a little older than the guests who are coming. But first of all, hats off to you. This is a massive undertaking, and you must be a great sister! I think you might also have a grand time, but you are right to start planning now.


    I too am curious why your sister is leaving her 3 month old behind. Babies that age are so easy to travel with--even to the third world if that is where your sister is going. It's such a long time, and having the infant with her mother would make your job so much more doable.


    Finally, if you don't mind me asking, where is your sister adopting from? So few countries allow adoption by people with larger families so I am curious for my own little adoption daydreams.....

  2. My Dh either: works, plays with the kids, does chores, goes fishing (with some of the kids, always), helps me with whatever I needs help with. Sometimes we go out or stay in on real "dates". He's not in town for the next few weeks so we are missing him....



    Some Sunday mornings the kids just frolic inside or out and Dh and I just drink coffee and chat. I love mornings like that.


    OP--Does DH spend much time doing things with your children? That would seem to be the weekend's primary purpose, regardless of the activity...



    I almost forgot--most Saturdays there are several sports games or practices to get the four older kids to, and to watch. Those days we are ships passing on the roads.....

  3. The timing is out of his control for the most part. He's in abroad now. He had been home for a month before and we thought we got the timing right, but we were wrong. He'll miss our next chance, but then he'll be home for six weeks. That's why I'm thinking of seeing a specialist--between my age and his travel we don't have an infinite number of chances left.


    That said, Dh is fine with things as they are. He's half hoping (maybe 75 percent hoping) the fever will pass. I don't think it will.

  4. I had just won a particularly arduous game of Sorry when my DS9 said, "we have to play to the finish." The two other players were about to rebel--I mean really, who wants to come in second--when DS9 started doing everyone's turn for him/her at really high speeds. You had to be there, but it was just so funny. He'd hop to the other person's spot, pull a card, move the piece while imitating the person, jump to the next spot, etc. He finished the game in about 5 minutes and we were all left laughing. He came in last and was just delighted with everything. So funny.

  5. To those of you who urged me to get my hands on a copy of Writer's Jungle: thank you. It has taken me a while to loosen up enough to just start trying some of the suggestions, but we are in a groove now and loving our free writing time and our chatty narrations and our poetry teas.



    Just wanted to share that.

  6. My youngest just turned 2. I am about to turn 45. I have been very lucky and blessed to have the children I do have. My husband is terrified about the financials and the looming college tuitions. I really thought by now I would not be thinking this way. But here is again: baby fever. The "would it be great if it happened" approach we've taken over the last two years has not resulted in a baby. Dh travels so timing is an issue but, of course, my age must be the main factor here. Anyway, this is so personal I wonder why I am posting about it here. IRL no one would sympathize--we live in a 2.5 kids per family part of the world--or have real advice to offer. I'm thinking of seeing a fertility doc just to see what my options are. I'm really not crazy. I just love this baby-wearing, child-rearing, soon-to-be teenager part of life and never want it to end. Sigh.

  7. My dd has wanted a kitten for a year now. She pines for one, and now she very sweetly and hopefully is talking about how Santa just might bring one.


    I am just two inches shy of being phobic of cats. I really dislike them. (I don't mean to offend cat lovers so please just trust me when I say I know this is irrational.) They make my skin crawl. Also, I just don't want the responsibility that comes with caring for that kind of a pet. And I think the litter box and the cat hair will drive clean-a-tic me crazy.


    I'm just getting itchy even as I write about this.


    So I really don't think I will be able to get over this enough to give my daughter her heart's desire this Christmas.


    What do I do to prep her for the disappointment?

  8. Love that idea SaDonna. This is not exactly on topic, but I do find the reading selections so extremely well chosen. Many of the selections are just great to read--the description of the door knocker in Dickens from week 10--or unexpected--Jonathan Kozol!!--or otherwise outstanding. They've led us to other reading and discussions. However, I hadn't thought of reading ahead and prepping for some of them. Maybe that is what I will do with my day off Friday....

  9. My children would be perfectly happy to have a nice challenging math lesson, and then just hours uninterrupted to read. They would end up writing, drawing and talking too. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we did this:


    Morning math

    read all day

    free write for 20 minutes (2nd grade) 40 minutes (4th)

    Finish--polish--one favorite piece of writing every two weeks.


    I think my current approach is a little over-complicated. Just musing here, but I invite your comments.

  10. I bought 4 boxed sets (history, math, geography, and science) for Christmas last year. My three older children love these. They have all been ready many times. To be honest, I have spent a few stolen minutes looking through them myself. They are really light and fun and interesting.


    I'm planning to figure out which ones we don't have (does anyone know great ones that aren't in the boxed sets?) and order a few more for Christmas. They'd be met with smiles.....

  11. Amazon UK sells them for L13.99--a great price for a Christmas present that will be loved, I think. However, I don't think the Zone 2 discs will play on my Apple. I'm sure they won't. Drats. I will try to set up a google alert so see if I can catch one available in the future.

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