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Sarah Mackenzie

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    Homeschooling mama of 6, author of Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace

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  1. FairProspects, make sure you toss us an email at support@readaloudrevival.com and we'll get you a refund. We don't ever want you to feel ripped off, and if you didn't get anything from the training, you should get your money back. :)
  2. I'm doing a free live webinar with Dr. Perrin (from Classical Academic Press) today at 12:30 Pacific (3:30 Eastern). You are all certainly welcome to join us! We'll both be live on camera, and you can ask questions and chat with us in the chatbox there. More info is here. :)
  3. I'm not a veteran! :) My oldest is 12 and so I'm in that logic stage that you talk about being the first time your sense of peace was really shaken. Mine has been shaken, so I sought out the peace I was quite sure I was called to live out, and I started writing for myself. That manifested itself in a blog series and then into a book. That's why I recorded the companion- I wanted the perspective of veterans (Cindy!) and those far wiser than I (all of them!) so I could dig out the message for myself. I didn't write the book as an expert (oh my), I wrote it because I needed someone to write it for me. :) Your blog, Tibbie, is one of my favorites. I'm always finding great posts on Sandbox to Socrates.
  4. I hope you all don't mind my popping in here. I thought I could answer some questions for you. :) Feel free to ask more if you have them and I'll check back so I can respond. Not really. This book is more for the generally-overwhelmed homeschooling mama (so basically it's for me, lol). I give some overarching ideas for how to simplify the schedule and the curriculum and some principles to help guide a homeschooling mother through the planning process, but it's not a step-by-step planning book and it doesn't get into the nitty gritty of the different parts of the curriculum. It's partly a "this is what we're really doing here" inspirational message plus a "this is how to get started today, especially if you are so overwhelmed you don't know where to start in the simplifying process." You can see the table of contents in the sample here. That might give a better idea of what I tackle in the book. As for questions about the theology behind the book, I am Catholic. Actually, I'm an evangelical-turned-Catholic. I interviewed four people for the audio companion (Andrew Kern, Dr. Perrin, Brandy Vencel, and Cindy Rollins)- none of whom are Catholic, but they all wholeheartedly endorse the book. As do the Catholics who have read it. I tried to stick to foundational Truths, and I think the message is applicable for Christian mamas of any denomination. The book and companion are unabashedly Christian- there's no getting around that. I believe that teaching from rest comes from leaning into Him, so that's the premise of the book from start to finish. Non-Christians probably won't like it much. ;) I certainly don't want anyone to buy the book and wish they hadn't! I wrote it because I wanted to bless. Shoot me an email and I'll be glad to refund your purchase, Hunter. :) If anyone has any other questions, I'm happy to answer them. I hope you don't mind my ducking in here to do so!
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