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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. One advantage to the PSAT 8/9 is that I think it can be used for DYS qualification, whereas the SCAT cannot. Double check with DYS, though, on that. Agree with the others that the SCAT experience was easy peasy.
  2. My 3 year old is in private preschool full-time. Unsure if we will homeschool him for K. My 8 year old has been homeschooled (through a public charter) since K, but we take it year by year.
  3. Bumping this. Good info. Considering a CAP W&R class.
  4. How is everyone holding up? The radar looks pretty brutal along the coast right now. We haven't gotten the rain yet, in San Diego, just the crazy wind ahead of the storm.
  5. It takes me almost 2 years for mine to get better. Definitely get checked out. Hugs to you. Ppd sucks, but please know that you aren't alone, and things will get better.
  6. I don't recall anyone discussing MCT online courses offered by RFWP. Has anyone taken these courses, or have any feedback? https://www.rfwp.com/pages/michael-clay-thompson/mct-2017-spring-courses/
  7. My 8 year old does fine with WWE3, but, as others mentioned, I read it as many times as it takes for him to hold it in his head.
  8. Please stay safe, Liz. The forecast shows us getting a wall of water (3 days of solid rain) here in San Diego next weekend. Are you guys due to get hit up there soon? This has been the wettest winter I've ever seen in Southern California.
  9. I live in San Diego. Finding comfortable flip flops is my superpower, as I live in them. You Want The Reef Dreams. Trust me. http://m.zappos.com/p/reef-reef-dreams-black-black/product/7839849/color/183092?ef_id=WEuXJAAAAdsJWjbD:20170213001013:s
  10. Isn't Tarbuck Earth Science the one Regentrude used and recommends?
  11. Sacha is in love with this series I found on the CTY Young Readers syllabus. It's called HIVE: Higher Institute for Villanous Education. I haven't read the books, but based on his reaction, I have to recommend this one for the 8-10 crowd. He's also enjoying the 100 Cupboards trilogy. I'm enjoying chemistry. ;)
  12. It sounds like school went into receivership and was bought by a philanthropic group. Agree that it doesn't sound good.
  13. We will only consider private school if there is financial aid, or we hit the lottery. ;) Charters are great for the younger grades, but they still have many of the same issues as b&m public schools when it comes to transcripting the work of outliers.
  14. We might apply to private schools later, which is why I was hoping his transcripts would accurately reflect the work.
  15. We are running into the same issue here. Our charter refuses to acknowledge the work my kid is doing on his transcript. So, when gets to Pre-A in 4th, they still want to put 4th grade math on his record. My EF is so clueless about what to do with my kid, she even said 1) that colleges don't like it when kids take high school classes before high school, and 2) that he might have to repeat the courses in high school to officially get credit. I basically laughed at her suggestion that MIT wants kids who take Algebra in 9th grade. My kid loves the charter socially, but it is clear that we are going to have to move him at some point. And we're having this issue with almost all of his coursework, since he's pretty globally accelerated. Sigh.
  16. I think it would be wise to check with each college on your list to see what their policies are, just to be safe. I think that, as long as you don't graduate the kid, you are fine for elite schools. Just know that those credits are unlikely to graduate you sooner. However, they may help you to accelerate through some pre-reqs. In some cases, this may not be wise. I wouldn't want to sub in Calc I at the CC for Calc I at MIT, ykwim? For lower tier schools, the credits may help you graduate faster. Just check financial aid regs at that school.
  17. I am so not brave enough for that. Maybe if I had more kids, and was a pro at this. :)
  18. My DH already works with him on the Arduino, but I'd love to find a camp or class that would allow him in. His attention span is far greater than his same age peers, but no one wants to bend the age rules for my special snowflake. Sigh.
  19. To my knowledge, some universities allow 2nd baccalaureate degrees only in the case of career changers, again like in nursing or other healthcare fields. Not sure about something like engineering. I will (hopefully) pursue a second baccalaureate degree at SDSU, but the BSN is the only second bachelor's that they allow.
  20. That is frustrating. I hadn't noticed that. Why would they do that? I was really hoping that we could use WTMA to get through AoPS, since the regular AoPS courses move so quickly.
  21. Interesting point, EoE. I think it depends on major, and how you plan to pay for school. You could knock out an AA, in some fields, and work to finance the BA -- nursing, for example.
  22. I have a soon-to-be 3rd grader scheduled for BA5 next year, and pre-A in 4th. If your kid does well with BA, I see no reason not to move directly to AoPS.
  23. MM1 bombed for my mathy kid. Way too many problems, and I only had him doing half! We did Singapore IP and CWP only for 2nd, and switched to BA for 3rd.
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