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Indian summer

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Everything posted by Indian summer

  1. Steamed or roasted with garlic. And my kids love kale chips!
  2. I don't know why, I just do. One of my kids hates math, the other two don't mind it but I fantasize about turning on a math passion switch and having us all spend hour after hour every day happily, easily doing all sorts of maths! Math games, math activities, math puzzles....ahhhh... I never realized how much I liked math until now. And I know I could do it myself but that's not what I'm hoping for. I feel the same way about philosophy... There. I've said it.
  3. I've never gone past my due date, but I remember my doc saying if I went beyond 10 days past, induction would be necessary. Why? Beyond emergency situations like preeclampsia, is it dangerous for an overdue baby to remain in there too long? Is the induction about the mothers comfort? Or about the size of the baby becoming an issue? What if it's clearly a smallish baby of, say 7lbs.? Would it then be okay to let the baby come on its own time? What did they do in the days before c-sections and induction meds? Was this a big problem that caused a lot of death to mothers and babies? I'm not expecting, nor do I plan to have more children, I've just been curious about this for a long time and never thought to ask.
  4. I voted other. I cannot honestly say I've read it in it's ENTIRITY. I have read the bulk of it a few times, but parts of it I use as a reference as needed. The specific grades and curriculum recommendations I only read when they become relevant to our upcoming year.
  5. We deschooled and unschooled in the beginning, so it wasn't complicated. I did a lot of strewing and observing and chatting with the children and reading to them. I remember having this feeling that someone was going to catch us unschooling and call a truant officer. Lol! But I kept those thoughts from the kids and continued.
  6. This is interesting. There's also a very obscure (so I'm told) dialect of it spoken here in eastern Canada.
  7. Some would say my kitchen is outdated - though only slightly, not decades. I keep thinking I shouldn't spend the money on me, but I'll definitely upgrade if and when we try to sell it. I always love my houses best when I've done some renos to make it sell. Sigh. I just don't want to make changes too soon and then have those changes be outdated when we want to sell and have to do it all over again. My flooring and woodwork are not the colour that's popular today either.
  8. I like my house but if I could change one thing I would have a dedicated laundry room on the top floor. Right now we have a laundry/powder room combo off the kitchen. It's tiny. But at the end of the day, it's a minor thing - it could be worse.
  9. Thanks everyone! I will call the doc first thing in the am.
  10. It's been years since I've had a tetanus booster and I've stepped on a sharp thingy (not rusty though, if that matters) and got a tiny puncture wound. The nail like thingy, actually a picture hanging hook-like thing, doesn't appear terribly dirty though I know that germs aren't visible. Anywhoo, is it too late at this point to get a booster? Might it help or make things worse? Do you think it unlikely that I would need one? I cleaned the wound with an iodine swab and put on a bandaid.
  11. This was my experience too with naming my kids. Once I heard the right name, without even knowing their genders yet, I just knew that was their name. The other gender name we had chosen in case never quite felt right. it's interesting that they have all always liked their names too. I do have an idea of a school that might be a right fit, but that time isn't here yet so I don't know if it will work out. My kids don't even know this school exists yet and oldest has his sights set on somewhere else that I really don't see him at - I suspect he won't end up there, but I'm waiting for him to figure that out. ;)
  12. I don't use my MB tub. I could do without easily and opt for a nicer shower. I did like it when my littles were smaller, I could see them from my room while I got stuff done, but now that they are older and shower in their bathroom, it doesn't get used.
  13. We started writing reports this long and longer in grade three or four. In either of two languages. No, this isn't too hard for an average or above 6th grader.
  14. I remember a woman telling me that she avoided reading fairy tales to her kids because she didn't want her daughtersa expecting a prince to rescue them. As if that were the only theme in fairy tales! Sheesh! lol! Yeah, I could definitely name at least a dozen off the top of my head, buti still know all the nursery rhymes my mother tought me 30some years ago.
  15. I started a thread a few months back about having a hard time with Wind in the Willows. We got through it and I'm glad we did. I find there is a rhythm to some of these books that I eventually get into. I also found LOTR tricky to RA. We bought an audio version. It seems older British books are hard-ish for me.
  16. Well, I saw a picture of one on Facebook and we are just going to wing it, without plans. Here's a link to a few ideas. http://koenigshof-lippstadt.de/fotos/catio-enclosures
  17. We may build a catio. It's a cat patio surrounded with double layered chicken wire, to give indoor cats a taste of outdoors safely. You can put it up against an open window so cats can come and go as they please.
  18. This is the one we have. We also have grammar songs by the same woman - my kids love them! We also use lyrical life science with good results. School house rock has some skip counting songs.
  19. My day was meh. That time of the month so I wasn't feeling well - normally I make sure to stay home, but had to go see my mom and mil. Ended up with a big headache. I'm kind of glad the day is behind me.
  20. Ahhh...so glad to hear this is not a big deal. Thanks for all the tips.
  21. Ds dropped a drawer on his toe and the trauma caused bleeding under his nail. It hurt, but the pain subsided within 5 minutes, and we do not suspect the toe is broken as there was no swelling and he can still wiggle/ bend it fully with no pain. We didn't bother to drain it since it was a smallish spot - taking up 1/4 of the nail, appx. A few days have passed and it's not going away. Is it possible that it never will? I'm thinking it's too late to drain because it would be all dried up and partly healed.
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