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Everything posted by UncleEJ

  1. Why aren't muscle relaxers an OTC drug? Are they that mind altering? Is there some other reason? I am honestly just very curious! I apparently have spastic muscles that spasm very frequently. Muscle relaxers are the only thing that helps when that happens. I can't take NSAIDS and Tylenol has never releaved a pain for me. I am just curious why they are as controlled as they are. I don't find them to be mind altering, just make me a bit drowsy. But my Dr acts as if I am asking for opioids. I totally understand the issues with drug abuse as far as opioids go, I'm just curious if muscles relaxers are as big a deal. On a related note, an non-prescription ideas for severe muscle spasms?
  2. It never occurred to me that she might not be able to squat easily and therefore isn't eliminating fully! That makes perfect sense, thank you for bringing that up. She has a bum knee and normal arthritis, plus the cold weather. You are right, she does need the pain meds. I think I am in denial that my first "baby" is so old. She has made it past the normal lifespan for Akitas, 10-12 years. I feel like each day could be the last and we are on borrowed time. 😢
  3. Thank you! The NSAID I have for her is called Novox. I think it is the same as Rimadyl. Her vet said to give it to her as often as I needed to. I think it might be time to go full time. I will look into the Cholodin as well. Thanks again!
  4. I have a 12 yo female Akita. She has always been VERY good about not going potty in the house. Over the past year or so she has been gradually losing control of her bowels. It started out with her leaving a small "nugget" behind every now and then, usually when she was asleep. The frequency of this happening is increasing and she is leaving larger amounts. So far, she isn't having any issues with holding her bladder. I am pretty much assuming this is just a normal part of aging for her, but I thought I'd ask if anyone has any thoughts about it or advice. It definitely isn't the end of the world, but it isn't pleasant either. She hasn't changed food in the past five years. And her health is overall great except for joint pain. No medications aside from an occasional anti-inflammitory when she is hurting.
  5. My pee immediately starts to smell weird. Like Cheerios lol. And the heightened sense of smell.
  6. To me, chest freezers are great for bulk meat storage, like a side of beef, fish, game. We always had one growing up for moose and salmon (bet ya can't guess where I grew up ;). We have an upright now that is so much easier to organize for day to day use. We will likely be getting a small chest freezer soon to store a side of beef. So, basically, you need both! 😜
  7. Mine has. And I even wash all my clothes on delicate. I am so ready for a front-load.
  8. My cats because, duh, cats. Going over to my new house that is being built each day to see the progress. I guess that isn't a very small thing, it's big! My kids, even when they drive me crazy most of the day, they still make me smile and my heart melt. ðŸ˜
  9. I get a lot of canker sores and this stuff helps a lot. It doesn't solve the underlying issue but helps the ones that are there. http://www.amazon.com/Gly-Oxide-Liquid-Antiseptic-Cleanser-Fluid/dp/B00ANL55Y2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1451663439&sr=8-1&keywords=gly-oxide
  10. I am so distractible... that I threw away a large bag full of brand new clothes! 😱 I had bought a bunch of new clothes for DD. I was cutting the tags off of it all and putting the clothes in one bag and the trash in another. I carried the trash bag to the laundry room to wash and threw the clothes away. And didn't realize it for a week, long after trash day. I never told DH. I also ran over my stroller. It was 8 million degrees and all three kids were freaking out. I loaded them all up, jumped in the truck and backed over my stroller. A very expensive double Chariot. I cried.
  11. I thought I read they are doing away with it up there? Am I losing it?
  12. Some very dear friends of mine lost their daughter today in a four-wheeling accident. She was nine years old. They have four other children who all witnessed the accident. Could I have prayers or thoughts for the family. Especially the children who had to see their sister die in such a horrible way. I practically helped raise this little girl during her first year. Of all of their children, I had a special connection with her. I can't even process this. 😖
  13. I FOUND HIM!!!! He was under the house, where I've checked a hundred times! Yay!!
  14. My young (6 months and neutered) kitty escaped last night. He's not ever been outside before and he hasn't come home. :( I'm so sad. How long do I keep up hope he will make his way home? We live on 24 acres and I've searched most of it. We also have a male outdoor cat who is very dominant and may have scared him off or fought with him. I am so scared for him :(
  15. I am convinced that it isn't true. It was not Glen being eaten and he somehow slips under the dumpster. Yep. He is just fine. Peachy.
  16. I like this idea. It seems less daunting that way.
  17. I have to have a full face mask because I can't breathe through my nose when I lie down. My sleep center is great, they allow you "rent" different masks to try before buying. Did you take it off part way through the night in the beginning?
  18. How long did it take you to get used to the mask? I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and need a CPAP. I have done the second sleep study so the doctor can decide what pressure to use and the mask really bugged me. I tried a few different ones that night, some were better than others, but I know that I am going to have a hard time adjusting. I am sensitive to things on my face. I can't even make it through the night with a Breathe Right strip! I know this is important and I WILL get used to it! I am just curious how long this process might take. I don't have my machine yet but hopefully soon. Any tips or advice would be welcome!
  19. Hamburger Soup from Pioneer Woman's new cookbook and cheese biscuits. It is pretty much the first fall-like day we've had and I wanted soup!
  20. I love our ourbestbites.com. Everything I've tried has been a hit. I even have all three of their cook books. I have liked a lot of food from shutterbean.com. Her site is mostly food and her wonderful photography.
  21. I thought this was the case, but I am not 100% sure. My dear step-mom works in accounting for a hospital and she warned me not not let it lapse. So I am conflicted, and with having Crohn's disease I want to be SURE! I have done a bit of googling but everything I have found was sort of hard to understand.
  22. Sigh. DH stepped off the deck today and sprained his ankle. Which, doesn't sound like that big of a deal, except he very severely sprained his other ankle about two years ago. And by severely, I mean he completely torn all three main ligaments on the outside of his ankle and partially tore the inner ligaments. He was out of work for three months. He was in more pain than I have ever seen a person. While today's sprain is no where near as bad, it is hard to not let my thoughts go back there. Last week DH was laid off work. He works in the oil industry and it is very fickle. We are in the middle of building a house. We spent nearly all of savings on the down payment. He needs a job. Yesterday, I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea. So now I need a CPAP. And my insurance runs out with DH's old company at the end of the month. I also have Crohn's disease and am on Humira and methotrexate. My disease is finally under control but the meds are prohibitively expensive without insurance. And then there is the matter of getting insurance ASAP because of the preexisting condition issue. Sigh. When it rains, it pours. Sorry, to whine, but I needed to get it out. 😒
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