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Posts posted by selabear

  1. Okay, I'm such a dork, I have most of my books purchased already too! :-)

    Here's what we are planning on using for 2nd grade, which will start whenever we're done with first grade...probably the end of August.


    History: SOTW 2 with Activity Guide

    Math: Math U See Beta

    Grammar: FLL 2

    Writing: WWE 2

    Spelling: AAS 3

    Reading: Books from the library until AAR 3 comes out

    Science: Apologia Astronomy

    Art: ARTistic Pursuits

    Other: HWOT 2 (My dd actually requested that we continue handwriting!)

    Draw Write Now (Is great for independent work when I'm working with my littles)


    Yay, can't wait to finish up what we're working on now!!

  2. Take it back. Get an iPad or a Google Nexus 7. Personally, I would go with the Nexus. It costs about the same as a Fire, is about the same price, but is much much better because it runs a full version of Android and you have many more app choices. I love ours. I have played around with my mom's iPad, and for what I want it for, it's too big. My kids love the Nexus too, and it's a better size for them to be able to use without me fearing they're going to break it (at least not as easily, anyway). You can do everything on the Nexus that you can on the Fire, and so much more. If you want to watch the commercials on YouTube, you'll see what I mean! :-)

  3. I found the idea of a High 5 chart, which worked for us at that age. My dd, now 6, and my ds, 3.5, know that they have to do the 5 things on the chart every morning. There's still some grumbling, but it works better as a visual. I update it every few months as needed, and I have them help me make it as a craft project.

    Basically, it's a hand print with something they have to do on each finger. Right now, our morning High 5 "chores" are: Get Dressed, Eat Breakfast, Help Empty Dishwasher, Brush Teeth, Read Bible with Mom. Our evening one right now is Clean Up Toys, Potty & PJs, Brush Teeth, Drink Water, Reading Time.

    These are the things they must do every day. Without reward or consequence. We just don't do anything else until these things are done. I have to do them with them until the routine is established, but once we get there, they know what is expected of them and just do it. Okay, if they are really struggling with their attitude and throwing fits about doing these things, then we address it with discipline, but most of the time, it works pretty well.

    Also, give them and you some grace! There are definitely days when this is not at all how things go, especially if I've been up in the night with one of my boys (ages 3.5 and 1). But if you set the expectations, then they know when the job is done and so do you.

    Hope this helps a bit! I'm off to check out some of the other resources listed in this thread :-)

  4. Hello all! What a wonderful community to have found! I wish I had found it at the beginning of the year, when we were just starting Tapestry of Grace, but better late than never :-)

    I am homeschooling my 6 y.o. dd (1st grade), with my 3.5 y.o. ds and 1 y.o. ds to follow. We are currently doing Tapestry, but will be switching to something else next year because ToG isn't working that well for us at the lower grammar level.

    Oh, and I'm a second generation homeschooler. I was also homeschooled, all the way through, and then got a bachelor's degree. I now stay home with my three littles and am so excited that I get to homeschool them all!

    Thanks for all the great information so far, can't wait to dig deeper :-)


  5. Hello all! What a wonderful community to have found! I wish I had found it at the beginning of the year, when we were just starting Tapestry of Grace, but better late than never :-)

    I am homeschooling my 6 y.o. dd (1st grade), with my 3.5 y.o. ds and 1 y.o. ds to follow. We are currently doing Tapestry, but will be switching to something else next year because ToG isn't working that well for us at the lower grammar level.

    Oh, and I'm a second generation homeschooler. I was also homeschooled, all the way through, and then got a bachelor's degree. I now stay home with my three littles and am so excited that I get to homeschool them all!

    Thanks for all the great information so far, can't wait to dig deeper :-)


  6. Hello all! What a wonderful community to have found! I wish I had found it at the beginning of the year, when we were just starting Tapestry of Grace, but better late than never :-)

    I am homeschooling my 6 y.o. dd (1st grade), with my 3.5 y.o. ds and 1 y.o. ds to follow. We are currently doing Tapestry, but will be switching to something else next year because ToG isn't working that well for us at the lower grammar level.

    Oh, and I'm a second generation homeschooler. I was also homeschooled, all the way through, and then got a bachelor's degree. I now stay home with my three littles and am so excited that I get to homeschool them all!

    Thanks for all the great information so far, can't wait to dig deeper :-)


  7. We love the Denver Zoo, the Museum of Nature and Science, and the Butterfly Pavilion (as already mentioned). I've heard that the Firefighter Museum is great, but I haven't personally been there yet.

    My kids are 6, 3, and 1, by the way, if that helps.

    Also, I have the Zoo Guide from AIG and it really helped with making the zoo into an actual field trip instead of just a fun thing to do. I plan on getting the Museum Guide as budget allows :)

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