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  1. I let mine drink a couple of sips out of my coffee cup in the mornings. Its weird to hand it to a 3 year old, and a 8 year old but they love it. Its a stove-top espresso maker, with fresh beans and I feel good about them getting the antioxidants. I will share a little more with Oldest DD when we are working on school. She feels special and it calms her down so she can focus (odd).
  2. I learned how to drive an automatic and my Jeep is an auto. My hubs let me drive his truck with a few words of wisdom by myself and I taugh myself how to do a manual. Mind you it was tough country roads and I had to be pulled out of the mud, snow, and soft dirt. Now I love manuals more than autos and don't mind driving around busy towns in it. I got into a friends truck (auto) just like my hubs and ended up slamming on the brake thinking it was the clutch.
  3. I would of never figured it out. I haven't even hit the big 30 and I feel like a grandma. I know how to knit better than work a microwave...
  4. I strip it off the bone and put it in baggies. Most I freeze for dinners, some I leave out and the kids maul it. Chinese stir fry, salads, bbq, ect.
  5. Odd but we keep real guns in the house and I do not allow toy guns, except water guns on hot summer days. Oldest DD has seen me shoot dear, and goats so guns are not "fun" they are tools. I have let her shoot my .22 while I am still holding it. I have taken hunter safety classes as well.
  6. Don't panic. It looks like you have three young'ins. You are doing what works for you right now and with tweaking and most importantly kids getting older more things will fall into place. I only have a three year old and an eight year old. Mommas with more than that I am always amazed, what they can do with little babies, even if it doesn't look like more than three subjects. So give yourself a pat on the back.
  7. I will often reuse fat once for greasing my pan or a little bit of bacon fat in a soup. I pour it over food scraps and throw it out to our chickens or pour it over dog/cat food. It does burn good in a fire too. I really try hard to not waste anything around this farm, and with all the hungry mouths and different diets someone wants to eat it.
  8. We work 2-3 hours four days a week with a extra day for catch up, educational movies, science experiments, field trips, ect. Our day goes 9-10am I start with bible & language arts. She does AAS, Writeshop, Handwriting, and reading to me. Then I read poetry or a Aesop fable. That takes an 45min-1 hour. Break for 15min-30min. Then its math, Geography, Latin. Later in the day I will do history and our read aloud. I would like to add piano, and ballet but very slowly I add in. Typing is a fun thing for her she can do when she wants 2-4 times a week. Once a week we do art, music, and science.
  9. DH just told me that he was Dyslexic. I am also Dyslexic, but was never helped along, always sink or swim. Absolute DHUA moment for me. Anyway I have been :banghead: with my oldest DD, she is 8, and her reading for one thing. Letter and number reversal and checking out websites she has most of the symptoms. So, give me ideas or book titles that might help me work with her better. Helpful ideas with teaching her to read. Another thing I heard that kids with two different color eyes could have eye issues. She hasn't shown any but do you think I should get her checked by an eye doc?
  10. I am both handed and was trained to write with the right so it has more fine motor coordination. Its my sewing hand. I do most things like work a saw or ratchet with the left. I can throw a ball equally good with both hands. Hubby is pure lefty but can still do lots with his right hand. When we switch computers we switch mouse hands. I am using the left and he the right without problems. My oldest picked her hand, right, and has not wavered since. Woogie the youngest goes back and forth but seems to have most control and favors the left. My brother was very lefty and was forced to use his right and hes handwriting and fine motor coordination is horrible.
  11. I have found that a movie in the morning does nothing but make my dd turn into a little monster who is irritable and begs all day for more. My morning routine is a work in progress but so far: you get up, dressed, make bed, chores, food, 15-20min play so I can get school ready, and they can rid of wiggles, then school starts. She only gets electronic rights if the majority of school and chores is complete. The weekends and really bad weather days is more lax but if I let them watch movies too early in the day it can be hard to get them into their own creative space. I need to work on the bedtime routine. We are all night owls so its not easy.
  12. Thanks for all the reply's and the links. I was raised with a strong southern accent that didn't get brought to my attention until 8th grade, 'ant isn't a word said my English teacher. I am learning how to "over pronounce" some words to help dd overcome my dialect. Reading aloud gives us a chance to use proper English and I think that really helps us both. Hubs brought it first to my attention then starting AAS really made me realize it. Nobody's perfect, but at least I can see what is going on and work with it. Oh, I have tested a couple of my friends and they to do not have a distinction between pen and pin. I am living in Colorado now.
  13. I am using AAS 1 for my Oldest DD 8 (The Dew). Crazy question, what is the difference between e and i. I know the spelling by heart on most things, and I am an avid reader. I think my dialect is messing with it. I know e's belong at the end of words it’s just the middle like pin and pen, have no distinction to me. Pet and pit have very little distinction. Is there a distinction or a rule that I can help The Dew with or is it something you just memorize?
  14. I am excited for it as well I have to wait for it to pop up on ABC I think online.
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