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Everything posted by Bocky

  1. My dd 5th found WWS and HO Ancients 2 together to be too much. After trying to modify HO, I decided to try Tapestry of Grace's Rome unit. We start it in another couple of weeks when we're done with Greece. I'd be interested to hear what you end up doing.
  2. I'm considering TOG for next year too. As a previous poster suggested, I bought Unit 4 for the year we're currently doing, so we'll finish history this year with a 9 week trial of TOG. I love the idea of it, but what really matters is whether it will work for my dds. Good luck with your decision!
  3. We loved SOTW with the activity guide for 2nd and 4th. The girls loved mummifying the chicken :laugh: It has been their favorite history lesson ever.
  4. ((hugs)) Best line to defuse dd 11, "You know honey you are completely right."
  5. Hi Fiona and Misstristyn I'm new too. Welcome. Fiona - with your interest Greek and Roman mythology you might like Hesiod's Theogony, The Homeric Hymns, and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Enjoy! Misstristyn - one of my dds is a big bird fan and very envious of your quails :001_smile: Bocky
  6. Hi - I'm new too :001_smile: We have "those" days sometimes too, but like you I feel very positive about the decision to homeschool.
  7. Thanks. Who knew homeschooling would be so much fun? Bocky
  8. Hi I am Bocky - courtesy of my dds who have named me after our mummified chicken. Best project ever :laugh: We are in our second year of homeschooling. Epic curriculum fails this year: Latin For Children - even though I am a trained Latin teacher my 3rd grader just can't get into LfC. We're now trying Lively Latin instead. Writing With Skill - my fifth grader loathes this. We've switched to IEW, but I hope to try WWS again next year. Dd is reading this and screaming what???? Unanticipated curriculum successes: Rod and Staff English 5 - At first we really thought it just wasn't secular enough for us, but it is really getting the job done. I'll definitely use it again for 5th grade grammar. Singapore Math is a breath of fresh air after Envision. My math struggler is now a fractions genius. Woohoo - I am on the WTM.
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