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  1. Hi OhElizabeth I dont have access to PROMPT provider since I am outside the US. However, could you point me to some websites where I can read more about this? thank you! Jenny
  2. Hi everyone, We have been waitlisted for a play therapy place, so Im trying to find some good books to help improve DDs (4yo, autism dx) play skills in the meantime. She is not very verbal. Any tips would be helpful. Also, Ive searched around amazon for some good books on play skills and found some- could you please let me know if any of these are useful. Theres quite a few! Thanks for reading http://www.amazon.com/Teaching-Playskills-Children-Autistic-Spectrum/dp/0966526635/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pdT1_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=I9IVHZO5MYN4M http://www.amazon.com/Developmentally-Appropriate-Play-Guiding-Children/dp/1605540374/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=I3J2YVBFH37CLM http://www.amazon.com/Play-Therapy-Aspergers-Syndrome-Adolescents/dp/0765708566/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=IRXAU3LGRT33J http://www.amazon.com/The-Learning-Tree-Overcoming-Disabilities/dp/B004NSVG8U/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=I2QR7BGI8CAG9X http://www.amazon.com/Every-Child-Can-Learn-Developmental/dp/1412947952/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pdT1_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=I3NEZG3ND9LHON http://www.amazon.com/Peer-Play-Autism-Spectrum-Socialization/dp/193128217X/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=IMKLJFQ1CY1NK http://www.amazon.com/Play-Based-Interventions-Children-Adolescents-Disorders/dp/0415890756/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=I3BF7OHZA28JUB http://www.amazon.com/Building-Social-Relationships-Interaction-Difficulties/dp/1931282943/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2BHNXY42CS0F2&coliid=IPHBMCZ4GLDH4 thank you!
  3. Thanks for all the real answers here ! I was soo hoping that IM or Neuronet for that matter would help .. but Im really glad Ive been dissuaded from wasting money!
  4. Ive just bought the Processing Program Level 1 book from SuperDuper. We are having problems figuring out Sublevel 2. It seems like DD (4 yo, Autism dx) has a lot of auditory memory issues. She only seems to remember the last word. Anyone who hasnt used this- it contains a set of pictures that you have to touch on command. For eg, if I say "Touch the sled with the cup and the dog". She gets very anxious first of all and then touches any picture containing a cup (after hearing the word cup) and then a dog (after hearing the word dog). She seems to hear and understand the word cup and dog ok. But doesnt get that she needs to touch a picture of both of them. It seems to me that she is eager to please so she just tries touching anything without waiting for completion of the sentence. Possibly typical impulsivity due to autism?. Or is it that she has very low auditory memory, so she is trying to compensate by doing things as soon as possible? My Speech therapist is very anal who wont hear of any "home work" being done at home by me- so I dont know who to ask.. Is this the kind of thing that can get remediated by Hearing Builder Auditory Memory or the Fast Forward? Could auditory programs like TLP help for this kind of thing? DD also seems to not hear us when she is engaged in playing on her own. Also, her reception of language is pretty low.
  5. Hi, My 4 year old has autism. Ive seen recommendations on this site that seem to suggest that NeuroNet can be interchangeable with Interactive Metronome. DD has issues with motor planning and imitation. Since we do not have qualified practitioners of IM or NeuroNet close by, Im curious, is NeuroNet (which parents can learn up on after a 1 month training program) as effective as IM? Does it help with motor planning issues? thank you!
  6. After almost a year with the diagnosis- heres my recommendations: Go Gluten Free Casein Free right now, preferably do a food sensitivities testing to eliminate any other food tolerances. Try to get Methyl B12 shots or atleast start on DMG (dimethylglycine) right away. These are the 3 things that seemed to help most for us. Also start up Speech and OT as soon as you get an appointment with good therapists. But most importantly- read read read- as much as you can. These are my favourite reads- - Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder by Ms Jaquelyn McCandless - Engaging Autism by Stanley Greenspan
  7. Hi.. this link has been really helpful to me.. Ive got a 4 yo on the autism spectrum..was wondering, if parents out there would suggest some other/more programs for children with autism? Also, Nurse Bee, it sounds like you are saying the NeuroNet and IM are interchangeable? We dont have IM out here, atleast no trained professionals, but it looks like NeuroNet can be done by parents if they get the training done.. Any feedback on the effectiveness of NeuroNet versus IM?
  8. @Twinmom My daughter has fairly significant issues with receptive language. Some basic statements like "Give apple to dad" can get awfully confusing for her. So, we are starting with the very basics of vocabulary for her- Action verbs and following basic directions. We also have seen auditory memory issues. Though we would love to, we wont be getting an audiologist assessment any time soon. Trying to save some $$$. Would you suggest "auditory memory" module or the "following directions" module first in the Hearbuilder program?
  9. @Jennifer-72, yes, she is receiving speech therapy. She picks up words quite slowly though. Receptive language is quite delayed. And she resists anything that feels like work- So, thank you for the suggestions for the barrier game and the processing language book. I dont understand why its called a barrier game though :-). Does the processing language book also give guidelines about to teach concepts like color and wh questions?
  10. @geodob How do I help my daughter understand that "sounds that we use to represent things and ideas".
  11. Hello! Im brand new to this site- and Ive read a couple of very useful threads on here already. So, Im bursting to ask all the questions that I have. I hope someone can help. Im the mother of a 4yo girl on the autism spectrum. Though she can verbalize for her basic needs by pointing and ocasional sentences starting with "I want" , teaching her new concepts take a lot of time. From what I can tell, she has significant issues with auditory processing. For example, Ive been trying to teach her colors for the past 4 months now, but it hasnt internalized much. She doesnt seem to understand what words mean. Im trying to find a good foundational program for understanding and processing words. Will earobics or other software like Hearbuilder help? Or should I start with something else. Any recommendations on the modules to start with would be helpful too! Thank you.
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