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Everything posted by genie

  1. Okay, so then how do you pronounce "dachshund"? Because, phonetically I pronounce it "doxon" or "doxun". I don't really stress the "d" at the end. That's what I was getting at, he's spelling it the way it is normally pronounced. But after over five years of owning dachshunds and visiting many websites and googling dachshunds, I've never come across that spelling ever before. And about Aussie, yes, there are plenty of words that are correct that still have the red line under it. But as a professional journalist, I would double check any word in my article that had the red line just to make sure. I would consider that part of my job.
  2. I loved him, too! He so obviously knew his baby, it was very heart warming. I think it's a great concept, too, but not to the detriment of the babies. Maybe have a teen shadow a mom to see what daily life is like. But this is in no way a dose of reality, because even those little babies were, what, eight months old or so? By the time your baby is that age, you have learned its little ins and outs. You know what makes them tick. It would be difficult for anyone to step in with a baby at that age and keep them happy all day long. Plus, just the lack of familiarity is going to affect things. The show is just complete sensationalism, at its worst because it involved innocent babies. And especially once they get to the pre-teen and teen stage, they have obviously chosen kids that they are hoping will be wild monsters. Well, first off, these teens will not still be teens by the time their kids are teens. They will have 13 year's experience by that point. And they will have laid the foundation of their parenting, and hopefully earned the respect of their children by that point. The whole thing is really just an exercise in futility, set up to be entertainment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against reality tv. I enjoy several reality shows, but only in the knowledge that the participants chose to be in it. But when you subject an innocent child who has no choice in the matter, well that just gripes my rear.
  3. Oh, yeah. That thought had occurred to me too. I intended to do a Google search before I posted. But then I forgot to. I think I need more coffee... But I know if I were a journalist using a newly created term that might cause me to look a fool, I would make sure to define it within my article. Something like "The doxon puppy (a cross between a dachshund and a Bichon Frise) blah blah blah." But maybe that's just me... ;)
  4. Oh gosh, I meant to put in a disclaimer that I wasn't being critical about your posting a thread about it. I'm not one for censorship! :) I understand what you mean. It really got under my skin, and I have a tendency to get all loud-mouthed when that happens, so I work to avoid threads that might cause me to say something too harsh. No worries! No apologies necessary! :D
  5. Now why doesn't that surprise me??? As the proud owner of two cutie-pie dachshunds, I am shocked at that spelling! I know it's not the easiest word to spell, and I wouldn't be surprised to see datsun, as I have in pet stores before. But doxon? Don't they have the little red dotted line under their misspelled words? Or, like elegantlion said, Google??? Was the problem perhaps because the spelling was so far from the correct spelling that none of the spell checks could figure it out enough to recommend a proper spelling??? A mystery, for sure!
  6. My stomach turns just thinking about that show. My dh was watching it last night, so I tried to give it a look. Broke. My. Heart. The self-righteous attitudes of the moms toward those teens, just because the teens didn't do something right, bugged the heck out of me. I wanted to slap every one of those mothers who handed over their baby to a reality tv show, knowing full well that they would not be properly cared for. Sure, there are nannies there to make sure none of them are seriously injured. But come on! Totally messing up that baby's routine, taking them away from their parents and all that they know and love, and handing them over to people who admittedly know NOTHING about babies! I tried to ignore this thread because I know how strongly I feel about it. But it keeps popping up, and my stomach turns every time. So I figured maybe if I had my say I could move on a little easier. :o
  7. :grouphug: Just remember, it's not indefinite. There will be a point where the move is complete and you can try to create some semblance of a routine and start feeling like life is back to normal. But I am so very glad dh has found a job, and I truly hope it turns out spectacularly for all of you!
  8. Well maybe I ought to use you as my example to get more decluttering done in my office!! You don't mind if I use you, do you? ;)
  9. No fair! I'm jealous! Actually, I have met two wonderful people from this board, but there are still so many more I would LOVE to hang with.
  10. I think part of the reason why is because many of us who would use a secular board would still end up coming to the main boards to read. Even though I prefer completely secular materials, I still want to keep up with all of what's out there. If you are wanting input on secular materials in particular, start a thread with "secular" in the title. That's like a beacon to the rest of us to make sure we read and respond if we can. As far as the General board (since I just now realized that is where this thread sits), well, I think the name says it all. It's a General board about anything and everything (and nothing, sometimes) anyone may want to talk about. Setting aside a secular board, for as much as I would really like that, would defeat the purpose of a "general" board. I want to second the Denim Jumper board. It's not nearly as active, and there are people homeschooling in many different ways there. But there are certainly enough WTMers there that if we would started posting more, I think it could really develop into a more active community.
  11. That's what we are ending up with. It wasn't really planned, but I like how it's working out. I like spending a little extra time on each period, and little extra depth on American, but still getting two cycles in. Go for it!
  12. Oh, and you have to have 50 posts before your rep to other people will count. Before that, they will still see it as a greyish/blue square. But don't let that stop you! People enjoy rep, no matter what it's worth!
  13. You start with one green square and 10 points. Whenever you get repped enough to have 100 points, you get an additional square, and your rep is now worth 2 points. Every 1000 posts you are worth an additional one point. The stars are ratings of the individual threads. They have nothing to do with rep. No, you don't have the thank the person, unless you really want to. Just bask in the knowledge that you are appreciated! :D
  14. Just bumping this up in case anyone missed it a couple of days ago...
  15. You can only see the last five. Once they're gone, they're gone. You start out with 10 freebie points. The rest are from rep friends. You are allowed a limited amount to give each day. Seems to be about 6 people per day. Once you give that many, you have to refrain from spreading the love for a while. So sad.
  16. To my sweet little doggy: Thank you ever so much for allowing me the opportunity to use my spot carpet cleaner once again. It must have been an overwhelming effort to make it through all 1300 square foot of wood and tile floor in this house, just so you could barf in the one room that has carpet. Your sympathy for the declining self-esteem of the rarely-used carpet cleaner brings tears to my eyes. Or maybe it was the yellow chunks. Either way, bravo! Bravo!
  17. I would choose Lively Latin over LFC any day of the week. My daughter used LFC in 3rd grade, and while she did a lot of memorization, she didn't get much understanding. There was very little translation. Lively Latin seems to include much better explanations and maybe even a little more translation. (It's been a while since I viewed the samples.) After LFC, we switched to Latin Prep. I loved that program, but I really needed to spend a little more time working with dd on other subjects, so we dropped it. Next year, for 6th grade, we will be starting Latin again. I am planning to go back to Latin Prep, since I already have it. But I have been tempted by Lively Latin myself. I like the amount of practice that it gives the student. Latin is so much different than English in so many ways. I really want to know that my daughter has mastered something before we move on to the next new thing. Because Lively Latin is geared towards younger kids, it provides a lot more repetition than most other programs for 6th grade. So I would say a lot depends on your student, and really on you, too. I would venture to guess that YOU would learn more from LL or LP than either of you would learn from LFC. (This is just my opinion, and I know lots of people like this program. Just offering a view from the other side!) So between LL and LFC, I would pick LL any day. Between LL and LP, that has a lot more to do with your individual student.
  18. Yep. You can also request a Paypal debit card, that you can use like a regular debit card and it uses the money from your Paypal account. I don't sell enough to bother with that, but I bet it's really useful for those who do.
  19. Wii do! :D My dd tracks her "fitness age" on the sports game, plus plays a few other games each day for "PE". Right now all we have is Wii Sports, so I have no suggestions for you there.
  20. Oh Doran! You inspire me! I think that today I will aspire to reach 2000 posts, start a thread with a title that makes people think I'm belching, and f@rt a song in your honor!! You are truly a magnificent lady of the magical fruit! I bow to you in reverence! (Plus, I'm letting the gas build up for an explosive song, and BOY is it giving me cramps!)
  21. K12's history is great, but it is almost word for word the same as SOTW. But I liked it because it was much more visual, which my dd prefers.
  22. Now, once you have repped Mindy, you want to start keeping track of how many people you have repped for the day. So the next step is to find one of MY posts and rep me. That way, you will know you have repped two people for the day. Then, just continue up the list of people who responded to this thread, and shortly you will be out of rep for 24 hours. But make sure you find one of MY posts right after you practice on Mindy's. ETA: ;):D:):lol::tongue_smilie:
  23. Back when I was attempting the non-dairy route, I could not find a good soy cheese for the life of me! There may have been one grated Parmesan that wasn't horrible, but I think it just tasted more like salt than cheese. I decided I would rather completely do without cheese than eat that soy stuff. So yeah, YUK!
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