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Everything posted by genie

  1. We can leave 6 reps per 24-hour period. If you use all 6 reps each day, you will be able to re-rep a person within 8 days.
  2. One more thing, don't forget to sign your name to your rep, because otherwise it's anonymous! ;)
  3. I've never gotten that when it was someone I haven't repped before. Hmmmm. Very odd. For Myra, here's a link that will explain rep for you.
  4. I think it is written out in the "Everything you ever wanted to know about rep" post that is a sticky on one of these boards. It was also discussed quite a bit when we switched over to this new board format. Plus, I've observed it in my rep points on the User CP. :)
  5. Not quite. You only get additional squares from being repped by others. So your squares are truly for quality. Your additional POINTS are for quantity. I have 4 squares, so that means I've earned at least 300 rep points. For those squares, I'm worth 4 points. But I have also posted over 2000 posts, so that earns me an additional 2 points when I rep someone. But that doesn't appear in my squares. So if you want to know how many points someone is worth, count their squares and add 1 for every 1000 posts. Make sense?
  6. My thoughts on this are that you will have a different answer based on the type of system you were raised with. We only had window units, so we would turn it UP (from medium to high, for example) if we wanted it colder. My dh had a thermostat, so he would turn it DOWN (the lever on the thermostat) if he wanted it colder. Just a theory...
  7. It wouldn't be scientific if it weren't peer reviewed! :) Glad to see your research showed the same.
  8. I can consistently rep 6 people per 24-hour period. Sometimes I have to wait until 9 pm to have more available, so if you get the 24-hour warning, it doesn't mean you're done for the day, just that you have used it all up for the previous 24-hour period. If you make sure you rep 6 people every 24-hour period, you should be able to re-rep a person after 8 days. I hope my neuroticism is helpful to those of you who are less retentive than I. :D
  9. Also, remember that just because you run out doesn't mean you're done for the day. It's based on a 24-hour period, not a calendar day. And if you give out all your rep each day (6 per day) you will be able to re-rep a person after 8 days.
  10. I'm consistently able to give 6 per 24-hour period every day. (Yes, I'm a nerd, I keep notes.) :D
  11. No, running out is good! It means you're spreading it well! You don't want to end up in deep rep, do ya?
  12. No worries! I had way more posts than you before I even got my first rep! There are no losers here!! We're all winners!! :grouphug:
  13. I love getting rep almost as much as I love giving it! I understand that some people rarely check their rep, but as one of those who gives it (and gives it a lot!) I'd be sad to know someone didn't read my gesture of kindness. It's like a gift that gets lost behind the couch or something. :o (Which is still way better than an Easter egg - the real kind - that once did when I was growing up. It was found months later when we moved the couch... and accidentally crushed it. :bored:) I happen to check mine often because I use my User CP quite a bit to read new posts in my subscribed threads. Even if I had to click a separate page to view them, I still would because I'd hate to miss a sweet word someone wanted to share with me. :)
  14. As a side note for the other Joss Whedon fans, did you know Once More, With Feeling came in 13th in a BBC Channel 4 poll of the greatest musicals ever, beating such classics as Les Miserables, Cabaret, Jesus Christ Superstar, A Chorus Line and Godspell. You can check out the poll results here.
  15. I never did get to see RHPS at a theater, but I would have liked to. These days, if I had the opportunity to attend something like it, I would give anything to go to Buffy: The Musical "Once More, With Feeling". There was crowd participation just like RHPS, but it's Joss the Boss. What more could one want? Unfortunately it was halted at about the same time as the writers' strike due to royalty issues (I think).
  16. There was a time where I strongly considered something like this for one of my dogs. She was hyper hyper hyper! Luckily, she's calmed down immensely as she's gotten older.
  17. In the box on your User CP where your rep comments show up, in the upper right corner will be your total number of points. Everyone starts out with 10. :)
  18. And tight jeans, a wife-beater top, and all those muscles?!?!
  19. Well, I do like to be correct! :D But hasn't curriculum also gotten to that point? At least on homeschooling boards? I doubt anyone misunderstands what one means when using curriculum to refer to particular materials. I understand having certain things you refuse to say. It still bothers me to end a sentence with a preposition, even though it seems to be perfectly acceptable by most standards these days. I also vary my style depending on if I'm writing a business letter or just chatting on these forums (fora :)). Because the latter implies that you will be going to Disney World full of hope?
  20. Well, I just read your other reply about selling it. My dd needs braces desperately, so I would strongly consider that option too if it were available to me. :o
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