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Everything posted by genie

  1. I'm so glad I don't live in hurricane-prone areas anymore! We had three pass over our county in 2004, and we kept our power each time. It was actually pretty cool to be able to watch the news and track it as the eye passed right over us. One of the times we even drove back to our house (we had been evacuated) during the eye. In retrospect that might not have been the smartest thing to do, but it was the third one in less than that many months, and we were SICK of evacuating and just wanted to be home. Stay safe! Keep in touch!
  2. Post at least nine more times before you give more out. ;)
  3. And as fans of , we also find ourselves not liking it much. :o (Although most people wouldn't consider it family entertainment)
  4. Sorry, Officer, I have no idea what you're talking about? We're just sweet little innocent girls. We don't know how to get out of hand.
  5. It's an incredible feeling isn't it? On July 28th, I knocked up FOUR people, some that I didn't even realize were that close! Yowza!! I like days like that! :D:D:D
  6. One way is to go to Members List and click Reputation. That will sort people by the number of rep points they have. If scroll through the list, you will see who is closest to another square. Sometimes I just like to find people who are next in line for a new square and knock 'em up. Fun stuff! :D
  7. I missed the party. But thanks for thinking of me! :grouphug:
  8. You ARE special, just like everyone else! ;) And apparently in a few ways unlike everyone else. :D
  9. No apparently we can all once again see him. But you were quite possibly one of the privileged few who could still see him while he was otherwise invisible to the rest of us. So now that makes me wonder exactly how special you are! :tongue_smilie:
  10. They are! Even the ones in this thread! Okay. I think I need more coffee!
  11. So that link gave you a list of posts? Have we entered the Twilight Zone? :lol:
  12. I see his post COUNT still being there, but even threads that he started, his posts are completely missing (even though it will list Phred as the author). Can you actually click and see some of his posts? This is strange! :confused:
  13. :D It follows him wherever he goes. He's apparently quite irresistible. :D
  14. That could be said about almost every thread here, though, couldn't it? ;)
  15. I don't think she meant that. I think she meant, and I KNOW I did, that AC on a post would imply discussion of a topic from an atheistic viewpoint, with the assumption that deities don't exist. Not to debate whether deities exist, nor to insult those who believe that they do. A non-atheist would be welcome to post, but I don't know that many could stay on-topic if they didn't agree with the original premise.
  16. (You pulled me right back into posting, Colleen!) I hope nothing I've said is coming off as implying that I think my rights are being diminished. I don't even think that's what Parabola is saying. It's not a question of rights being diminished, but more along the lines of "Could we do the same here?" Is this board big enough to have threads devoted entirely to Christian content alongside threads devoted entirely to atheist content (and clearly labeled as such) and coexist peacefully? That's, I think, the question being asked now. And as that relates to the original question, I think (and hope) that the reactions Phred gets to his posts are because of his style, not simply the non-religious nature of them.
  17. Did he? I really thought I remembered him saying something more along the lines of "If you don't like atheist content, you probably don't want to read this." Oh well. It's gone now. And I really should be doing something other than posting all afternoon. :tongue_smilie:
  18. I can imagine the possible confusion with the thread a couple of weeks ago... "Am I turning my Atheist Content UP or DOWN when I want it cooler?" :lol:
  19. There have been similar situations where there would be a big thread about Something, and then a new thread would come up with the title "Am I the only one who doesn't like Something". Then that person would get raked over the coals for being critical of the first thread. Those threads often get deleted. But I am seriously curious, would Christians have a problem with "AC" being used on thread titles as a heads up in similar manner to "CC"? (If the posts were less inflammatory than the one currently being discussed.) I know not everyone (Christian or not) cares for the CC designation, but it seems to be used often enough. Would AC bother people?
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