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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. My dd is 5 and these were some of our favorites this year we read: Charlotte's Web My Father's Dragon Magic Treehouse
  2. Here is mine. I will be up all night looking at everyone's boards. =) http://pinterest.com/kristenhartley/
  3. I am spending my weekend organizing my recipes. I am planning on using some photo albums and index cards. I am wondering if anyone has a really cool system that they use?
  4. Oh this sounds really good! Putting it on my list!
  5. I made these the night before my dd's preschool graduation and they were yummy!!!
  6. This is so so sad!! The saddest thing is that it can be simply prevented. =(
  7. So, so sad!! Praying that God will still provide for this family!!
  8. Are you reading OPGTR right out of the book? We struggled at first, but I started to write everything on a whiteboard. One word at a time and one sentence at a time. She does not read anything out of the book. I think that all of those words on one page is way too intimidating. It made a world of difference! She really enjoys the short lessons. If a lesson is too long, I will split in into two days. Another suggestion I have is to do it daily, even if you only do 10 min each day. We have really fallen in love with OPGTR. We are more than half way through now. HTH, Kristen
  9. Thanks everyone!! I did just find it on their website and it said that they only sell the readers at the conventions. Does anyone happen to know if they give a discount at the conventions as well as free shipping?
  10. at the conventions? Or can you only order it?
  11. :001_huh::blink::eek: OH MY GOSH!!!! I am gald they are OK, so I can :lol: now. Too funny!!
  12. :iagree: Whenever my dd starts getting emotional over anything on FB, I make her take a break for a while. It is definitely a lot tougher being a teenager today with all of this technology. EVERYONE knows EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY in a matter of minutes. It's sad. =(
  13. =( I think we will be pulling out some books today too!
  14. Sending up prayers for your sweet little guy!! Thanks for sharing his story on caringbridge. I will continue to check his updates and continue to pray for healing and peace for all of your family!
  15. Praying he just got held up at work!! Praying for him when he gets home too!!
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