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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. cheap literature study guides?? I looked on Amazon and they are so expensive.
  2. Thanks so much for all of the ideas everyone!! I am going to check out all of the resources that you have given me.
  3. I do not want to fork out the money to purchase curriculum for half a year. I have got Biology covered and I am planning on using Khan Academy to finish out Algebra 1. Does anyone have any ideas for English 1 and Geography??? Maybe something online?
  4. My dd is using RS A for K and it is a perfect fit! I feel like she is quite smart and picks things up pretty quick, but she would not have been able to REALLY pick this up before now. However, all kids are different.
  5. I would love to hear about the French program that you are using!
  6. :auto:Quick, get away!!!!:lol::tongue_smilie: I feel for you! I HATE being sick! I pray that it does not spread!
  7. Thanks so much everyone!! I think that we will sit down with her and make a final decision tomorrow. I will be back to get advice on what to do from there..... =)
  8. I was totally decided and now I am having second thoughts. My dd 15 went to public high school this year. She wants to come home. I am happy that she wants to come home, but I told her that she needed to finish out the year since she is 3/4 of the way through. She really wants to come home now. Pros: She would be at home, I wouldn't have to drive 30 miles a day anymore to get her there and back, it wouldn't break up our homeschool day with my K'er anymore and I wouldn't have to get up and take her to school at 6:30 anymore. Cons: I have no idea where to start with her 3/4 of the way through the year and I would have to find curriculum to finish up. Her reasons for wanting to come home: The DRAMA that she hears all day, bad language and dirty talking and kids having sex etc...... She is not being bullied or being harmed in any way. So, what would you do???? Would you make her stay and finish out or let her come home?? BTW, she is a freshman.
  9. I think it is up to the parents that need the babysitter to provide the ride.
  10. I just love this post! Very motivating! I think that I will sit down and write my own list. Thanks for sharing! =)
  11. Well we have, but our son dated his daughter for a few years. Otherwise, we probably would not have ever been there. We have quite a large church. I do not think that a pastor has to open his home. Pastors are so busy all the time, I think that home should be the one place that they can just relax.:)
  12. Well, I am pro YG. I think it is important for youth to have relationships with other Christians their age. I will say that we have been blessed with great Youth Pastors and leaders though. However, I would not be happy if I found out that my kids were playing Call of Duty at church!!
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