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Everything posted by mamaof2andtwins

  1. Personally, I wouldn't use them together. I would just use R&S English 3. If you feel you need some more writing add in some copywork and dictation. Jennie
  2. Have you tried doing a search? I know that people have painstakingly responded to this question in many different places before. If you look, and can't find what you are looking for let us know. Jennie
  3. Yes, all they are selling is just the single light unit listed as an elective. If you went to the Language arts 500 page, you can by the light units individually there as well. Jennie
  4. Cindy, I don't see a problem with continuing to move forward with a specific vocabulary program if she has finished through 6th grade. I think it would be logical to move her to a 7th grade book, and so on as she finishes each book. Jennie
  5. Tami, Have you looked at the scope and sequence? I will be honest. Even though we have used all of the books through 8th grade I do sometimes skip some of the writing. I don't have my kids write a speech or do an interview. I think this is because my son struggled so much with how to get started with a writing assignment that I just dropped it. In the 3rd grade level they do write reports, and I do have them do that. There is a research paper in 5th and 8th grade. We do those. I really recommend that a child do the 5th grade research paper first even if they aren't in 5th grade because it really holds the child's hand through the process. Then they are better prepared to write the 8th grade paper. I didn't have my dd do the 5th grade research paper until this year when she was in 7th grade. It worked out very well. My son, the struggling writer, attempted the 8th grade research paper, and he never finished it. He needed more hand holding. Next year will be our first year with the high school level material. I know the English 1 has an essay light unit. I think this should go well for us, but I think the second one is a speech. I am a little more apprehensive about that. Jennie
  6. I am perfectly content using CLE for math, reading and language arts. We have used it for the past 3 years. The first year we used just language arts. Then the second year we used language arts and reading. This year we added math to the other two. I am extremely happy to have consistancy in this part of our homeschooling. Jennie
  7. I don't dislike anything about it. However, my daughters think that the time limit for the speed drills are too short in the 3rd grade material. In the 3rd grade material they are given 1 minute for 36 problems. So, I just give them 2 minutes. After all, I am the teacher. I need to make the decisions as I see fit. My children have no problem with the spiral method. I use it with three different grade levels. We have used it for 1 year now. Jennie
  8. I know some of you have been keeping up with my daughter's adventures into horsemanship. She had a 4-H clinic and training show on Saturday. I put pictures and a brief description of the day up on my blog. Horse show On advice from her instructor we entered her in the junior division. Her instructor felt that novice might not be enough of a challenge for her. I entered her in fitting and showing and she had never done it before. She also competed in English equitation and English pleasure. She did fantastic. I learned a ton especially on how to work as a team. :) We had quite a day. Thanks for reading. Jennie
  9. I wouldn't compare what you do to the rest of us or anyone else. We each have different circumstances and children and personal preferences. We should each use what we are most comfortable with and what suits our schools the best. Jennie
  10. :iagree: I was also going to recommend that if you chose not to find another troop that you and your dh be present for everything and dh goes camping with his son. Jennie
  11. We used them this year with ds and dd. Neither child really cared for them, and I didn't either. They weren't bad, but they were a struggle for my son who can't just pop writing ideas out of his mind. My dd didn't like some of the assignments as they were "goofy". My son needs more of a step by step approach. The comprehension questions were a little light. The writing selections were fine for my dd's writing level and ability. I am contemplating selling mine and going with Progeny Press next year. Also, I should mention that we only use the full length books as dd and ds have reading/lit books that they use as well. Jennie
  12. I have been saying this to anyone who will listen for a few years. No one seems to believe me. I did a google search on grade inflation. Wow! There are a lot of articles out there. Now, I just have to find the time to read them all. Jennie
  13. Ah, I found it. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92484&highlight=CLE&page=2 Take care, Jennie
  14. Faithe, I wish these forums were easier to search. I looked and I can't seem to find it. I will look again though. Jennie
  15. Well first do you want a workbook style or a textbook style? We used R&S and I got very weary of the textbook style. I like the workbook style of CLE. Second, do you want lessons that are almost all one topic with some review or a lesson that is a short topic and then a review that is a mix of a lot of things. Those were the two major differences that swung me over to CLE. I just didn't like lessons that had 15 diagramming examples. Granted they did not come up with great regularity, but it was a lot. My son struggled with English, so I had to sit with him through the lesson and all the examples in R&S. He seemed to do much better with CLE. Jennie
  16. I get me CAT from Seton and my PASS from Hewitt Homeschool Resources. Jennie
  17. Faithe, I posted the list of authors from the lit book in another post. I will see if I can find it an link it here. As I recall it is a mix. I can tell you that the last unit is Pilgrim's Progress. I will look for that post. Jennie
  18. I prefer CLE. I have used R&S. I still prefer CLE. Jennie
  19. :iagree: Me, too! I understand some people just metabolize the caffeine quickly and it is of no effect. Jennie
  20. We are goin to be using English 1 (first half) and Literature 1 (first half) next year. They are set up just like the grade 1-8 language arts and reading. I think we will like them, but I can't write a review yet as we have not used them. Jennie
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