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  1. Hugs to you Rosie! I have been on these boards since the very first board, but mostly just lurk. I had to come out of lurkdom to offer my condolences. You have touched me and my family in so many ways over the years through your posts. I only wish that there was something I could offer that would be helpful to you in some way. My heart is with you and your family at this time.
  2. I'm usually just a long time lurker, but this made me smile and I had to post! I voted "use the neighbors trash can" because you, or any of my neighbors, are welcome to throw the doo-doo in my trash can any day of the week! Although, in real life, in that situation, I probably would carry it home for fear that my neighbor might be offended, lol!
  3. do you have cats? Do they drink from the sink? They could be dropping flea dirt. We're going thru a flea problem right now and its happening here....... I hope you figure it out.
  4. Several years ago, one morning, i let her out of her kennel and there were 4 beanie babies vomited up. Yuck! I wondered how in the heck she could possibly swallow 4 beanie babies whole, and where in the world did she get them, since my kids had no beanie babies.....lol She was fine for the rest of the day, then the next day started with vomiting and not eating. Needless to say the day after that I was signing a check for a $1400 exploratory surgery.......................... Still have no clue where the beanie babies came from, we just assumed that someone threw them in our yard and we didn't notice them........ She wasn't a chewer at all. She would lick things, get em good an soggy, then swallow............. Most of the time they get those things out the back end without a problem, but sometimes they're not so lucky. I hope all goes well!!!!!
  5. Hi everyone, It's good to be back on these boards. I've been a member since the old days, ten years or so, when the first edition WTM came out and I started homeschooling my oldest dear children. WTM was the reason I pulled them out of public school back then. Long story short,we have 4 kids: dd 20 (in college), ds 18 (senior in ps), ds 10 (just took him out of ps after 2 1/2 years to homeschool again) , and ds 2 (the definition of boybarian). For many reasons, including multiple hurricanes I will not name, dh and I sent our kids back to ps, and I had to return to work full-time. Circumstances have changed for the better, and we've recently moved from the coast of SE LA (near New Orleans) to North Central Mississippi-- right smack-dab in the middle of nowhere.lol For the first half of the school year ds attended the local public school, and though I was thoroughly impressed with the school, and pleased with it both academically and socially........ ds and I couldn't resist the itch....... We are homeschoolers again, Yay!!!!!! And I'm back where it all started for me, here on these boards! Gosh I didn't intend on this post being so long! Sorry Thanks, Vicky
  6. I haven't read all of the replies on this post yet, but this topic is very interesting to me. When my two oldest children were homeschooling I focused alot on their weaknesses. For instance, my ds was very weak in writing but above average in math. I focused on bringing his writing up to what "I thought" was average, and kept him at grade level in math. I did the opposite with my ds who was strong in Language arts and weak in math. I regret doing this, because I don't think it helped either. Both are still weak in their weaknesses, and still do well in their strong areas. But I wonder what they could've done in their strong areas if I had given them more time and let them prosper a bit more. I've changed the way I do things with my younger son. He's strong in math, and weak in writing like his older brother. But this time, I accept "good enough" in language arts, and push him a bit harder in math and science. I don't think any of us really ever find that happy medium in what we expect from our children. But, that's my goal.
  7. Wow! What a great question. I need help with this too. thanks everyone for the helpful ideas. The hardest thing for me about organizing is letting go of the books and curriculu I no longer need! Good luck!
  8. I am so sorry for your loss! There are no words....
  9. Great site Thanks! I've been looking for some extras for the upcoming year!
  10. I adore him! I was upset when my 7yo ds stopped watching Sponge Bob. I now watch it on my own.... oh, well
  11. The boards first started around the time I started homeschooling. I'd say around 7 years ago give or take a few months. Gosh have I been homeschooling that long? Vicky
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