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Lovin Learnin

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Everything posted by Lovin Learnin

  1. I am in the same situation. I am an introvert and dd is an extreme extrovert. Like your dd, my dd NEEDS to be with others. She NEEDS constant interaction. This can be difficult because I recharge by being alone and she recharges by being with others. I work hard at not making her feel I don't want to be with her all the time, but it's work. She's pushing me out of my comfort zone but it's well worth it. :) She went to school K-3 and we're just ending our first year homeschooling. She misses seeing her friends daily, but we try really hard to keep her in touch with her established relationships from school (there were many so this is hard). We also keep her involved in outside activities (youth orchestra, piano, GS, community theater, dance, softball). This morning, as she was reflecting on our year together, she asked me if I thought homeschooling was best for her. I deflected the question and asked for her opinion. Surprisingly, she said she loves homeschooling because she would never have the academic opportunities she has now and she wants to hs through high school. Even though she doesn't see her friends everyday she wouldn't change a thing. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised. Keep her home. She (and you) will find ways to keep her engaged.
  2. No, we are not using MCT this year. We did like it though. We used Island and Town this year and dd did very well with the grammar and vocabulary, but I didn't feel like there was enough structure with the writing either. For this coming year I bought R&S English. I'm looking forward to this because I would like her to begin traditional diagramming. We'll stick with CE for vocabulary and, as you know, we're trying to decide between CW and CC for writing. Am I missing anything for language arts?? I sure hope not. I second guess myself at every turn.
  3. Ok SaDonna, it looks like you and I are going to take this journey together. I have a copy of Corbett's book in my cart on Amazon but I've held off buying it because I'm hoping to score one at the thrift store (one can hope, right?). I'm excited that you're excited so I think I'll just have to go ahead and get it, along with CC Narration. I still have CW Homer A and I plan to start the year with that so you will just have to keep me informed on how CC is working for you. Maybe we can support each other for the next few years through the progym. :001_smile:
  4. LOL! I have a new perspective on the Wizard of Oz myself. Wicked is awesome and dd and I are obsessed. The rest of the family is tired of the soundtrack and the singing around here! I'm really hoping someone here has used CC and can give us the heads up or, ideally, a comparison to CW. I really want to see the Narration level but I don't want to buy it if I'm not going to use it. Probably not possible, though.
  5. Have you had a chance to compare the two programs side by side? I really vacillated between the two and wound up buying Homer A, but I've been thinking of getting CC Narration also. I would like to know which one is best for us before we hit the next level (Chreia/Maxim). Dd is a pretty good writer already and picks up concepts quickly. My one fear is that CW will move much slower than we'll need.
  6. Great! Thanks for doing that. I'm glad it wasn't much of a hassle for anyone.

  7. Our plan is to do both NEM and AoPS Pre-Algebra this year. Of course, I'm the queen of indecision.
  8. Precisely why I'm going broke. Even though we liked MCT writing I just have to try CW for myself to see if it's better.
  9. I'm in the same boat. We used Island and Town this year and while dd learned a lot, especially in grammar, we are moving on. This year we will continue with CE for vocab (LOVED it) but I've decided to use R&S English. For writing we'll try CW Homer and I'm two seconds from purchasing Classical Compositions, too. I really like the looks of the progym and want to compare the two programs before we commit long term. Truthfully, I'm a "grass is always greener" person so I struggle with saying anything is perfect or even good enough. Plus I read these boards too much. If CW or CC are not what they're cracked up to be we will likely return to MCT next year. Maybe. :)
  10. LOL! I actually did the same thing. I'm really not sure about the process for changing your name but I would probably start with the moderator. Who would have thought that two of us would come up with such a strange name.

  11. No problem. As long as folks don't mix us up it's all good!


    Once I figure out how to accept your friend request I will. Hopefully it won't be too difficult. :)

  12. Wow! I could have written this word for word. I've already decided not to get the poetry book for next year since we barely did it at all this year. Love CE so we'll definitely continue with that, and I just bought Lightning Lit 7. My father (a former college English prof) started teaching her writing with WriteShop so we'll continue using that next year making Essay Voyage unnecessary. But I'm intrigued by your comment about your dd hitting a wall with prepositions at about sentence 65 of Town. My dd did the exact same thing, making me wonder if there is something to that. In the end I've decided to take at least a year off of MCT and try R&S English next year for grammar.
  13. :scared: Honestly, any of those kids could suffer some sort of psychological distress due to this drill. I personally would have a hard time going back into the building, even after finding out it was just a drill. Your autonomic system does not wait 10 min to make sure this is a "real" threat before it puts you into panic mode. Those poor kids.
  14. :iagree: i tried to warn my mother, who hadn't seen the movie, not to read the book. She read it anyway and now blames me for how disturbing it was.
  15. My first two are 16 months apart and number 3 came along 8 years later. The biggest issue is that my little thinks she is a teenager and feels very comfortable hanging out with her brothers and their friends. This was true even when she was much younger and it's something I have to watch. My middle and little do fight on occasion. As a pp said, I would find myself asking middle why he felt the need to argue with his baby sister. Now, however, I find that she is more often the instigator and I have to reel her in. I have no regrets having them spread so far apart. It wasn't intentional (didn't think we could have more) but I can't imagine life without her. As my only girl, we have the time and desire to do special things together. I say go for it!
  16. A few months after my grandmother passed away I was watching TV with my very young sons and I got a strong whiff of my grandmother's perfume. I immediately thought to myself "Awww...Gran is here with us." At the exact same moment my ds, who was 4 yrs old at the time, said to me, "Mommy, you know that man I was named after?" I was confused but figured out it was my dad (their names are very similar) who had died many years before ds was born. Ds goes on to say, "That man I was named after is here right now." I asked if he could see him and he said yes he could, and then proceeded to point to the location where he was standing. When I explained to him that the man he was named after was his grandfather, he said "When grandpa died he gave his powers to me." Whoa! I was seriously freaked out and changed the subject. Ds has not had a similar experience since. I often wonder if both my grandmother and my father were there that day since I sensed her and ds sensed him. On another note, I lost my brother last year and a few months later I was sitting at a stop light, glanced in my rear view mirror, and there he was! The man in the car behind me looked exactly like my brother. I made my children turn around to look at him and we were all dumbfounded.
  17. My oldest drinks milk all the time. It was a real eye opener for us when he left for college and we dropped close to 3 gallons a week from our grocery bill. Middle drinks it with cereal or when he has a sweet dessert. Youngest doesn't drink cows milk at all, but she and I just discovered that we like almond and coconut milk. I'm not a milk drinker and I do not force, or prevent, any of my children from drinking it.
  18. I would have made pasta as my quick, go-to meal. We're having breaded pork chops with scalloped potatoes and roasted asparagus.
  19. And once our elected official has produced said document how many times have we asked for additional proof?
  20. First off, thanks for you long, well-thought post, but I think the whole issue is that he DID squish the birth cert issue in 2008. The problem is that he was forced to go above and beyond by showing his long form, making the state of Hawaii do for him what they don't do for anyone else. Why is it okay for anyone to say, "Yea, we saw your state-certified birth cert but it's just not enough"? YOU need further proof.
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