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Lizzie in Ma

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Everything posted by Lizzie in Ma

  1. This has been a game changer for my dd who was prone to awful uti's. She takes it daily. https://www.amazon.com/D-Mannose-1000mg-Organic-Cranberry-Concentrate/dp/B01MR7Y7AS/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia?crid=152PJHYNFX8LU&keywords=d+mannose&pd_rd_i=B01MR7Y7AS&pd_rd_r=02dd8e74-89f7-48f3-bba5-2403da6d3d42&pd_rd_w=IUz5Q&pd_rd_wg=j1lLI&pf_rd_p=f0479f98-a32d-45cd-9c12-7aaced42b1ec&pf_rd_r=H5ZM82DNGH8AY2Q4680B&qid=1558866520&s=gateway&sprefix=d+man%2Caps%2C147 the science is still slim on it, but my dd's gyn approved of it. https://www.healthline.com/health/d-mannose-for-uti#research
  2. No There are types of groups and people I find distasteful, but I don't personally hate anyone. When I was younger I had stronger feelings, but as I get older, I find I just don't have the energy to put into things I can't control.
  3. Not much yet, but they've been turned over, enhanced and planted. brussell sprouts, french breakfast radishes, baby spinach, and sugar snap peas are in!
  4. We added the Fubo app for $30 a month for regular tv. Otherwise you have to add apps and sign into your cable tv account which kind of defeats the purpose of cord cutting
  5. That is why I posted too.
  6. My heart went out to you on this one. We got a Catahoula mix to be our youngest's therapy dog. We socialized like crazy, we trained, we worked with him every single day. We had him on anxiety meds. He had specialized training and was 100% on every command with voice or gesture. He was a blessing to us and our daughter in every way. We adored him more than I can ever tell you. He was sweet and funny and loving and the perfect therapy dog. Around 5 months, he started to react to people differently. Sometimes strangers, sometimes people he knew and liked. His hackles would go up and he would lunge at them. We actually had to get rid of the in home therapist, because he totally hated her and then Jenna didn't trust her because of it. We began to put him in PLACE any time someone other than family would come in and usually he was fine after a bit. But the behavior continued. We took him to our vet several times for complete work ups, we spoke with his trainer, we did everything right. Everything. And yet he still had some scary behaviors and there were some near misses. Then one morning, my husband bent down to pat him, as all of us did a million times a day, and the dog lost it and savaged his arm. Our default had always been, well, he'd never hurt one of us. But he did, badly. And my prayer was thank God it wasn't Jenna. We called everyone. the vet, the trainer, the place we adopted him from. Everyone assured us that we had done every single thing right. The lady at the rescue said that every once in awhile a puppy is born who isn't quite right and you don't generally know it until it's too late. We agonized over what to do. We ended up raising $5,000, (fully half was given by our precious oldest daughter from her wedding money) and we took him to Spirit Animal Sanctuary in New York where he will live out his life. We couldn't have him put down. it would have sent youngest back to inpatient. And frankly, none of us are over it yet and we still wonder if somehow we could have kept him. Jenna and I literally cried ourselves to sleep for months. We all felt he couldn't go to anywhere that would have the goal of adopting him out. We know he is happy there, we get regular updates but it is really hard. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire dog owning life and it almost sent Jenna back into inpatient. That dog was the only thing she lived for, her only reason, for many months. He saved her life. I am writing to share this because sometimes, apparently, you can do everything right and it still doesn't work out. And I am sorry and I hope you are able to figure it out.
  7. these https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IRHUV6A/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. How about a book by Nathaniel Philbrick if he enjoys McCoullough? My mom loves both authors. https://www.nathanielphilbrick.com/books/
  9. I have been going to church alone for awhile now. I had to leave the church dh still goes to, long story, but it is a place that's environment became toxic for me. I didn't go for several years until dh was invited to play at this new one and I went with him and fell in love with the sheer absolute presence of God there. It is a church for broken people, people who have been hurt by church, addicts, people I feel Jesus probably would have hung out with. In time I hope dh will join me but it isn't easy for him as he is worship leader at the old one. Not a fan of doing things on my own, but best decision I made in years. I hope you are blessed this morning and I look forward to hearing how it went. ❤️
  10. My girls loved them around that age. I used to have a link with some beautiful ones and can't find it, but there are some nice ones here.. http://www.free-paper-dolls.com/FreePrintablePaperDolls.html
  11. I am so sorry that happened to you! How awful. Hope insurance takes care of your car. You should absolutely follow up with a doctor. You are going to be sore for awhile.
  12. My MIL just finished treatment for breast cancer and now they found a tumor in her lung and have biopsied it and it is also cancer. She NEVER remembers what the doctor says to her or the names of anything and won't let anyone go with her or write it down. It is maddening. All we know is she will be having more treatment and no freaking details.
  13. Guidelines for the one I bought were 10% of body weight plus a pound. Got a 15 lb twin size and it is perfect for my daughter and she adores it. wish I could have afforded one sooner. Can you exchange it?
  14. my latest find, amazing https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Lipp-Moisturizer-Breastfeeding-Eyelashes/dp/B00871DGVO/ref=asc_df_B00871DGVO/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312198268477&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4165746655430876142&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002086&hvtargid=pla-432166625707&psc=1
  15. Photograph the damage and leave name and number
  16. Oh no! I hate burns, they hurt more than anything! My family would be the exact same way though. 😉
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