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  1. Thanks everyone for all your suggestions and encouragement, so DH and I decided that we are going to go ahead and homeschool. I will look into all your advice and plan my curriculum in the next few weeks. I am so excited and nervous at the same time.
  2. I am currently afterschooling my DS who is in 3rd grade. He recently announced that he wants to be homeschooled. I would love to homeschool him, but have one big issue that is stopping me and DH from doing ahead. We are first generation south Asian family living in USA now. Our English is not good at all. We speak basic English with an accent. We also don't use fancy vocabulary, just the basics for communication. So I am not really confident in myself. I don't think home will provide a enriched environment for learning English the correct way. So I am so confused. Is there anyone in my situation who have come up with some creative solution for this problem.
  3. Thank you so much. We stained the onion cells and saw the nucleus. Then we did the same for cork cell and got a bit confused why there was no nucleus. Now we know. Thanks again.
  4. Why doesn't cork cell show nucleus when stained with iodine? I am thinking because it is all dead cell. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  5. Had to share this. I went on a field trip with DS to a nature walk in a resource. The first thing the guide did was talk about safety and showed the stinging nettles and how not to walk into the nettles. Not even a second after the guide finished talking about the nettles, DS walked straight into a stinging nettle bush. What can I say.
  6. The answer was 70 I am not sure how to draw the model here, but Vivian had 5 units and Irene 1 unit When Vivian gave Irene 20 stickers, Vivian had 4 units and Irene had 2 units which is twice as many for Vivian than Irene. So one unit is 20 stickers. So in total now Vivian had 80 stickers So 80-10=70 Which is what Pam has
  7. This is a problem from book 4 Vivian has 5 times as many stickers as Irene. After giving 20 stickers to Irene, Vivian has twice as many as Irene, and 10 more than Pam. How many stickers does Pam have? Does anyone know how to solve this using the bar model.
  8. Thanks you so much. I will link up next week too.
  9. That is a good idea winter. Maybe we can start one here. Jen I love your blog, have been reading all your posts lately. Great work.
  10. Does any of the blogs do a weekly report of afterschool activity. I would love to start something like this in my blog and looking for inspirations. Is there a place where you can read and share these reports.
  11. Can you please share your favorite book report templates for elementary students.
  12. Thanks everyone, for making me feel normal. People look at me like crazy when I say I don't want to live in a big house. The average sq ft in my area is 2800. Everyone keeps telling me I am going to hate his house. All I need is a decent living space, three bedrooms and two bath. and ofcourse I have the basement to store whatever I want to. Living minimal is always good for everyone and the earth. I think I have found my dream house, it need some work, but I can manage. I am very happy
  13. We are thinking about moving to a smaller space. So is 1700sqft a good size for a family of 4.
  14. I would like to join too, I have already send you a friends invitation to your FB profile. This is the perfect timing for me as I am learning about photograph.
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