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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. Dear Hive, I need help! I have a friend who recently came back from a 3 week hospital stay. I want to help out and offered to bring dinners. She's on : High Protein High Potassium High Vitamin K High Iron No Salt No Bread diet So far I came with Kale and White Bean Soup and chicken breast with sauteed spinach. But I really can't imagine how this would taste with no salt whatsoever. Any advice? There are other people with her who will be eating the dinners as well. :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly:
  2. Stacia, re- vegan books. I'm reading/ cooking through Forks Over Knives which have decent recipes. The one I loved was Smitten Kitchen cookbook. While not strictly vegetarian, it has really good recipes. So far I've tried a few : Shaved Asparagus Pizza was delicious as well as Ratatouille Subs. Next I'll be trying Mushroom Bourguignon.
  3. Hi, all! It's been a while! :D I'm still on the Terry Pratchett kick and now reading A Hat Full of Sky. Finished The Perks Being a Wallflower. Loved the movie and was worried that the book will not be as good. Luckily, it wasn't the case. I found it very sweet despite all the "stuff" that was happening. Due to some health problems, I've turned vegan. So, lots of books on Veganism (is that a word?). So far I've read 101 books this year. :willy_nilly:
  4. Yes, I'm taking this one. I've been taking it for a week now and have noticed a steady increase in energy level. Just don't take it before bed - I've read it can give you some crazy vivid dreams.
  5. What a day... We did see the Pediatrician in the morning and for now he asked me to keep a food diary for a month for her. They did urine test and it came back fine. Thank you so much for all suggestions. I will definitely read on them. I've spent most of the day in Urgent Care because my body apparently forgot how to function properly. What a nightmare of a day...
  6. Thank you, Elise in NC, your post was very helpful. I ran to the store after posting this thread and got her Pepto Kids. After she took it, she felt instantly better. :willy_nilly:
  7. LMV, she's 8. No headaches. It usually happens either in the middle of the night or very early in the morning, prior breakfast. She's still within a normal range of weight for her age, very tall. She was the only pregnancy (out of 3) when I had Gestational Diabetes, but everything checked out fine when she was born.
  8. My middle daughter has been having these weird stomach aches for quite a while. It's usually early in the morning, accompanied with nausea, no fever. She feels better after throwing up. At first we thought it was a virus, since the bug was going around. But it would come and go. She is a very sensitive girl too, so anxiety can trigger upset stomach as well as long car trips. She is very skinny. I'm planning to take her to the Pediatrician, but also wanted to ask the Hive. Can it be some sort of food allergy? Or psychological thing? It's VBS week and could be quite overwhelming. I just want to ask our Ped the right questions. TIA! :)
  9. Oh, great! We've run out of lots of things. Time to stock up! :thumbup: P.S. We school year-round-ish.
  10. Heather, I understand. :grouphug: Every time I visit Israel, I get a culture shock. It's not better or worse, it's just very, very different. But really, for me it's not USA thing, it's more a family thing. My parents and I have settled into a long-distance relationship and during the last time I visited, it was an enormous emotional strain on all of us. I haven't visited them for 6 years. I want to go, but every time I think about it, I have a mild anxiety attack. So, no advice here, just hugs. P.S. I can't believe it's been 5 years already! :huh:
  11. I'm still using the system, but changed the notebooks. The soft cover cahier was too big (I think it was 5 by 8), so I bought squared hardcover Pocket size Moleskine and it works great.
  12. Baked asparagus and eggs with Parmesan cheese and coffee with almond milk.
  13. Flow games (there are several), Blendoku is excellent, TanZen, Zentomino, Red Herring
  14. I keep forgetting to post in weekly threads. Read the latest Anne Lamott book "Stitches". Very good, as usual, but short. Finished "I will never be French", recommended in one of the threads. Loved it! Quick read and had me laughing out loud. I'm deep in the Discworld series. I :001_wub: Terry Pratchett. Utilizing the highlight feature of my Kindle to the fullest. :D I can't believe I've read 69 books so far.
  15. Yes. A few years back I had to do an assignment as a part of therapy- to spend a week journaling and writing down the names of all people who hurt me in the past, acknowledging what they did and forgiving them. It was horrible. I could not believe how strong my emotions were, still, towards the bullies. It maybe did make me stronger as I learned to fight back both physically and verbally, but to this day I distrust most people and have a hard time making real friends. When I hear the old argument about being bullied will make you stronger, I always think, "I bet you were a bully". :rolleyes:
  16. I am so sorry, Rosie. :grouphug:
  17. "So, you finally got your boy, huh?!" and variations of such when our son was born. We have TWO girls. c'mon! "When are you going back to work?" - from my career friends. Educating and taking care of my children is my work. :glare:
  18. Crow is a staple in my house. ;)
  19. We exercise and stretch together every morning and study during the evenings massage and trigger point therapy. He's more into hard core stuff, but also does some incredible hot stone massage. I'm into aromatherapy and emotional healing massage. It's a first interest that we share and passionate about and our marriage has never been as strong as it is now. :)
  20. Yes, one of our girls just had it. As the PP's said- quick and violent. Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Don't remember who posted about the Dead Mountain, but THANK YOU! I picked it up yesterday at the library and finished it in one evening. Fascinating stuff! :thumbup:
  22. Let's see... I'm still on a Terry Pratchett kick and am enjoying it tremendously. Read two of his books: Guards!Guards! and Sourcery. Started Wyird Sisters. Also, and this was a quick read, finished Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster. Someone recommended it in a previous 52in52 thread. Loved it! :) Started reading Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner. While I do enjoy his writing style, the subject is not very interesting to me. I'll have to work through it.
  23. THIS with rice and a green salad. :thumbup:
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