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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. Uh-oh. I have The Maze Runner on my nightstand, waiting for it's turn to be read. Should I just save time and skip it?
  2. We do. :001_smile: Check out their blog. They have lots of bloggers travel to their sponsored children and write about their experiences. How did we choose? We prayed, went to the part of their site with children who were waiting for a long time and her sweet face just stood out for us. We knew without a doubt that this girl is the one. :001_smile:
  3. :iagree: a hundred times. It sounds like she's projecting some of her stuff onto you.
  4. Finished The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Cute story, but the writing is... umhmm...lacking. Imperfect Birds by Anne Lamott. Very good. The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa. Short and sweet. I liked it, but the math and baseball were a bit too much for me. ;) Suddenly most of my library requests became ready to pick up, so I'm having a hard time choosing what to read next. Decisions, decisions...
  5. I don't have much advice, just wanted to say I sympathize. :iagree:I have one of those tornado kids, can't imagine having 2. Being outside works well for us.
  6. I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. Thanks, Kalah. :001_smile: He loves coloring and stickers. Maybe I should make it a special read aloud activity.
  8. Wanted to add, "Thank you, Cat!" to the post. :001_smile:
  9. Hmm.. I do have some toddler games on our iPod.
  10. Every time we settle down to read, my 2 year old thinks it's wrestling time. :glare: Before he would listen a bit, get bored and go to his room to play with trains. Now he figured out it's another way to annoy his sisters and me. It drives me insane. I constantly interrupt myself to untangle him from the girls, get him off the bookshelf etc. When he's not doing anything physical, he talks, sings, makes weird noises. :banghead: It's like a switch - I start reading, he starts the shenanigans. No matter how much attention I gave him before, it doesn't matter. The nap time is precious and my only time to have quiet time for myself and recharge. So I don't want to use that time for reading aloud. Please, Hive, help me out! :bigear:
  11. Oh, I'm *so* going to use that one when yet another person asks if my 8 and 6 year old are twins. :glare:
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