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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. OhElizabeth, she does complain about her hand hurting when she writes more than one sentence at a time. Her handwriting is terrible. She still mixes up b and d when she's not concentrating. Also, she puts capital letters in words. Now that I think about it, maybe we do have a problem that doesn't have anything to do with my choice of curricula. :willy_nilly: So. What do you think I should do first? She's always been so bright, I never thought about any learning disabilities. Thanks for recommending that book, btw.
  2. Thank you! I've never heard of this. Sounds really interesting. I've looked at this today. The price is great, but I couldn't find any samples. Also, in their FAQ section, I saw "do to" instead of "due to" mistake, which kind of put me off. ;) Thank you for these links. I'll check them out. :001_smile:
  3. Thank you! That is a great idea. She loves recording her stories on my phone's video camera. :001_smile:
  4. :banghead: My third grader "strongly dislikes" (her words) writing. Just to produce a few sentences is like pulling teeth. She's a great storyteller, but when it comes to put the story down on paper, we have a drama. We use CLE LA which is fine, but doesn't have a lot of writing instruction and 6-Trait Writing with bite-size assignments every day. I've borrowed TWSS SWI Level A and it left us both :001_huh:. We tried WWE in second grade and wasn't a good fit. Now, English is not my first language and I'm not confident in teaching writing at all. I need something either scripted or video lessons. Something that will hold my hand and say, "It's OK, I'll take it from here". :tongue_smilie: Help, Hive! Pretty please?!
  5. Zip bins - This and this Horse Figurines Squinkies and Littlest Petshops Melissa and Doug stickers - they are playing with them right now. These and these.
  6. :lol::iagree: We met on a street. :tongue_smilie: Really. We both lived in Israel at that time. I lived in a new development that had only one bus an hour. Which I missed that day and walked, hoping to catch a taxi. I saw him at a stoplight, in his work van. Our eyes locked and it was definitely The Moment. It was like we already knew each other. :001_smile: He offered me a ride, we exchanged phone numbers and he didn't wait 2 days to call. We've been married for 12 years so far.
  7. Thanks. I don't know, I reread the post and it comes across like a big whiny mess. It's hard to admit that I'm not "just fine, thank you very much".
  8. i don't have anything to add since I don't even own Kindle Fire, but this above made me laugh out loud. :lol: My husband loves his Droid and makes all sorts of jokes about my iPhone. Now, sweet revenge! Marvin, depressed droid! Brilliant!
  9. I prefer honesty. But Rosie has a good point too. Bwahahaha! :thumbup:
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