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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. We had a surprise party when my in laws turned 70. We sent emails/letters to all their friends, asking to write about some funny/touching/memorable things and put all the letters, along with photographs in a big photo album. We did slideshow as well. It was wonderful. They absolutely loved it. :001_smile:
  2. Wow. Potions are HARD! I've practicing that dang Cure for Boils potion for half an hour already. :001_huh:
  3. Wooohooo! :D I'm PatronusLight1745. Go, Ravenclaw! :001_smile:
  4. Taco pizza is really good. We make it with refried beans and usual taco toppings. BBQ chicken with red onions. Just with caramelized onions and goat cheese. Asparagus and feta.
  5. Here you go! http://www.etsy.com/listing/65258021/laundry-and-nudists-8x10-art-print?utm_source=OpenGraph&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share
  6. I'm sorry you're having a rough time, Nakia. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. Stacia, if you like Bulgakov, try reading his "Heart of a Dog" as well. :001_smile:
  8. My husband repairs quite a bit of these. :glare: They are built to be on a completely flat surface. If one or more legs are not level, the doors will not shut all the way, letting the warm air in and causing rust etc. When he adjusts the legs, both doors will shut fine.
  9. Xtramath.com is another good resource for fact memorization.
  10. CHEA convention is $120 for one ticket at the door. That seems pretty outrageous to me.
  11. Not unreasonable at all. We have the same problem. If the kids watch something on Netflix in the morning or play a video game, we're going to have a carpy school day. They have problem concentrating on their work, crabby, whiny etc.
  12. From my experience it's normal. So sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Well, that didn't quite work in the beginning. I needed to be off my parents' neck and a prince charming whom I married turned out quite the opposite. So I ran away and I finished the nursing school and worked a lot. But you are right. I'm extremely fortunate and this was a good reminder. :001_smile:
  14. Yes. I always wanted to be a wife and mom. Ambitious child... ;)
  15. Well, I try to have everything done by the time my husband comes home. He works long hours and I want the time he's home to be our, not stressed time. When the house is cluttered and things still need to be done, I'm stressed too. My kids are young though and we don't have as much schoolwork to do. I like the idea of listing everything you do in a average day and asking his opinion on what can be done to improve. This way it's not "us vs. them" kind of thing, but working as a team. And maybe a little attitude adjustment for him as well. ;)
  16. K9. You can set to block any internet access during the night hours.
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